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Protect Test Integrity

Prevent cheating, secure browsers, verify identity, and find leaked test content.

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Find Leaked Content

Search & Destroy™ identifies compromised exam questions shared online and offers simple steps to protect integrity.

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Speech Detection

Honorlock listens for specific keywords, such as “OK Google,” “Alexa,” or “Hey Siri,” not just voices, reducing false flags and allowing test takers to read aloud; and records and transcribes user audio during exams for full transparency

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Live Proctoring, Enhanced by AI

Live Proctoring, Enhanced by AI

Live Pop-in™ protects online exams, reduces test anxiety, and provides a less intimidating and less invasive testing experience. AI alerts a live proctor to review and pop-in, if necessary, to de-escalate troublesome behaviors, and keep test-takers on track.

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Verifies Identity

Verifies Identity

Quickly authenticates test taker identity to ensure the person taking the test is the same as the person earning the degree or certification.

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Secures Browser & Records Desktop

Secures Browser & Records Desktop

BrowserGuard™ prevents and flags access to unauthorized websites and applications, resizing the exam screen, and using keyboard shortcuts and functions and records the desktop for the duration of the exam.

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Protect Your Program’s Reputation

Honorlock has some technologies that no one else has: Search and Destroy and Multi-Device Detection! Honorlock is going to try to keep a problem from happening rather than tell you about a problem after it happens.
Ken Craver
Director of Distance Education Tyler Junior College
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Honorlock provides students with a secure and easy-to-use remote proctored testing solution. The product is perfect for addressing academic integrity for exams in hybrid and online courses. Deployment is easy and fast for faculty.
Brian S
Division Director
Educational Technology & Online Services
G2 Review
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The human touch to the online proctoring service is definitely the best part of the Honorlock.
Vishal A.
Quality and Strategy Analyst
G2 Review
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