How to Find Leaked Test Questions and Take Action

No matter how much time is spent creating test questions, test takers can quickly find and share them online.

To help overcome the issue, some exam administrators completely rewrite their exams and even use different question formats. But what happens if those are leaked too?

If the right technology isn’t in place, you’re just reacting and guessing instead of identifying the issue and taking action.


How do test takers find and share your test content?

Home work help sites

Homework help sites like Chegg and Quizlet make it simple to find and share test content.

Most of these sites were originally created to provide learners with access to more educational resources, but they’re easy to exploit for an unfair advantage.

It only takes a few minutes to find answers to test questions

Within minutes, learners can create an account and then find and share test questions and answers.

Even more concerning, exam administrators may even find that their test questions are copied and pasted on these sites in chronological order.

Most homework help sites have SMEs ready and waiting

Homework help sites can have a swarm of subject matter experts (SMEs) that are readily available to help learners get answers to questions, including your test questions.

Even though most of these sites have “integrity policies,” the SMEs are there to help learners, not to enforce academic integrity on the exam admins’s behalf.

How to find leaked test questions on the Internet

To find leaked test questions, exam admins basically have two options:

  1. Manually searching for all of their test questions on the Internet

  2. Automatically searching for all of their leaked test questions with technology

Obviously, manually searching for leaked test questions can be an overwhelming and time-consuming.

But Honorlock’s proctoring platform has technology that can automate this for you. Let’s explore.

What to know about Honorlock’s Search & Destroy™

Honorlock’s Search & Destroy™ technology searches the Internet for all questions used on the exam in a matter of minutes. If it finds leaked exam questions, exam administrators are given simple steps to take control of the situation.

How does Honorlock’s Search & Destroy™ work during proctored online exams?

1. Searches the Internet automatically
Search and Destroy is triggered as soon as Honorlock is enabled for a proctored online exam. In a few minutes, the technology searches the Internet to identify test questions that have been shared online.

2. Admins can review the search results

After the search is complete, admins can review the search results, which show the test questions that are at risk.

3. Take action

With one click, Honorlock’s Search & Destroy provides the ability to send takedown requests (per the Digital Millennium Copyright Act) to the sites displaying their copyrighted test questions. This also gives admins the ability to use these findings to update exam questions as needed.

Other ways to protect your online exams

Honorlock’s Search & Destroy technology is one layer of our advanced online proctoring solution.

Our proctoring software and services combine AI with live proctors to protect online tests while supporting test takers .

Our online proctoring software monitors each test taker for potential academic dishonesty and alerts a live proctor if it detects and potentially dishonest behavior. Then, the proctor can review the situation to determine whether to intervene or not. This approach to online proctoring can provide a less intimidating and non-invasive proctored testing experience for the test taker because they aren’t constantly being watched.

In addition to our blend of AI and live proctors, Honorlock’s online proctoring service and software can:

Our Search & Destroy feature, along with other advanced proctoring features, allows exam admins to take control of online exam integrity and provide test takers with a fair and equitable online test environment.

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How to Create a Fair Test Environment With Educational Technology

4 example scenarios when using ed tech can help create a fair test environment

Ultimately, educators and institutions want to create a better online learning experience for all students. And part of that experience includes creating a fair and equitable testing environment for every student.

We’ll look at four real-life situations and show you how to use innovative educational technology to provide a fair experience for your students.

Scenario 1: The student lives in a busy household

Scenario 2: Students in class have disabilities or conditions

Scenario 3: Religious attire and accessories are worn by students during an exam

Scenario 4: Some students have access to cell phones and additional devices

Example scenario 1: A student living in a busy household

If a student lives in a busy household, it can be difficult to take an online exam in a quiet environment with no other people around them.

This situation can cause anxiety for a student taking an online proctored exam because they probably assume that they’ll be flagged if a family member or roommate walks by the room.

Use LMS exam settings and online proctoring

Students can take the exam at any time

Honorlock’s online proctoring services are available anytime. This allows each student to take the exam at a time that works for them – such as when family members are at work.

Instructors can advise the proctor of accommodations for students

If the instructor is aware of the student’s situation, they can provide the live test proctor with accommodation instructions that allow other people to be in the room and to expect voices and sound.

The instructor can add the guidelines for specific students. With this approach, students won’t need to worry about being flagged if someone walks into the room.

Scenario 2: The student has a disability or condition

About 1 in 5 students have a disability according to the US Department of Education. Disabilities can include physical conditions, visual and hearing impairments, learning disabilities, and other health conditions.

Use online proctoring, exam settings, and accessibletechnology

Allowing accommodations to meet student needs

As mentioned in scenario 1, the instructor can use innovative educational technology to provide specific accommodations for individual students.

Accommodations can vary but here are just a few examples allowing

  • Extended exam time limits and due dates
  • Bathroom breaks as needed
  • Other people in the room to assist the student
  • Assistive technology and devices to be used during the exam

Using platforms that integrate with assistive technology and devices

Assistive technology gives each student a fair opportunity to engage with all software and hardware in the course, regardless of their conditions and disabilities.

A few examples of assistive technology are:

  • Screen readers
  • Assistive keyboards
  • Dictation software (speech-to-text & text-to-speech software)

Honorlock’s online proctoring software is innovative educational technology that is fully ADA accessible and compliant with Section 508 of the Americans with Disabilities Act. It’s also developed and tested to conform to WCAG 2.0 level AA guidelines for accessible use.

Scenario 3: Religious attire and accessories are worn by a student during the proctored exam

Students may choose to wear religious attire and accessories during the proctored exam, such as hats and head or face coverings. However, some online proctoring services may flag students for wearing religious attire, which can cause added stress for the student.

Use Honorlock’s online proctoring services and provide accommodations

Instructors can provide specific accommodations that allow students to wear religious attire during the proctored online exam. This way, students won’t have to worry about being flagged and they can focus on the exam.

Scenario 4: Students with access to multiple devices

If advanced remote proctoring isn’t in place, students can easily use their cell phones or other devices to look up test answers. And if exams are only proctored using AI, such as browser lockdown software, students can still use other devices. This situation creates unfair advantages for students who may have multiple devices.

Use online proctoring to detect cell phones and other devices

Honorlock’s online proctoring software can detect cell phones when students attempt to use them to access test bank content during the exam.

Our proctoring software collects and provides evidence by:

  • Capturing a screen recording and creating a flag in the exam report
  • Sending an audible sound through the secondary device that will be picked up by the student’s computer microphone and audible on the exam recording
  • Alerting a live test proctor to enter the test session and address the situation
  • Providing the evidence to the instructor within the Honorlock dashboard after the proctored exam

Additional ways Honorlock’s online proctoring software helps protect exams and support students

Combining AI test monitoring software and live remote proctors

Honorlock combines AI with human proctors to provide a better testing experience for students. Our approach to remote proctoring provides a less non-invasive test experience for the student because they aren’t constantly watched.

Our proctoring software monitors each student’s online exam session and alerts a live proctor if any potential academic dishonesty is detected. The live proctor can then use an analysis window to review the situation before entering the exam session via chat-box in real-time to address the situation.

Helping reduce student test anxiety

It’s easy to understand why students can experience test anxiety – especially in an online environment when there are potential technology concerns or it may be their first online exam. But in a recent student survey, Honorlock’s combination of AI and live proctors was shown to help reduce student test anxiety.

“The proctor popping in was different than I expected – in a positive way. I imagined them being more strict. I felt that the proctor was helpful and a lot less intimidating than I thought.” – Student quote in a post-exam interview

Training live proctors to support students during times of stress

To further support students, Honorlock’s full-time remote proctoring team received training by a nationally certified counselor and educator on providing students with help and support during moments of test anxiety and frustration.

This human-centric communication helps students build confidence in the process and with our remote proctors.

Detecting voices

Our online proctoring software listens for specific keywords or phrases, such as “Hey Siri,” to identify students who may be attempting to gain an unfair advantage. If any voices are detected, the AI alerts a live remote proctor to enter the online exam session via chat to intervene and redirect the student.

Verifying student identity
Honorlock’s ID verification makes it quick and easy to ensure that the student taking the proctored exam is the student getting credit. The AI captures a picture of the student and their photo ID and they can begin the proctored online exam in about a minute.

Protecting test questions and answers
Faculty spend a lot of time creating test questions and answers only to find out that they’re being shared on the Internet. With Honorlock’s Search & Destroy(™) technology, instructors can know when their test questions are shared online and take actions to ensure their exams are fair and secure.

How does Honorlock’s Search and Destroy work?

1. Searches the Web
Searches the web to identify exam questions that have been shared online.

2. Instructors review results
Instructors can review results about exam questions that have been compromised.

3. Instructors take action
Instructors can choose to send content takedown requests (when applicable) and update their exam questions.

Providing in-depth reports

It’s important for instructors to understand student behavior and how they approach an exam. Honorlock’s online proctoring software collects extensive data during the exam and provides easy-to-read, actionable reports and time-stamped recordings within the LMS dashboard.

“Honorlock was more than a tool to guard or block students from using inappropriate information. It was also a means to detect and determine many different ways that students approach the exams. Because of access to the wealth of data/information through Honorlock, I became better able to utilize it.” – Ryan P. Mears, PhD University of Florida

Securing third-party exams

Honorlock’s remote proctoring software allows faculty to protect third-party exams outside the LMS on platforms such as MyMathLab, ALEKS, Pearson, and McGraw Hill.

When done right, remote proctoring creates a better testing experience.

Honorlock’s approach to remote proctoring focuses on keeping the human touch by doing what’s best for the institution and the student.

Our purpose is much more than catching students who are cheating – we strive to create a testing experience that supports honesty and integrity in a non-invasive, fair, and equitable testing environment.

Submit your email below to download our 5-part DEI eBook

Part 1: Addressing the need for DEI in online education

Part 2: Strategies to develop diverse, equitable, and inclusive online courses

Part 3: How to create accessible online courses (with real examples)

Part 4: Tips to improve your connection with students in an online learning environment

Part 5: How to use educational technology to create a fair testing environment

Protecting Academic Integrity During Covid and Beyond

Remote proctoring during covid

Yet again, universities and colleges are adjusting plans because of COVID. With growing concerns about the Omicron variant, some institutions are delaying the semester start date, others are implementing vaccine mandates, and many are moving to a blended or online learning format.

“It’s a difficult time for colleges and these are difficult decisions… Universities and colleges need to ask, what is going to be our reality moving forward?… We have to accept how are we going to live with this virus in our environment.” – Dr. Robert Quigley, Senior Vice President and Global Medical Director at International SOS, said in an interview with University Business

Students want flexible learning options

While the future is uncertain, one thing is clear: online learning is here to stay.

In fact, a recent survey showed that since the COVID-19 pandemic started, about 73% of students indicated that they would like to take fully online courses or a combination of in-person and online learning.

Protecting academic integrity in online education during COVID and beyond

Online courses are great because they provide convenience for students and still allow high levels of engagement. 

But, many struggle with how to best protect academic integrity in online education and during exams.

Historically, some use browser lockdown software as a tool for preventing academic dishonesty. But it often doesn’t cut it because it’s easy to beat and an academic integrity policy is just a formality for some students. 

So, how can instructors administer online exams with confidence that they’re protected from academic dishonesty? Remote proctoring.

What is remote proctoring?

Remote proctoring, sometimes called online proctoring, uses software and/or services to monitor student behavior during online exams to deter, prevent, and identify cheating and to help students complete their exams.

What are the types of remote proctoring?

There are four primary types of remote proctoring:

  • Browser lockdown software: generic software that can prevent students from accessing other browsers
  • Live proctoring: a live remote proctor watches multiple students at once
  • Automated/AI proctoring: no live remote proctor is present & it only uses AI software to monitor student behavior during the online exam 
  • Blended remote proctoring: AI proctoring software monitors student behavior and alerts a live remote proctor if any issues are detected 

What are common remote proctoring features and how do proctored exams work?

There are common remote proctoring features such as: 

  • Video monitoring 
  • Voice detection
  • Browser lockdown software 
  • ID verification

Depending on the proctoring software’s LMS integration, it’s a pretty similar experience for students and instructors. Instructors create exams in the LMS like they already do and then pick and choose which proctoring features to use depending on their needs. Students simply log into the LMS and then before verify their ID and begin the proctored exam.

Other remote proctoring features needed to protect exams

In addition to the common features listed above, there are additional remote proctoring features that Honorlock provides for instructors to protect academic integrity in online education during their exams.

Detect cell phones and other devices

Most students have cell phones or another device which makes it easy for them to look up your test questions during the proctored exam. 

Some online proctoring services may have “cell phone detection” but that can just mean that a live proctor is watching the student and sees a cell phone in view. 

What if the student used their cell phone out of view? 

Honorlock’s advanced proctoring software can detect when a student attempts to access test bank content using a cell phone, tablet, or laptop during the online proctored assessment

Learn more about how Honorlock can detect cell phone use

A blend of AI software and live remote proctors

Honorlock was the first proctoring service to blend the benefits of AI proctoring with live remote proctors. The AI software monitors the student for potential dishonesty and alerts a remote live proctor to join the student’s exam session in real-time to address any issues.

Smart voice detection

Most proctoring services offer audio recording but Honorlock’s smart voice detection goes above and beyond by listening for specific keywords or phrases, such as “Hey Siri” while still allowing students who like to read out loud the ability to do so without being flagged.

Identify leaked exam questions and take action

Faculty spend a lot of time creating quality exam content, but it’s pretty easy for students to find and share the content on the internet if the right software isn’t in place.

Honorlock’s Search & Destroy technology searches the internet to identify exam questions that have been shared online and if leaked exam questions are found, instructors are given simple steps to take control of their exams’ integrity like sending content takedown requests when applicable and updating exam questions.

Implement Honorlock remote proctoring in two days

Just like the many higher education institutions we helped when the COVID-19 pandemic started in 2020, we’re ready to help your institution quickly implement remote proctoring in response to the Omicron variant.

We streamline the implementation process and can get your institution ready to proctor online exams in about two days. And to ensure that your faculty are confident and prepared, we provide support during and after the implementation as well as ongoing training resources.

Hear from two schools we’ve helped since COVID-19 started

University of Florida

“As challenging as the remote learning situation has been for the university, there have been many silver linings for us. A partnership with Honorlock has been one of them. We had not planned in our budget for any way to pay for this, so we had to find the funds and not put it on the backs of students, and they were able to make it work for us.”  – Brian Marchman, Director of Distance Learning & Continuing Education 

Broward College

“The pandemic has brought many challenges to Broward College. Having to quickly scale our courses to a remote format has not been an easy task… Honorlock has provided excellent support in scaling our needs and meeting our requirements for faculty training. They have been an excellent partner due to their open communication, privacy policies, and the implementation of their state-of-the-art technology. It has been an affordable and reliable solution.” – Nestor Pereira, Dean, Business Affairs

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Comparing Face Detection to Face Recognition

As face detection and facial recognition software become increasingly dynamic, people are understandably concerned about their privacy, and those taking online proctored exams have reported various negative experiences.

There are key differences between face detection and face recognition, and it’s important to be able to distinguish between the two, as both are used to varying degrees by online proctoring service providers.

For example, some online proctoring services use face detection while others use “continuous facial recognition” throughout the entire exam, which may be invasive and pose privacy and data issues.”

Comparing face detection and face recognition

What is face detection?

Face detection uses AI technology that can determine when human faces appear in images. It uses algorithms to analyze and to separate faces from all the other features that may be present in an image—the baseline goal is to distinguish your face from a stop sign, for example, or from the adorable mug with your dog’s face on it.

Broader than face recognition

Face detection as a concept includes face recognition in some instances. If a system can isolate a face from the rest of an image, then it qualifies as “face detection.” But facial recognition is more specific and is just one of a range of capabilities under the rubric of face detection. Facial recognition uses biometric technology not just to recognize when a human face is present, but also to determine the identity of the person.

How face detection works

Our eyes, standing out as they do, are the first objects that face detection algorithms usually search for. The algorithm will then seek other features of our faces, and when it finds them it compares what it thinks is a face to large databases that definitely contain faces—as well as non-face images to make sure the algorithm is working properly.

The AI is essentially “trained” to identify whether images and videos contain faces or not. This training uses a seemingly endless number of images and video – some containing faces while others don’t – to help ensure ongoing improvements and overall accuracy.

What is face recognition?

Face recognition is one of the most significant applications of face detection. It’s able to capture someone’s image and know exactly who that person is. The technology isn’t 100% perfected yet, but if your image is already in a database, there’s a good chance that the owner of the database will be able to identify you.

What are the differences between how they work?

The steps below highlight the differences between how face detection and face recognition work. You’ll notice that face recognition goes beyond simply identifying that a face is present.

Face detection

Steps of how face detection works

How is face detection used in online proctoring?

If you are concerned about the implications of facial recognition technology when it comes to proctoring online exams, we at Honorlock understand. 

Honorlock does not use face recognition

We use face detection, which only detects that there is a clear human face in the webcam.

We do NOT identify any individual face, store facial elements, or match the face to a database. If no face is detected, however, or if multiple faces are detected, AI will flag the incident and a human proctor may intervene.

Safe for everyone involved

We take data privacy seriously. All data is secured. Data in transit and data at rest is encrypted and stored on the cloud in an Amazon (AWS) data center.  Amazon’s data centers are SOC 3 certified, U.S. Privacy Shield, and General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) compliant.

Facial detection is just one of the many online proctoring features that Honorlock uses to make sure test takers have a positive and secure remote testing experience. When you compare online proctoring services, be sure to check whether face detection is being used, rather than the more problematic face recognition. 

Speak with our online proctoring experts to see how Honorlock works. 

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 The eBook covers everything you need to know about establishing and using diversity, equity, and inclusion in your online classes.

What is Academic Integrity?

Students hear a lot about academic integrity from their colleges and universities, especially at the beginning of each term and during the lead-up to final examinations. Fall orientations include information about honor codes and syllabi that refer students to handbooks for guidelines to avoid academic dishonesty. Academic integrity is a serious topic and worthy of periodic examination. 

What does academic integrity mean?

Academic integrity is a code of ethics for students to follow in their courses, exams, and overall behavior. Each student’s work should be their own. Students complete their own assignments, take their own exams, and earn their own grades.

Why academic integrity is Important

In our competitive world, academic integrity is important to ensure that students have a fair and equitable learning experience. Cheating not only hurts the student because it’s an unearned, hollow achievement, but it also robs honest students of the standing that they truly deserve and puts an institution’s reputation at risk.

Academic integrity protects the institution’s reputation

Institutions have a responsibility to safeguard the value of the degrees that they award. Reputation is everything, and no credible educational organization wants to be known as a diploma mill. Universities and colleges want to know that their students honorably earned their grades and possess the knowledge and skills required for their field.

When academic integrity is protected and the educational experience is fair and equitable, everyone wins.

How to create an honor code to deter academic dishonesty

One effective way that colleges and universities can deter academic dishonesty and create an environment of academic integrity is to institute an honor code, sometimes known as an “integrity policy” or “honor policy.” 

Honor codes have been shown for decades to reduce cheating by creating a community in which every student knows the standards and feels like a part of an institution that cares about them and their peers. 

Honor codes are built on a baseline of trust and students who learn in schools with them are known to encourage each other to be honest in their work. This way, potential academic dishonesty is deterred by their peers, which can help strengthen the bonds of community for students and faculty alike. 

Once an institution knows what its values are, it can write them down and make the honor code known to the entire community.

How to protect academic integrity

As online learning becomes more common, another way to protect academic integrity and prevent cheating is online exam proctoring.

Most students seem to understand that there has to be some way for schools to keep their online exams fair when the internet has made it easy for students to look up test answers. It’s important that students understand the type of online proctoring their school uses because it greatly impacts their online testing experience.

The advantages of online proctoring with Honorlock

Honorlock’s online proctoring software and services help create a fair and equitable testing environment that protects online exams and supports students throughout. 

Our approach to online proctoring blends the benefits of AI test monitoring software with live human proctors to create a less intrusive test environment that protects online exams and supports students.

We foster trust in students while protecting the academic integrity of degrees and programs. Our online proctoring software directly integrates with your existing LMS and allows instructors to customize college exams online, monitor performance, and generate robust analytics.

Students benefit from 24/7/365 scheduling of online proctored exams whenever and wherever they choose. 

How do Honorlock’s proctoring services work?

Honorlock upholds academic integrity with online proctoring that’s monitored by AI and reviewed by humans. Our software and live test proctors make the technical online exam proctoring experience simple, easy, and human.

Honorlock online proctoring provides:

A familiar testing environment
Honorlock’s direct LMS integration means that instructors will create exams just like they already do and students will take the exam in the environment they’re already comfortable with.

AI + live test proctors
If our AI test monitoring software notices possible academic dishonesty, it notifies our live test proctors who can intervene via chat to assess the situation and help the student get back on track. This approach to proctoring online exams can also help reduce student test anxiety. 

Detection of cell phone use
Our remote proctoring software can detect when a student attempts to access test bank content during the exam using their cell phone, tablet, and laptop. 

Video proctoring and voice detection
Our AI includes video proctoring using the webcam to monitor behavior coupled with our voice detection software which detects sound and listens for specific keywords or phrases, such as “Hey Siri” or “OK Google.”

24/7 proctored exams and support for students and faculty
Honorlock is on-demand, so students can take their proctored online exam when they’re ready and get support – any time, day or night.

60-second ID verification
Honorlock makes ID verification quick and simple by capturing a picture of the test-taker along with their photo ID and then they can begin their online proctored exam.

Test questions and content
Our remote proctoring software searches for leaked test questions and content and works with instructors to request the removal of the material. 

Access to reports and recordings
After the exam, we send a comprehensive report of potential incidents and a time-stamped recording to save time.

 We know that your reputation and academic integrity mean everything when it comes to attracting students and our online proctoring services play a critical role in your success. That’s why we’ve dedicated ourselves to continually innovating to bring integrity, humanity, confidence, and positive outcomes to the proctored testing experience.

Speak with one of our experts to see how Honorlock works. 

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What is a Proctor for Online Testing?

What does a proctor do?

  • Monitors test-taker behavior
  • Ensures that test rules and guidelines are followed
  • Intervenes and supports test-taker if potential issues occur
  • Reviews test-taker accommodations and test rules provided by the exam admin
  • Provides the exam admin with reports and recordings

Before we detail what a test proctor is and what they do before, during, and after exams, here’s a quick summary of what online exam proctoring is and how it works:

What is remote proctoring for online tests?

Remote proctoring, sometimes referred to as online proctoring or test proctoring, uses test monitoring software and/or live exam proctors to monitor behavior throughout online exams to prevent cheating and protect academic integrity.

What is a proctored exam?

A proctored exam uses AI test monitoring software such as video proctoring, cell phone detection, browser lockdown, and voice detection to monitor test-taker behavior.

Some online proctoring services offer AI software (including only using a browser lockdown), live online proctoring, or a combination of AI and human test proctors.

What is a proctor for online testing?

At a high-level, a proctor definition includes monitoring test-taker behavior during online exams to help prevent and deter cheating and stay on track to successfully complete the exam. 

Here’s what an online test proctor does before, during, and after the exam.

Before the test starts

Reviewing and understanding test rules, guidelines, and accommodations

To ensure a successful exam and that expectations are clear, test proctors need to fully understand test rules and guidelines provided by the exam administrator. This can include what is or isn’t allowed, such as no cell phones or talking, or allowing specific books or notes to be used if the admin chooses. It also includes accommodations such as bathroom breaks and extended time limits.

During the test

Monitoring test-taker behavior

With some services, the proctor may have to watch a dozen test takers at the same time, but there are better solutions that monitor behavior with AI software and notify the proctor of any potential academic dishonesty. Blending AI test monitoring with human proctors can provide a less stressful testing experience.

Intervening and supporting test-takers if potential issues occur

Remote proctors can typically intervene when potential academic dishonesty occurs to assess the situation and help the test-taker get back on track. 

Ensuring that test takers are following test rules and guidelines

An exam proctor definition also includes enforcing test rules provided by the admin and ensuring that guidelines are followed. Test rules include everything from time limits and accommodations to allowing scratch paper and other applications during an exam.

Providing accommodations

Proctors also allow specific accommodations that the exam admin provides in the exam details.

After the test is finished

Providing exam reports and recordings

With some services, the test proctor may send additional notes to the exam admin to help provide context of any incidents as they review the reports and recordings.

Online test proctors are a resource for test takers

It’s difficult to overcome the idea that online test proctors are only there to catch cheating, but if online proctoring is done right, it can be a benefit for test takers and exam admins.

The right approach to proctoring online exams can help reduce test anxiety

A recent test anxiety survey

The survey by Honorlock and the University of North Alabama found that online exam proctoring can help reduce test anxiety. It showed that test takers had less anxiety after their first proctored exam and every test taker who interacted with a live test proctor responded that the proctor made them less anxious. 

How’s that possible? Aside from our non-invasive combination of AI and human proctors, proctor training is crucial for success. 

It’s important to note that nearly all proctoring services that offer live test proctors say that they’re trained, certified, or even claim that they have a “human-centered proctoring policy.” But what does that actually mean? Clarity is needed. 

Here’s how Honorlock trained exam proctors a better way

The full-time remote proctoring staff is trained by a nationally certified counselor and educator to assist and support test takers who are experiencing anxiety and stress during the online exam.

This training equips our exam proctors with the ability to:

  • Recognize signs and symptoms of stress and anxiety
  • Deescalate problematic behavior and encourage appropriate behavior
  • Increase positive interactions and help test takers learn to self-regulate behavior

While other online proctoring services may just try to catch cheating, Honorlock aims to bring integrity, humanity, confidence, and positive outcomes.

10 Ways Online Proctoring Works for Tests in the Classroom

students in test center taking proctored exams in person

Now that schools have returned to campus, some faculty are continuing to use online proctoring and exam supervision software for tests in the classroom and campus testing centers. We’ll show you how using the right proctoring service is almost like having an individual proctor for each student.

Online proctoring isn’t just for online learning environments

While many believe that online proctoring is only used in an online learning environment, that’s not the case. Some online proctoring and exam supervision services are flexible enough to be used for tests in the classroom and at campus testing centers.

10 ways you can use online proctoring for an in person test:

  1. Detecting cell phone use
  2. Proctoring written exams and STEM tests
  3. Combining AI test monitoring software and human proctors
  4. Monitoring behavior with video proctoring
  5. Providing accommodations for students and allowing assistive 
  6. Allowing and blocking specific websites with browser lockdown software
  7. Verifying student ID
  8. Quickly receiving actionable exam results
  9. Proctoring third-party tests for different exam types
  10. Accessing technical support

How to use online proctoring for tests in the classroom

Online proctoring can be used in many ways for in-person exams, such as STEM (science, technology engineering, and mathematics), essays and written tests, and even assessments using gamification techniques.

1. Detect when students attempt to use their cell phone

In person exams typically don’t allow cell phones or other devices to be used. But that doesn’t preclude some students from attempting to use their phones under their desks to search for test content online. However, there is remote proctoring exam technology that can distinguish whether students are using their phones to visit approved sites or sites that are prohibited by the instructor.

2. Proctor essays, written tests, and STEM tests

To proctor an essay, written test, and STEM test in person, instructors can simply provide instructions for the test proctor to follow. These instructions can include allowing pen and paper for a written test or math exam – and you can require that students hold their paper up after each question or certain time intervals to show their work.

You can also instruct proctors to permit behaviors that can be typically flagged, such as a student looking down and away from their camera to complete the test question on the paper.

3. AI test monitoring software combined with human proctors is almost like having an individual proctor for each student in the classroom

There are four main types of online proctoring:

  1. Blended proctoring solutions that combine AI proctoring with live proctoring
  2. AI software (automated proctoring only)
  3. Live proctoring (one test proctor watching many students)
  4. Browser lockdown software (entry-level AI proctoring that blocks browser use)

If you use a proctoring service that blends AI software with live proctors, it’s essentially like having an individual proctor for each student in the class. The AI exam supervision software monitors student behavior during the exam session and if it detects any issues, it alerts the live test proctor who can assess the situation and intervene and help the student get back on track.

When you use AI-only proctoring software, instances of possible academic dishonesty are not reported until after the exam is complete and the burden of reviewing is placed solely on the instructor. 

Live proctoring means that one proctor is monitoring multiple students at the same time and your students know they’re constantly watched during the entire exam which can cause stress and test anxiety.

Browser lockdown software is convenient because they’re easy to set up but they only protect against one aspect of academic dishonesty. Using a cell phone or another device is a simple way to cheat when only using a browser lock.

4. Monitor student behavior with video proctoring

In a large class or testing center, it’s difficult for one in-person proctor to keep track of every student. 

Video proctoring can help. AI combined with live remote proctors will deter academic dishonesty by using a webcam to monitor and record students during an exam and verify each student’s ID so you can be sure the student taking the exam is the student receiving credit.

5. Provide accommodations for students in class

Accessibility in the classroom means creating an inclusive and usable learning environment for every student regardless of their disability or condition. This applies to remote proctoring as well.

With remote proctoring, instructors can provide several accommodations for students with disabilities such as test time limit extensions, bathroom breaks, and allowing the use of assistive technology. This truly levels the playing field for all students taking the test.

6. Block or allow specific websites with a browser lockdown

Instructors can use the browser lockdown feature to allow access to certain websites during an in-person classroom test and prevent access to other sites. As we described earlier, browser lockdown software is a first line of defense to prevent cheating on tests but they’re a small piece of the puzzle to protect exams. 

7. Authenticate ID in less than a minute

Some courses can have a large number of students in the room at the same time. If they are taking an exam on their laptops, online proctoring can quickly and easily authenticate each student’s identity, assuring institutions that unauthorized test-takers won’t get lost in the crowd. More importantly, you’ll also be ensuring that the student taking the exam is the same person earning the credit in the course.

8. Get quick exam results

Both students and faculty expect quick turnaround times for evaluations. When you use test proctoring software, results are available when the student completes the test. Instructors can access the reports in an easy-to-read format within the LMS.

9. Proctor third-party tests outside your LMS

With online proctoring and exam supervision technology, you can even proctor third-party tests using platforms such as MyMathLab, ALEKS, Pearson, and McGraw Hill. This way, you can still provide a variety of in person exams (such as math exams or written tests) and know that they’re being effectively proctored from start to finish.

10. Students can access support

Honorlock is easy to use but if students need support for any reason, they can access it within the testing platform by chat or email. This means the instructor won’t have to attend to students experiencing any technical difficulties because support from a human is readily available and they can troubleshoot any issues.

Instructors can customize online proctoring exam settings for tests in the classroom with just a few clicks:

After creating the exam in the LMS like you already do, you can simply choose which remote proctoring features to use during tests in class:

  • They can provide instructions to allow specific resources such as calculators, pen and paper, and books that students may use for reference.
    • Instructors can even specify the pen color students must use for easy viewing.
  • During a written test or math test, students can be required to hold their scratch paper up after each question or at periodic intervals during the writing of their responses.
  • Instructors may also choose to allow or block access to specific websites using the browser lockdown setting. This allows students to access permitted websites while blocking and flagging others that aren’t permitted.

Honorlock is a versatile online proctoring solution that can be used for face to face tests

Honorlock’s online proctoring software can help prevent cheating during in-person tests to protect the academic integrity of your classroom while still supporting your students.

How Honorlock online proctoring works

Honorlock online proctoring combines the benefits of AI exam supervision software with live human proctors for a better testing experience that can work in the classroom or an online learning environment.

In addition to all of the features described in this blog, our AI proctoring software monitors each student’s exam session for potential problems. If the AI detects potential dishonesty, it alerts a live, US-based proctor to join the session to address possible dishonesty. 

When you compare online proctoring services, you’ll find that Honorlock has many features that set us apart which allow you to protect your exams whether students are taking tests in class on campus or in an online learning environment.

Want to see Honorlock in action? Schedule a demo.

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Higher Education Student Test Anxiety Survey

Test anxiety is common for students, especially in an online testing environment where online proctoring is used. But what if online exam proctoring can actually help reduce test anxiety? 

To understand how our approach to online proctoring can impact student test anxiety, we conducted a survey with the University of North Alabama (UNA) to learn:

  • What causes test anxiety?
  • Can test anxiety be reduced with online proctoring?
  • Ways instructors can help reduce student assessment anxiety

Test anxiety summary

Test anxiety summary

Test anxiety is any reaction that causes stress and anxiety for students. These reactions can be psychological, physical, and emotional.

What are test anxiety symptoms?

Test anxiety can be different for each person. It can mean panic attacks and severe anxiety for some or it can be sweaty palms and nausea for others. Regardless of the symptoms, it can negatively impact testing performance.

About the student test anxiety survey

Who was surveyed?

During a three-month period in 2020, UNA students across a variety of disciplines were surveyed before and after assessments to understand their baseline anxiety regarding proctored assessments.

These students were participating in mid-term and final exams from the summer and fall semesters for two different classes.

Survey findings

Quick student test anxiety survey stats:

  • 64% agreed that “taking an online test makes me nervous”
  • 6% decrease in overall test anxiety between their first and second exams
  • 15% decrease in anxiety associated with the statement, “Thoughts about the proctor interfered with my concentration.”
  • 100% of students who interacted with an Honorlock remote proctor responded “Yes” to the interview question “Did the proctor make you less anxious?”

Online testing causes stress

64% of students, even when they’re well-prepared, agreed or strongly agreed with the statement, “taking an online test makes me nervous.”

What causes test anxiety associated with online proctoring?

    • Technology concerns (worried their device won’t work or they’ll have internet issues)
    • Students don’t understand what can be flagged by the AI or live proctor.
      • Some students assumed that insignificant behavior could get flagged, such as: reading a test question out loud or looking up for a moment to think
      • Students don’t know how interactions with a remote proctor will play out

Online proctoring done correctly can help reduce test anxiety

Interacting with remote proctors can reduce test anxiety

The students were surveyed before and after assessments and we found that students who interacted with remote proctors during their exam had a marked decrease in anxiety for future exams. In fact, all of the students experienced a reduction in anxiety after they experienced a chat with a proctor.

Just being able to interact with a live test proctor helped students feel more confident. The conversations allowed them to identify different triggers for live support and experience a positive, supportive interaction. 

Students usually think that test proctors are only there to catch cheating. In reality, Honorlock proctors are a resource for students during the proctored exam.

“The proctor popping in was different than I expected – in a positive way. I imagined them being more strict. I felt that the proctor was helpful and a lot less intimidating than I thought.”

 – Student quote in a post-exam interview

More experience with proctored exams helps reduce anxiety

Students experienced:

  • 6% less overall test anxiety between their first and second exams
  • 15% less anxiety associated with the statement, “Thoughts about the proctor interfered with my concentration.”
  • 100% of students who interacted with a remote proctor responded “Yes” to the interview question “Did the proctor make you less anxious?”

Proctor training is important

During our study, we looked at whether or not better proctor training could result in an improved experience for students. 

We started by looking at existing research on physical signs of stress during tests including*:

  1. Lip licking 
  2. Excessive throat clearing 
  3. Propping the head up 
  4. Touching or rubbing the face 

Our test proctors were trained to spot these behaviors and proactively interact with students using a reassuring set of talking points.

Here’s a look at the talking points for test proctor interactions with students

Student test anxiety talk track with test proctor

Training proctors to better support students during times of anxiety

Our approach to online proctoring aims to improve the testing experience for students. Staying true to our word, our full-time remote proctoring team was trained by a nationally certified counselor and educator on support during moments of assessment frustration and anxiety to assist students and help them feel supported in their test-taking environment.

How instructors can help reduce student test anxiety

Use practice exams to help students get comfortable with proctored exams

By creating familiarity with online proctored exams, instructors can proactively help reduce student anxiety. 

Be sure to create multiple opportunities to complete practice exams, check technology requirements, and interact with a remote proctor at the beginning of the assessment.

“My professor set up a practice test the week before the first real test. The practice test listed out all of her expectations and requirements. On my first real exam, I was fully prepared for the online proctoring experience since I knew what to expect.” 

– Student quote in a post-exam interview

Provide important information about how proctored exams work

Give your students upfront information about how proctored exams work so that they know what to expect beforehand. 

Be sure to include information about:

  • What online proctoring is, how it works, and why it’s used
  • What can trigger a “flag” and what to expect during an interaction with a test proctor
  • Test rules to help avoid any confusion
  • Minimum system requirements (a device with functioning webcam and microphone, internet connection, etc.)
  • The role of a remote proctor
  • Available support options and how to access it
  • Accessibility options and accommodations

A Better Approach to Online Proctoring

Honorlock approaches online proctoring in such a way that what’s good for the institution is also good for the learner.

Our purpose isn’t just to prevent students from cheating – we aim to create a testing experience that supports academic integrity in a non-invasive and fair test environment.

Honorlock strives to build confidence and trust with students that will strengthen their relationships with your faculty and institution.

Is a Browser Lock Enough to Protect Online Exams?

This article will show you what a browser lockdown can and cannot do and provide additional proctoring solutions to solve for areas that browser lockdown software may miss.

When it comes to proctoring online exams, browser lockdown software can help to a degree, but they lack features to truly protect your exams. A browser lock is a no-frills way to check the box of proctoring exams.

This article will show you what a browser lockdown can and cannot do and provide additional proctoring solutions to solve for areas that browser lockdown software may miss.

What is browser lockdown software?

Browser lockdown software helps prevent cheating on online exams by automatically restricting access to certain websites and alternative browsers on a student’s computer. They also disable keyboard shortcuts and other functions that might be used to gain an unfair advantage. 

Here’s what browser lockdown software can do:

  • Restricts access to other websites, browsers, and applications
  • Disables keyboard shortcuts and functions such as printing, copy and paste, and screen capture
  • Removes toolbar and menu options such as browser refresh, back, forward, and stop
  • Blocks the ability for students to minimize the browser display screen
  • Prevents students from exiting the exam until they submit it

While a browser lock checks the box as a baseline tool for institutions that proctor online exams, they’re only a small part of the picture for schools and faculty who seek to preserve academic integrity.

Why browser lockdown software isn’t enough to protect online exams

The features of browser lockdown software highlighted above will help prevent cheating, but there are significant things it cannot do:

Browser lockdown software can’t see the student

While a browser lock can “see” if a student attempts to access another browser tab or computer application or if the student attempts to use keyboard shortcuts, it doesn’t offer the benefits of video proctoring, which uses the student’s webcam to view them during the exam.

Video proctoring often involves recording the student’s exam session for later review by the proctor and instructor. Video proctoring is especially useful because it allows ID verification and can tell if a student is using unauthorized resources or if another person is in the room.

Cannot detect voices or audio

Browser lockdown software can’t hear when a student may be talking on the phone or asking a friend for an answer to a test question.

Some online proctoring software monitors the exam session and goes beyond simple audio detection by listening for specific keywords or phrases, such as “Hey Siri” or “OK Google.”

A browser lockdown can’t verify student ID

Student ID verification before a proctored exam has become a priority and a basic browser lockdown can’t solve this. With no video proctoring capabilities, browser lockdown software can’t verify student ID. 

Director of Learning Technology at Polk State College, Cody Moyer, summed it up perfectly, “If we can’t verify that our students are the ones who are completing the work, and all of our quizzes are out there on the internet where anyone can look up the answers, what kind of quality is that degree?”

Browser lockdown software can’t detect cell phones

A student can simply use their cell phone or another device to look up test questions and answers on the internet. But this weakness can be solved by multi-device detection software, as we’ll discuss in the next section.

Browser lockdown software lacks the human touch of online proctoring that students deserve

Because browser lockdown software is only an automated proctoring solution, there’s no human touch involved to help support students during the exam. We know that exams can cause anxiety and that technical issues can happen during the test and that’s where a human proctor can help students successfully complete their exams. Online proctoring services that combine AI test monitoring with human proctors are the best of both worlds.

Online proctoring options when browser lockdown software isn’t enough

The good news is that Honorlock provides a browser lock as a part of our standard proctoring features, but it also provides many more features and benefits such as:


  • Video proctoring 
  • Detecting cell phone use and voices 
  • Blending AI test monitoring software and live proctors
  • Verifying student ID
  • Reducing unauthorized use of your test questions and content on the Internet 

Advanced video proctoring

Early forms of video proctoring were unsettling for students because many didn’t appreciate having a remote proctor’s face hovering on the screen during the entire exam. 

Honorlock’s video proctoring capabilities allow:

  • 60-second ID verification
  • Room scans to make sure that no other people or test resources are present 
  • Detection of possible acts of academic dishonesty

Honorlock can detect cell phone use during proctored exams

Honorlock proctoring software can detect when students use a cell phone, tablet, or laptop to access test bank content during an online exam.

The proctoring software also captures a screen recording of specific websites that the student visited to provide evidence in the event of a violation. The recording can be reviewed by the instructor to determine if academic dishonesty occurred.

Verifies student ID in 60 seconds

Our remote proctoring software completes ID verification in about 60 seconds by capturing the content on the student’s ID along with their photo to make sure the student taking the online exam is the student getting credit.

Detects voices with Honorlock proctoring software

Honorlock’s smart Voice Detection feature listens for specific keywords or phrases to identify students who may be talking to another student or using Siri or Alexa to get the answers to test questions. If the proctoring software detects potential academic dishonesty, it alerts a live test proctor to enter the exam session to intervene and redirect the student.

Helps protect your test questions and answers from unauthorized use on the Internet

You’ve probably heard of students finding and sharing test questions and answers on test banks and homework-help sites. Maybe you’ve even seen your own test content on the Internet. It’s frustrating and it’s quick and simple for any test-taker. 

However, if instructors choose, Honorlock proctoring software searches for leaked test questions, answers, and content and can also request the removal of the material by filing DMCA copyright takedown notices.

Blends AI test monitoring with live test proctors

Honorlock was the first online proctoring service to combine the benefits of automated proctoring with those of a live test proctor. 

What is Honorlock and how does it work?

Our easy to use online proctoring software monitors the exam session for potential academic dishonesty and alerts a live proctor to join the student’s session in real-time if it detects any issues. 

This blend of AI and human review delivers a less intimidating proctored testing experience for the student because they aren’t constantly watched.

Choose to proctor online exams a better way

Browser lockdown software checks the box as a first line of defense against academic integrity but with all its shortcomings, choose to proctor online exams a better way with Honorlock. 

Our approach to online proctoring creates a non-invasive and fair testing environment that benefits the student, instructor, and institution.

Want to see Honorlock in action? Schedule a demo.

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Online Proctoring LMS Integration

The online proctoring and LMS integration doesn’t sound very exciting, but it’s the difference between a quick and secure integration or one that can leave your data vulnerable and cause frustration for your instructors and students.

Keep these considerations in mind when you compare online proctoring services.

Why the online proctoring and LMS integration is important

Faculty and students will test within the LMS platform they’re comfortable with

Your faculty and students are busy, and the last thing they need is to spend time learning new educational technologies. Using proctoring software that directly integrates with your learning management system keeps your faculty and students in a familiar environment for online testing. 

Online proctoring with a direct LMS integration reduces any learning curve because:

  • Instructors can create online exams in the LMS like they normally do
  • Students can log in and launch the exam in the same LMS platform they’re accustomed to
  • After the student launches the exam, they’ll just verify their ID and complete a room scan in about a minute before starting the proctored exam.

No extra passwords or logins

Many online proctoring services require faculty and students to create an extra account and password to set up proctored exams and view reports. It’s an inefficient and frustrating process that wastes time and causes unnecessary stress before a proctored exam.

Directly integrating proctoring with LMSs removes the need for extra logins and passwords, which saves your faculty and students time and reduces headaches.

Proctored exam reports are available in the LMS

Proctoring software with a plug-and-play LMS integration makes it easy to access proctored exam reports within the LMS. The proctoring software should collect data during the exam and provide instructors with actionable reports within the LMS.

Implementation is quick

Institutions want a quick and easy implementation that takes days, not weeks or months. A key component of quickly implementing online proctoring is how fast it can integrate with the LMS. A direct online proctoring and LMS integration can be set up in about an hour.

“The integration between Canvas and Honorlock was really seamless. Very easy to get it launched. It was great, we had no problems launching it and making it work.” – Peter Burrell, Associate Professor at University of Cincinnati and Business Attorney

Keeps your data secure

A direct LMS proctoring integration means that data is exchanged securely between the proctoring software and your LMS only. Make sure the proctoring services you’re evaluating are compliant with data privacy standards.

Honorlock online proctoring software and services

Online proctoring software with a plug and play LMS integration

In addition to offering custom integrations, Honorlock’s proctoring platform integrates with Canvas, Moodle, Blackboard Learn, D2L Brightspace, and Intellum so that:

  • Instructors can create proctored online exams and review reporting results within the LMS as usual
  • Students launch the online exam within the LMS and can access support without having to leave the exam window
  • No additional passwords or logins are required for test-takers or faculty

“You want an integrated system; you don’t want faculty and students to have separate sign-on. That was important for us,” said Director of Assessment Services at Indian River State College, Stephen Daniello, who also added that integrating Honorlock with their LMS was very easy and took less than an hour.

Easy to use online proctoring software

Honorlock makes online proctoring easy and convenient for instructors and students. It’s easy for instructors to set up proctored online exams, choose which features to use, and review actionable exam reports. The proctored testing experience is just as simple for students; they log in, verify identity, and begin the proctored exam.

Proctor third-party exams

In addition to a direct proctoring LMS integration, Honorlock allows you to proctor third parties such as MyMathLab, ALEKS, Pearson, McGraw Hill, and others. Faculty can register third-party exams and customize settings in the LMS.

Honorlock’s online proctoring software protects your data

Honorlock uses an encrypted and secured connection during each online proctored exam. All videos and photos are stored on Honorlock’s platform. All data is stored in an encrypted format on isolated storage systems within Honorlock’s private cloud in Amazon’s AWS U.S. data centers.

When you compare online proctoring services keep the online proctoring and LMS integration in mind because it impacts the entire online testing experience for your students and faculty.

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