13 Ways to Prevent Cheating on Online Tests

13 ways to prevent cheating on online tests:

    1. Detecting cell phones
    2. Blocking unauthorized AI chatbots like ChatGPT & Claude
    3. Catching remote access software in contract cheating
    4. Finding leaked test questions on the Internet automatically
    5. Locking the browser down
    6. Using AI that listens for voice commands to activate voice assistants
    7. Implementing hybrid virtual proctoring (AI + humans)
    8. Verifying ID and monitoring student behavior with a webcam
    9. Creating explicit test rules & instruction
    10. Reducing test anxiety
    11. Emphasizing academic integrity and the honor code
    12. Analyzing reports to identify exam trends that may highlight dishonesty
    13. Use reporting to identify exam trends that may highlight cheating

Here are 13 ways to stop exam cheating

1. Detect cell phones and other devices

Most people have cell phones or other devices, like smartwatches and laptops, which could be used to look up answers during online exams. In fact, 71% of our proctored exam violations involve cell phones or other secondary devices.

Most proctoring services rely on a proctor to see a phone in real time, which is unreliable when a proctor is watching a nearly dozen test takers at once. 

But Honorlock’s cell phone detection technology identifies when test takers attempt to use their phones and other devices to look up answers and when Apple devices are present in the testing area.

2. Block unauthorized AI, like chatbots & browser extensions

ChatGPT, Claude, and Google Bard—all generative AI chatbots—are as controversial in online education as they are popular.

You tell it what to write about and it generates that content in a few seconds. They write pretty well overall, but they can be overly proper and generic sometimes. But with the right instructions, they can write like we (humans) do, and they’re really difficult for AI writing detection software to catch.

How to detect AI writing

Can plagiarism checkers help?

Nope. AI chatbots don’t plagiarize content. They create “fresh” text based on what billions and billions of resources they’ve been trained on.

Do AI writing detection tools work?

Not really. They’re helpful as a high-level gut check, but studies show that AI writing detection tools struggle when the AI-generated text is manually edited with a few small word swaps and paraphrasing. And, as we mentioned earlier, using specific prompts generates human-like content.

Can remote proctoring help?

Yes. Remote proctoring systems can prevent the use of unauthorized AI tools during online exams and even during essays and other written assignments by:

  • Blocking access to other browsers and applications so AI tools can’t be used
  • Listening for commands that activate voice assistants, which could be used to navigate AI
  • Preventing test takers from pasting pre-copied text into exams and assignments

3. Catch remote access software (contract cheating)

Has a technician ever remotely accessed and fixed your computer? That’s remote access software in action.

The downside is that it’s also used for cheating on online exams. The person getting credit pays a service for an expert to secretly take the test for them while they appear on video as if they’re completing the test.

How to block remote access software during online exams:

  • Show locations by IP address: Honorlock’s Analytics Hub shows the locations where exams were taken based on IP addresses. If exams are coming from countries without known test takers, this might suggest the use of proxy test-taking services, which may require further investigation.

    They could use a VPN to mask their IP address, so you’ll also want to secure your exams from remote access software in other ways.
  • Record their screen and require keyboard commands: before the tests or written assignments begin, ask learners to use specific keyboard commands that display all active applications on their device.
  • Blocking applications: various settings within Honorlock’s proctoring software can be used to block remote access applications.

4. Use software to find leaked test questions on the internet

Have you Googled your test questions? You should, because they’re often leaked on forums like Reddit, as well as sites that pretend to help with test prep and homework, but they’re really just repositories of test content alongside other avenues of cheating, like their “Expert Q&A” which is just hundreds of their “experts” answering questions 24/7 via chat.

The problem is that searching for your test content takes time… a lot of time.

The good news is that Search & DestroyTM automatically searches the web for your leaked test content in a few minutes and, if it finds any, gives you a one-click option to send a takedown request. 

5. Use a browser lock as an initial defense

While browser lockdown software shouldn’t be the only way to secure your exams, it’s a foundational tool to prevent cheating. It secures the test browser by restricting access to other sites and applications and disabling keyboard shortcuts.

6. Detect voices and sounds in the room

Use voice detection software that listens for specific keywords or phrases that activate voice assistants, such as “Hey Siri” or “OK Google,” to identify test takers who may be attempting to gain an unfair advantage. It then alerts a live remote proctor in real-time to review the situation and intervene if necessary.

This approach to online exam proctoring delivers a much less intimidating and non-invasive testing experience because a proctor will only intervene if the AI detects potential misconduct. 

7. Use hybrid virtual proctoring to secure exams

If you’re looking to protect exam integrity, you need a hybrid proctoring solution that combines AI, human review, and a secure browser, rather than just one of those methods.

Honorlock’s hybrid virtual proctoring uses AI to monitor each test taker and alerts a live proctor if potential misconduct is detected. Once alerted, the proctor reviews the situation and intervenes if misconduct actually occurred. If misconduct didn’t occur, the test taker isn’t interrupted. This is a smarter proctoring approach that delivers a much less intimidating and non-invasive testing experience.

8. Use video to monitor behavior and verify ID

Use video proctoring to verify ID, scan the testing room, and monitor student behavior during the exam.

9. Provide explicit rules and clear instructions for your online exams

Writing test rules and instructions can be tricky because they need to be written in a way that removes any ambiguity. 

Here’s an example:

  • Poor example: Don’t talk to your friends during the assessment.
  • Better example: No speaking during all assessments.

Some, while it’s a stretch, may interpret this as, “Well, I can’t ask my friends, but my roommates aren’t my friends, they just live here, so I can talk to them.”

10. Take steps to help reduce test anxiety

It’s important to understand what causes test anxiety before taking steps to help reduce it. A student survey indicated that many feel anxious before an exam because they don’t know what to expect and they have technology concerns.

Two tips to help test anxiety:

  1. Provide frequent practice tests to help students understand what to expect and ensure that their technology works correctly.
  2. Use online proctoring software that combines AI with human proctors to help support students during the exam.

Learn more about how to reduce test anxiety using online learning technology.

11. Provide flexibility to take exams 24/7

It’s proven that students are more likely to cheat when they’re tired. Honorlock’s on-demand proctoring services and live support are available 24/7/365 so that even if it’s at 2 am on a holiday weekend, they can take exams when they’re ready. If they feel most alert and prepared at 2:00 a.m., 2:00 a.m. is when they can take the test and get support from a real person in a matter of seconds.

12. Create an honor code and remind learners of the disciplinary procedure

Create your own honor code in addition to the institution’s. Studies show that the act of writing “I pledge that this is my own work,” or something similar, actually helps reduce cheating on exams.

Ensure that test takers know the importance of academic integrity along with what consequences will be enforced for exam misconduct.

13. Use reporting to identify exam trends that may highlight cheating

Use reporting and recordings from online proctoring software to better understand how students are approaching your exams.

Here’s how a lecturer from the University of Florida used Honorlock to identify trends and anomalies in test scores:

“After the second quiz in the third week of class, I had a ceiling effect that looked like a ski jump, with 80% of my students getting 100% on tests. I knew there was something seriously wrong. I began looking closely at who had missed which questions over the two quizzes. That’s when I realized I needed a proctoring solution of some kind. When I initially attempted to address the issue, I really didn’t even know enough to ask the right questions to get help… Honorlock was more than a tool to guard or block students from using inappropriate information. It was also a means to detect and determine many different ways that students approach the exams.” Ryan P. Mears, PhD, Lecturer, University of Florida

Honorlock’s online exam proctoring software collects extensive data and provides actionable reports and time-stamped recordings within the LMS dashboard. The exam reports appear in an easy-to-read format that includes relevant student activity such as violations and any suspicious behavior.

Common reasons for cheating on exams

There are many different reasons why people cheat on online exams. Some do it because they can. Others do it because they feel they have to. Here are some of the common reasons behind cheating on exams:


Whether it’s a college student who needs to maintain a scholarship or an employee who needs to pass a certification exam to get that salary bump, pressure is a key reason for cheating on exams.


Surveys tell us that people are more likely to cheat on online exams than they are in a classroom or testing center. 

Some treat it like that proverbial moment when the teacher has to step out of the classroom during a traditional test, and suddenly, it’s a free-for-all. Many who would otherwise be honest find cheating harder to resist when it seems easy to do without getting caught.


School and the workplace are competitive for everyone involved. And the desire to outperform others can motivate those who believe they can’t “win” fairly to employ questionable tactics.

Lack of Preparation

Cheating can sometimes result from not feeling prepared for an exam, which may be due to completely normal, valid reasons, such as working long hours, engaging in extracurricular activities, or spending time with family.

Honorlock’s online proctoring services and software prevent cheating on online exams while improving the experience.

Instead of making the testing experience a hassle like most proctoring companies do, Honorlock makes everything easy.

From software that’s extremely easy to use and customize to no exam scheduling and live support that responds in seconds, Honorlock is ready when you are.

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Proctored Essays & Written Assignments

proctor essays and written work

Proctored essays are a thing now, thanks to generative AI chatbots like ChatGPT, Claude, and Google Gemini. These chatbots can generate content on virtually any topic in a matter of seconds. They write well, and with the right instructions, they can write just like us.

AI and plagiarism detection won't cut it

AI detection and plagiarism detection are similar, but different. Both aim to detect unoriginal content, but their focus is different.

  • AI detection looks for writing patterns, like word choice and sentence structure, to identify AI-generated text.
  • Plagiarism detection compares text against huge databases of content to identify copied or paraphrased content from other sources.

Why won't they work?

Plagiarism detection is irrelevant at this point

Most aren’t copying text word-for-word, and there are plenty of AI writing tools that can paraphrase text for them. Adding to that problem, AI chatbots don’t plagiarize.

AI detection is improving, but still waaaaay behind

They aren’t very accurate, and they’re easy to deceive—we tried it. 

That isn’t just our opinion, though.

A recent study1 tested 14 AI detection tools—12 publicly available & two commercial—against ChatGPT, and here are the findings:

AI detection tools are inaccurate: they often mistakenly identify AI-generated text as human-written, and struggle to detect AI content translated from other languages.

Manually editing responses reduces the accuracy of detection tools: swapping words, reordering sentences, and paraphrasing decreased the detection tools’ accuracy.

Prompts can help generate human-like content.

Another thing working against AI detection tools is that using specific prompt details (writing instructions) helps AI chatbots “write” like humans do.

Here are a few examples (not nearly an exhaustive list) of prompts that can help the AI write more like a human:

  • Write in simple terms and avoid technical jargon
  • Use contractions and a mix of short and long sentences
  • Keep responses clear and concise
  • Break down complex topics into smaller sections (use headers) and include analogies, similes, and metaphors for better understanding when necessary.
  • Use casual discourse markers and conversational transition phrases, like “but,” “besides,” and “in the long run,” instead of more formal ones such as “however,” “moreover,” “in conclusion,” or “ultimately.”

Try it out

First use a generic prompt like this: Summarize what photosynthesis is and why it’s important in 100 words or fewer.

Then try that same prompt, but add the examples above.

See any differences?

When would you be willing to take action?

With those inaccuracies in mind, what if the software indicates that 50% of the text is AI-generated. Would you take action at that point? Or would you require a higher percentage as for more “proof”? If so, what’s your threshold?

How to proctor essays and written assignments

Whether it’s a 1,500-word research paper or a series of short answer responses, Honorlock’s exam proctoring system makes it simple to secure essays and other written assignments, whether they’re typed or handwritten.

To sum up the process, Honorlock proctors essays just like online exams, meaning learners WON’T be able to do the following while writing:

  • Access other websites, applications, books, or their notes, unless permitted by the instructor
  • Paste content they copied before starting the essay
  • Use generative AI to answer questions or write content
  • Look up information on their cell phones
  • Ask Siri, Alexa, and other voice assistants for help

Honorlock online proctoring features to secure essays

Locks the browser to restrict access to other sites & applications

Our BrowserGuard™ feature lets you block all applications and websites except the one being used for writing, like Microsoft Word, or you can allow access only to specific applications and websites, such as research journals, while blocking everything else. This secure browser also records their screen and limits them to using one screen.

Block generative AI tools during proctored essays

Blocking AI is challenging, but Honorlock’s online proctoring system effectively prevents the use of generative AI by disabling copying and pasting, locking the browser and blocking extensions, listening for voice assistant activation commands, and detecting cell phones.

Detect cell phones & other devices

Honorlock proctoring technology detects cell phones from all angles, so you won’t need to rely on a proctor seeing a phone in real-time to know that they aren’t using them to look up information while writing their essays. Our AI detects when learners use cell phones to look up information, and it detects the presence of Apple devices in the testing area.

Detect voices to make sure Siri & Alexa aren’t helping

Honorlock’s AI proctoring technology listens for “Alexa” or “Hey Siri” and other specific commands that activate voice assistants. If any suspicious activity occurs, it alerts a live proctor to review it, records what was said, and provides a transcript for review.

This allows learners to talk through their essays without being flagged for irrelevant sounds like doorbells or coughing.

But what if a learner accidentally triggers our voice detection by saying a phrase that’s also a command for a voice assistant, such as “Okay Google”?

Our AI would notify a live proctor, but the proctor doesn’t immediately intervene. Instead, they review the situation in an analysis window, and if they determine no cheating occurred, they won’t intervene or disrupt the learner.

Block copying & pasting

Honorlock’s secure test browser prevents keyboard shortcuts, like copying and pasting. This also blocks them from pasting text they copied from another source before the test.

Scan the room for unauthorized resources & other people

Instructors can require a room scan before starting the proctored essay. This ensures that no unauthorized resources, like cell phones and books, or other people are in the room. 

Verify who they are

Quickly authenticates their identity—it takes about a minute or less— to ensure the person writing the essay is the same as the person getting credit.

Additional settings to proctor handwritten essays (or math) using pen/pencil and paper

Adjust proctoring settings

The instructor turns on Scratch Paper Allowed within Honorlock’s proctoring settings, and the AI won’t flag learners for looking down at their paper. 

The learner simply shows the blank paper before they start writing and uploads the written essay after they complete it.

Give the live proctor instructions & rules allowing handwritten essays

Providing the proctor with instructions that allow handwritten essays and rules for learners helps keep the review process organized.

Essay rules can include things like:

  • Only use a black or dark blue pen and blank/lined white paper
  • You can write on both sides of the paper
  • Before you begin writing, hold the blank paper up to the camera and show both sides
  • Write the question number in the top left corner of the paper
  • Hold the paper up to the camera after you finish writing your response to each question

How does Honorlock work?

Honorlock’s hybrid proctoring software and services combine AI with live proctors and 24/7 live support.

Unlike other online proctoring services, Honorlock makes the entire experience smooth and hassle-free. Remotely proctored exams can be taken 24/7 without the need for scheduling, and learners can get technical support from a real person. During proctored essays and assessments, learners won’t struggle with old, slow software or feel uncomfortable because a live proctor—a stranger—is watching them the entire time.

AI monitors behavior

The AI proctoring software monitors behavior during online exams and other course activities, like essays.

Detects misconduct?

The AI alerts a live proctor to review potentially problematic behavior in an analysis window.

No misconduct, no intervention

The proctor intervenes only if misconduct occurs.

Otherwise, the learner won’t be interrupted, and instructors and admins won't need to review irrelevant flags.

Access exam reports & recordings

After proctored tests are complete, test admins can filter reports and review recordings to focus on important flagged behavior. Test sessions are recorded in HD video and include easy-to-read summary reports with human-validated violations.

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1Weber-Wulff, D., Anohina-Naumeca, A., Bjelobaba, S. et al. Testing of detection tools for AI-generated text. Int J Educ Integr 19, 26 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s40979-023-00146-z

Benefits of a Smart Proctoring Approach in Higher Education

Taking a smarter proctoring approach in higher education

As technology develops and online education progresses, online proctoring has evolved from a ‘nice to have’ to an indispensable tool. While proctoring is usually seen as a way to catch cheating, a smart approach can help tackle critical challenges in higher education:

  • Reducing instructor burnout
  • Expanding access to education
  • Preparing students for the workforce
  • Protecting exam integrity in the AI era

When done the right way, remote proctoring benefits students, instructors, and institutions alike.

Tackling academic integrity in the AI era

AI tools, particularly Chatbots like ChatGPT, are undoubtedly challenging academic integrity in higher education. While institutions are tasked with preparing students for an AI-driven world, they also must ensure AI doesn’t interfere with exams. Some have turned to plagiarism checkers and AI detection tools, but they’re unreliable at best; with a few small tweaks to the writing instructions (prompts), AI-generated content is basically undetectable.

On the other hand, Honorlock’s smart proctoring platform gives instructors a suite of tools to detect and block the unauthorized use of AI tools:

  • AI extension blocking: blocks AI extensions running on students’ devices exams, while still allowing permitted accessibility technology.
  • BrowserGuard™: restricts access to AI like ChatGPT during online exams and prevents keyboard shortcuts so students can’t copy and paste content over to the proctored exam or assignment.
  • Smart Voice Detection: detects when students use phrases that can activate smart devices like Alexa or Siri, which could be used to get help from AI tools.

With Honorlock’s remote proctoring solution, online exams become more secure, and students’ hard work stays valuable and respected, even as AI technology keeps growing.

Easing instructor workloads

Administrative tasks, especially during test administration and grading, can be time-consuming and overwhelming for educators. 

Honorlock saves instructors time during exam delivery with:

  • A direct LMS integration, which means the experience is the same except for a few clicks to choose the proctoring tools you want to enable or disable.
  • 24/7 live, U.S.-based support and our knowledgebase, which is filled with FAQs, how-to articles, and practical exam tips.

Moreover, remote proctoring eliminates the need for faculty to monitor exams in person, letting them focus more on teaching, guiding, and connecting with their students. These benefits go a long way towards preventing teacher burnout and create a more effective testing environment for everyone.

Reducing overhead costs

Remote proctoring helps colleges and universities offer more exams online, which saves money by reducing the need for physical test centers and associated overhead costs.

Offering students more flexibility and access

Online proctoring services like Honorlock offer students more flexibility to take exams where and when they want without scheduling.

What if a student’s internet connection is slow or their camera is broken? 

While most remote proctoring companies kick students out when any issues arise, Honorlock supports low bandwidth and instructors can provide students with accommodations that allow them to take proctored exams without a working webcam.

In addition, Honorlock’s virtual proctoring platform is fully ADA accessible, compliant with Section 508 of the Americans with Disabilities Act, and developed and tested to conform to WCAG 2.0 level AA guidelines for accessible use.

See how Coastal Alabama Community College raises the bar for effective, accessible, live proctoring with Honorlock.

Protecting content and reputation

“Homework help” sites like Chegg and community forums like Reddit make it easy to find and share your proprietary exam content. Once that happens, exam integrity goes down the drain and it can even put your reputation at risk—remember all of the cheating scandals in higher education in recent years?

Some virtual proctoring services have tools that protect test content, but they’re manual, tedious, and time-consuming because you search for individual questions, one at a time, and send your own takedown requests one at a time. By the way, who do you even send them to? What do you say? 

Honorlock’s proctoring platform searches the internet automatically for your leaked questions and gives you a one-click option to send a takedown request. Simple and easy.

Honorlock protects your content and school’s reputation, which also ensures adherence to accreditation standards.

Preparing students for the workplace

The value of virtual exam proctoring also extends into career preparation by completing real-world tasks during assessments, often called Authentic Assessments. 

With Honorlock, instructors can assess students’ ability to perform practical tasks without cheating concerns, such as using software like Microsoft Excel and delivering virtual presentations—crucial skills for the modern workforce.

This simplifies the assessment process and prepares students for realistic tasks they’ll encounter in their future careers, bridging the gap between academia and professional expectations.

Eyeing the future of online education

By offering secure, convenient, and accessible online exams, colleges and universities can meet modern students’ demands and directly address common challenges in higher education, such as declining enrollments and student retention. 

Integrating online proctoring in higher education is a strategic advantage that improves online education at every level, from assessments and accessibility to convenience and career readiness.

Discover Honorlock’s proctoring services and software

See how Honorlock’s smarter proctoring solution—a combination of live proctors backed by AI test monitoring software—can create significant improvements to the entire assessment process.

What is remote proctoring and how does it work?

Everything you need to know about remote proctoring and how it works.

What is remote proctoring?

Remote proctoring, or online proctoring, uses software and/or live remote proctors to:

  • Record and monitor test takers’ behavior
  • Verify identity
  • Protect test content
  • Prevent cheating

How does remote proctoring work?

  • Before the exams start: test takers normally use the webcam to verify their identity and scan the room for unauthorized resources, like cell phones, notes, and even other people.
  • During the exams: test takers are monitored through video, audio, and other AI proctoring tools and/or a live remote proctor, depending on the service.
  • After the exams: ideally, the proctoring service will provide test admins with time-stamped reports with recordings of flagged behavior to review.
  • LMS integration: the remote proctoring platform should integrate directly with the LMS, which improves security, doesn’t require extra passwords and logins, and basically makes it the same experience with the exception of a few clicks (instructors just click to choose the proctoring features they want to use and test takers login to the LMS and take the test in the same environment).

Remote proctoring software tools & features

Standard tools and features in remote proctoring software

  • Video monitoring: uses the webcam to record behavior during the proctored exam.
  • Browser lockdown: prevents access to other browsers and applications, and restricts keyboard shortcuts.
  • Sound detection: flags most noises during exams, such as talking, music, dogs barking, etc. Different from voice detection.
  • ID verification: uses the webcam to verify identity before the exam.

Advanced remote proctoring tools & features

In addition to the standard tools above, some remote proctoring companies offer advanced tools and features:

  • Cell phone detection: detects when test takers try to use cell phones and other devices during proctored exams and the presence of Apple devices in the testing area.
  • Smart Voice Detection: listens for specific keywords and phrases that can indicate exam misconduct, like “Hey Siri,” and other commands that trigger voice assistants. Then, it records the audio and provides a transcript of what was said. Smart Voice Detection is different from sound detection, which flags basically any noise.
  • Live Pop-In: AI-based proctoring monitors test takers and alerts a live remote proctor if it detects potential cheating. The proctor can review the behavior and decide whether to intervene or not.
  • Analytics Hub™: provides easily filterable, in-depth reports with actionable insights into test integrity that streamline review a 360-degree view of academic integrity.

Types of remote proctoring

Browser lockdown software

Entry-level proctoring software that helps prevent access to other browsers and keyboard shortcuts. 

  • Usually cheap, but you get what you pay for because it doesn’t really prevent cheating since test takers can still use their cell phones and other resources.

AI remote proctoring

Only uses artificial intelligence to monitor remote exams.

  • Offers diverse tools to monitor behavior and prevent cheating.
  • No human oversight, which can negatively impact the experience for test takers and test administrators.
    • For example, if the proctoring software uses sound detection (different from voice detection) with no live proctor: if a test taker sneezes, the AI flags the noise, and it could even kick them out of the proctored test.
    • Imagine how many unimportant noises could be flagged during tests (coughing, tapping the desk, dog barking) that admins will need to review if a human proctor isn’t there to check the AI.

Live remote proctoring

A live proctor monitors multiple test takers at once. 

  • Typically the most expensive type of remote proctoring.
  • Being watched can be distracting and stressful (and creepy) for test takers.
  • Can work well if the proctor isn’t watching too many test takers at once—rarely the case—a proctor is usually watching 10 or more test takers at once, which can make it easy to miss problematic behaviors.
  • Exam scheduling can be a hassle because test takers have to find a time that aligns with the proctor’s availability.

Blended remote proctoring

Combines live proctors with AI and browser lockdown software.

  • Locks the browser and uses AI to monitor behavior.
  • AI alerts a live proctor if it detects potential misconduct.
  • After the proctor is alerted, they can review a recording of the situation and intervene if necessary.

Who uses remote proctoring?

Remote proctoring is used in higher education and professional education.

Remote proctoring LMS integrations

Integrating remote proctoring software with your LMS can be the difference between a quick and secure implementation and one that could compromise data security and create a frustrating experience for test takers and administrators.

Proctoring platforms typically integrate with Canvas, Blackboard, Moodle, D2L, and Intellum. Some online proctoring services offer custom integration toolkits to create tailored integrations that meet your specific needs.

How much does proctoring cost?

The cost of proctoring depends on the type and the company, but keep these in mind when comparing proctoring services:
  • Look for flat-rate proctoring to avoid variable costs: unexpected costs can add up quickly if the proctoring service charges per hour for exams, so find a remote proctoring service with a flat rate cost per exam or test taker.
  • Make sure support costs are included
  • Do test takers have to pay extra to reschedule a proctored exam?

Honorlock proctoring software and services

Honorlock’s blended remote proctoring combines AI with live proctoring to make online exams simple, easy, and human in higher education and professional education.

Whether it’s detecting cell phones and voices or preventing the use of AI like ChatGPT and locking the browser, you’ll have confidence that academic integrity is protected.

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7 tips for Online Proctoring of STEM Exams

Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) courses offer unique challenges when it comes to online assessments: equations can be difficult to replicate in a virtual environment and often exams are high-stakes tests. How do you ensure that you are successfully administering online, paper-based STEM exams that maintain academic integrity? We recently sat down with Kate Beverage, Director of Technology in Teaching and Learning Services at Worcester Polytechnic Institute, and discussed best practices for delivering online proctored paper-based STEM exams with Honorlock. She provided her top seven tips for proctoring STEM exams and STEM classes online:

1. Remind instructors to include specific instructions for Honorlock proctors when they enable their exams.

Honorlock student guidelines

When administering online exams, encourage your faculty to include notes specifying if it is a paper-based assessment where the student may divert their eyes down as they work to solve a problem. By including specific instructions, live proctors are made aware and don’t necessarily have to pop-in and interrupt the student. Prepare an instruction template the instructors can use that can easily be customized on their end if needed. Review Honorlock’s recommended Standard Exam Guidelines for more information.

2. Prepare a list for faculty of the recommended settings for your LMS and Honorlock.

Honorlock Proctoring Settings

Put together a recommended settings list for your LMS that points to Honorlock’s resources that describe the settings in greater detail. It removes any confusion and ensures the proctoring tool is used to its fullest capacity. Partner with your Customer Success Manager if you are unsure of what settings make the most sense for you and your institution.

3. Designate a department exam champion.

Select an instructor who will be fully trained and fluent in using Honorlock remote proctoring in addition to having direct access to the CSM in order to quickly help faculty with questions above and beyond the typical use of Honorlock, which can be handled by Honorlock Support. This is particularly useful for a school-wide implementation of the platform where managing proctoring and responding to best practice inquiries can prove challenging. These champions can offer recommendations in terms of test design.

4. Develop an exam question pool to deter cheating.

Work with your assessment design team to create question pools. By having a greater pool, you increase your exam security. Make it a point to review and update your exam pools each semester the course is offered to reduce question sharing among students. WPI recommends taking advantage of Honorlock’s Search and Destroy feature to ensure that copies of your questions are removed from test aid sites.

5. Offer reasonable exam time limits and availability.

Give students a reasonable time to submit their paper-based work that pertains to the exam. Allow extra time for students to properly complete this step. WPI recommends not releasing answers or test scores until all students have completed the exam to reduce the possibility of sharing insight into the exam among each other.

6. Partner with instructional designers when designing exams to mitigate cheating.

Navigating the art of exam writing can be a challenge. Ensure that your faculty taps into their instructional design team to optimize their online assessments. Discuss with your instructional designer the possibility of using images on your tests or displaying one question on the screen at a time for high stakes exams.

7. Have students take the Honorlock practice exam.

Doing the practice exam takes a lot of pressure off for students. It removes the mystery of an online proctored exam before the actual exam.  You don’t want to add extra stress or pressure on students when they’re already trying to learn the content.

These seven tips will guide you in successfully administering virtual assessments for your institution’s STEM classes online in the fall semester and beyond. Do you want to learn more about how Honorlock can proctor your paper-based online exams? Click here to speak with one of our representatives and get a product demo.  

 Learn more about Worcester Polytechnic Institute’s experience using Honorlock for STEM exams in their recent testimonial

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How to Detect Cheating On Online Exams

It’s can be reeeeeally difficult to stop test takers from cheating. 

It takes a combination of technology, strategy, and understanding (we cover all of them in this article) to prevent it from happening.

Using remote proctoring technology to prevent cheating on online exams

There are tons of features and factors to consider when it comes to remote proctoring.

What kind of proctoring tools do you need? How do they work? Which should you prioritize?

We’ll help you sort out what you need (hint: it’s much more than a browser lockdown).

Key tools within remote proctoring software

Recording test takers

One of the first questions to consider is how you’ll monitor test takers’ behavior during exams, such as:

  • Video monitoring so you can see if they’re trying to look at their notes and use other resources during the test.
  • Smart Voice detection (not sound detection) so you can tell if they’re talking to someone else in the room or asking Siri for help, but not have to review flags for unimportant noises like coughing or a doorbell ringing.
  • Screen monitoring so you can see if they try to access other websites or attempt to copy and paste questions into a document).

Cell phone detection

Cell phones are a huge threat to exam integrity. They’re discreet and almost everyone has one.

Luckily, Honorlock can detect cell phones and other devices, like tablets and smart watches, that are used to look up information during an online exam.

Test content protection

Leaked test content is as annoying as it is common.

Community forums like Reddit and sites like Quizlet and Chegg that pretend they’re used for “homework help” make it all too easy.

But, you can use Honorlock’s proprietary Search and destroy technology to automatically scan the web for your leaked test content and send takedown requests with one click.

Easy peasy.

Identity Authentication

You want to make sure that the person taking the exam is who they say they are. 

Online proctoring systems that capture a photo of both the test taker and their ID can help you make sure that test taers are only getting credit for the work they do themselves.

AI protection

Generative AI tools like ChatGPT can write about anything and answer just about any question.

Using AI plagiarism detection tools won’t work either. We’ve tried.

Honorlock has a bunch of tools that can help by blocking AI extensions, preventing copying and pasting, recording their desktops, and restricting access to specific sites and applications.

See more Honorlock remote proctoring tools & features

Test strategies to prevent cheating

These are some of our instructors’ favorite tips and tricks to help you protect test content and make sure assessments are actually tracking learning (and not just cheating skills). 

Test Banks – Step one to prevent test takers from successfully copying and sharing exam content is to make sure each exam is a little different. By creating a bank of test questions (especially similar questions with slightly different answers), you can throw a wrench in plans to cheat and keep everyone honest.

One Question at a Time – Nothing invites a test taker to share test content quite like having the whole exam displayed all at once. By only displaying one question at a time, you make sure they can’t grab a screenshot of the entire exam in one fell swoop. Cheating becomes more difficult (and more annoying).

Time Limits – Ultimately, even when a test taker is motivated to cheat, most of them are focused first on their own success and secondarily on sharing exam content. This is where time limits come in handy—by putting a tight rein on time, you don’t give them the leeway to grab and share information, and you help them prioritize their own grades over dishonesty.

Restricting Information Access – To successfully provide online assessments, you need a proctoring system that allows you to keep test takers from searching the web or opening other applications while still providing access to the content they need to complete the test.

Feedback – If you provide test takers with immediate feedback on multiple-choice questions, you’ll want to ensure that you don’t reprint the test questions and answers. Instead, create feedback that responds to the general ideas and lets learners know where they can learn more about missed concepts without sharing specific details. This makes it just a bit harder to remember, grab, and share content with others.

Why does cheating happen during exams?

Another component to prevent cheating: understanding why they try to in the first place.

What motivates them, and how can you address those issues to help keep them honest while promoting academic integrity?

It Comes Down to Opportunity

In online courses, the need and rationalization for cheating are pretty similar to what a learner might feel in a face-to-face class. 

But the most significant difference in online contexts—and the one that’s most difficult to mitigate—is opportunity

The good news? The right policies and technology go a long way toward protecting test integrity. 

The need for good grades

The impetus for academic dishonesty is most often the need to pass a class, maintain a GPA, or complete a degree. This pressure is amplified when final grades are comprised of the results of just a few high-stakes exams.

When online courses follow this format, it becomes even easier to cave into the pressure.

So, what can you do? For starters, create a framework that uses more low-stakes exams, quizzes, and discussion boards throughout the semester to take away some of the weight. This gives them a chance to better target their studying, and they end up feeling like their efforts pay off.

Rationalizing the guilt away

Of course, to be able to cheat, test takers also need a rationale. In online classes, this often comes down to a sense that they’re unlikely to be caught. Or, perhaps, they think that everyone else is doing it. When it seems easy and worth trying, they do. 

To help test taker think more carefully about decisions to cheat, you can make sure they’re aware of your policies. Make sure they know the rules as well as what the consequences will be. When the threat of discipline is clearly understood, they’ll think twice before they opt to cheat.

The pitfalls of online exams

Why are online courses more vulnerable? For starters, you can’t supervise test takers directly. It can be far more challenging to monitor their behavior and restrict what resources they can access. For another, because testing can be staggered and doesn’t all take place at a specific time, it’s easier for them to grab and share test information with classmates. But what can you do about it?

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Implementation Webinar: How Two Colleges Quickly Set Up Online Proctoring

Implementing software or any new technology can be a daunting task, but what if that implementation was strategically streamlined, expertly project managed, and fully supported throughout? Hear from two current Honorlock online proctoring customers as they speak to their experience implementing our online exam technology.

During this implementation webinar, each college will describe:

  • Implementation experience
  • The simple and speedy implementation timeline
  • Who was involved in the decision process and actual implementation
  • Ongoing technical support


Honorlock online proctoring customer

Cody Moyer

Director of Learning Technology Polk State College

Steven Daniello

Director of Assessment Services Indian River State College

Jose Gonzalez

Director of Customer Success @Honorlock

Honorlock’s Online Proctoring Software Detects Cell Phones During Online Exams

Does Honorlock detect cell phones?

Imagine a week without your cell phone. For many, it’d seem pretty strange because they’re so intertwined in our lives. With a few taps—or words to Siri and Alexa—we use them to track our workouts, set timers while we cook, adjust our thermostats, and even monitor our health.

Unfortunately, the use cases also extend to being used to gain an unfair advantage during online exams. In fact, it’s the number one violation Honorlock sees during our remotely proctored exams.

Test takers use them to search the internet for answers, ask AI tools like ChatGPT for help, and interact with voice assistants like Siri and Alexa.

Fortunately, Honorlock’s online proctoring solution has the most comprehensive approach to detecting cell phones and preventing them from being used during online exams.

How does Honorlock detect cell phones?

Honorlock’s cell phone detection involves a combination of several proctoring tools in addition to review by our live proctors.

Multi-device detection

Honorlock’s proctoring software can determine when test takers try to use their cell phones to access test bank content during their exams. This feature protects against tablets as well.

Apple Handoff Detection

Our newest feature, Apple Handoff Detection, is exclusive to Honorlock and detects if a phone is present in the testing area. Our proctors then add a violation if the test taker is seen using a cell phone during the exam.

But even if it’s an Android phone, their behaviors to use the phone will likely be flagged by our AI. For example, AI flags when a test-taker looks down or voices specific keywords like “Google” or “Siri”.

Once flagged by the AI, a live proctor will watch the session live to determine if the test taker is using a cell phone or not.

Prioritized proctor review

All violations for suspected cell phone use are reviewed and verified by a human proctor to give you confidence in your exam results. In addition, Honorlock’s proctors are trained to spot cell phones that can be seen in reflections or light emitting from the phone.

Speech detection

Honorlock’s speech detection is ideal for instances when test-akers use voice commands to interact with voice assistants, like Siri or Alexa, on a device hidden from the webcam.

Our speech detection listens for specific keywords and phrases that activate and operate voice assistants, such as “Hey Siri,” “Alexa,” or “OK Google.”

This approach allows test takers to speak aloud while solving problems without being unnecessarily flagged and interrupted. It also creates a better testing experience compared to proctoring solutions that use sound detection, which can flag unimportant sounds like coughing or a dog barking.

About Honorlock

What is Honorlock?

Honorlock is an online proctoring company that partners with higher education institutions and professional education organizations, providing software and services that protect academic integrity and support test takers 24/7/365.

How does Honorlock work?

Honorlock blends live human proctoring with AI-proctoring tools to prevent cheating and create a non-invasive testing environment with fewer distractions.

Here’s how Honorlock’s exam proctoring works:

Other Honorlock features and benefits

In addition to the cell phone detection tools we mentioned earlier and our blended proctoring approach, Honorlock also:

Blocks AI tools like ChatGPT

Honorlock’s proctoring solution uses a combination of tools to block the use of AI and extensions, like ChatGPT and Transcript, during exams.

Provides 24/7/365 US-based test proctoring with live support

Proctored exams can be taken anytime without scheduling, and live support is available if needed.

Uses the webcam to record behavior and scan the room

The test taker’s webcam is used to monitor behavior throughout the proctored exam and it can be used for an optional 360-degree room scan to ensure no unauthorized resources or people are present prior to starting an exam.

Locks the browser

Honorlock’s BrowserGuard™ prevents (and/or flags) access to other browsers and applications and disables keyboard shortcuts like copying and pasting during proctored exams.

Verifies ID

Quickly verifies and authenticates test taker identity to ensure the person taking the test is the same as the person getting credit.

Finds leaked test content

Honorlock’s Search & Destroy™ technology automatically finds leaked test content on the internet and gives test administrators the ability to send content takedown requests with one click.

Protects exams taken on third-party platforms

Proctor exams on third-party platforms such as MyMathLab, Pearson, and more.

Integrates with your LMS

Honorlock’s proctoring software integrates with: Canvas, Blackboard, Moodle, D2L Brightspace, Intellum, Docebo*, and Open LMS. We also provide open APIs for custom integrations.

*Coming soon

Puts accessibility first

With minimal system requirements, support for low bandwidth, integrations with accessibility technologies, and individual accommodations ensures a fair and accessible testing experience for all learners.

Learn more about how Honorlock’s approach to online proctoring is revolutionizing and improving the entire testing experience in higher education and professional education.

Accommodating All Test-takers: Honorlock’s Accessibility-First Approach

Honorlock's accessibility first approach

Accommodating All Test-takers: Honorlock’s Accessibility-First Approach

Accessibility-first approach

Test-takers are faced with many unknowns as they navigate online testing. Individuals who need accommodations are often met with strict guidelines and difficult system requirements that limit their ability to take an exam comfortably. Remote proctoring is often seen as just a way to prevent cheating or other misconduct within online exams, but the right approach can also improve accessibility for all test-takers.

Honorlock aims for genuine accessibility for all users. We engage a third-party to conduct a yearly end-to-end accessibility test across all workflows to ensure accessibility and build our Voluntary Product Accessibility Template (VPAT). Honorlock spreads knowledge throughout our organization with regular accessibility training. As our accessibility-certified engineers develop our solutions, we focus on building features with an accessibility-first mindset. This means providing flexible accommodations, integrating with assistive technology, conforming to compliance standards and guidelines, and routinely reviewing the accessibility of our offerings. To drive continuous improvement, we conduct regular audits throughout the year to ensure we address any accessibility bugs, keep up with new WCAG standards, and adjust accordingly.

Independent third-party accessibility audits

Thorough VPAT for test-takers & admins

Spread knowledge across the organization

Accessibility-first approach

Constant improvement

Student preparation tools

When users feel prepared and comfortable using the features available, technology is accessible. Honorlock’s online proctoring platform is designed to be easy to use for exam admins and test-takers alike.

Practice exams

Practice Exams are the perfect way for exam administrators and exam-takers to get familiar with using Honorlock. These are enabled by exam admins so exam-takers can surface any questions before they’re in a real exam.

Student tutorial

HonorPrep, our guided tour, has unlimited uses and lets students prepare for their first Honorlock exam. It includes a system check, authentication walkthrough, and sample room scan.

Knowledge Base

For students who need more in-depth help, Honorlock’s Knowledge Base details specific guides for common issues and has detailed FAQs.

Accommodating all test-takers with Honorlock

Minimal system requirements

Exams should be accessible for everyone, regardless of Internet connection. Honorlock proctored exams don’t “boot out” test-takers when a challenge or error arises. Our goal is to help test-takers complete their exams as seamlessly as possible, without inducing extra anxiety.

For students with low bandwidth, Honorlock adjusts our reporting and session viewer so that the test-taker can complete their exam even on an unstable network. Our solution still captures still images to compensate for slower networks to allow test-takers to complete their exams.

Test-takers in rural communities are able to take their exams at any time of day, without a required hardwire connection. We also allow users to take their exams on Wi-Fi or hotspots, unlike other providers.


Honorlock accommodates those who need text to be read aloud with a screen reading capability. Check out the functionality in the video below.

Keyboard accessible

Exam administrators and test-takers are able to navigate within Honorlock. An outline appears while tabbing provides clear guidance on where users are navigating within Honorlock.

Human proctoring and decision-making

Human involvement means we can make human decisions around accessibility. Our live proctors are trained in de-escalation and focus on the success of the test-taker. For example, our live proctor will review accommodations before intervening. If a test-taker is allowed to wear headphones, per an accommodation, the live proctor would refrain from intervening and interrupting the exam session.


Exam administrators can enter any specific accommodations for test-takers, such as additional time or breaks to complete their exams. This includes extensions enabled for assistive purposes or other assistive technology, such as dictation software. Honorlock will respect accommodations configured within the LMS as well.

Some sample accommodations include:

Smart Speech Detection

Honorlock’s Smart Speech Detection listens for keywords and phrases that may indicate exam misconduct, like “Hey Siri” and “OK Google”, which allows test-takers to read aloud without being flagged and interrupted.

Honorlock meets accessibility standards

Honorlock’s accessibility highlights

Honorlock aims for excellence when meeting accessibility standards. Our experts keep us ahead of the curve and allow every test-taker to experience a seamless testing experience.

Not all remote proctoring solutions are alike

Not all remote proctoring solutions are alike and there are some key elements you should consider. By building out your own accessibility checklist, you can be sure that your proctoring partner is the best fit for your test-takers. Consider adding some of the questions below when comparing services.

To learn more, please review Honorlock’s Accessibility Statement. If you would like to discuss building out your own accessibility checklist or statement, get in touch today.

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Strategies to stop new types of contract cheating

Strategies to stop new types of contract cheating

What is contract cheating?

Contract cheating means using paid or unpaid third parties (people, services, or tools) to complete tests or assignments. In the past, it meant things like someone else writing your essay or getting answers from “homework help” sites like Chegg and Course Hero. 

Contract cheating is evolving. It now includes paid test-taking services that use remote access software to control a learner’s device and complete tests on their behalf. It also includes the misuse of AI tools like ChatGPT, which a March 2023 survey indicated is used by over 1 in 5 learners to complete exams and assignments.1

Detecting contract cheating… or preventing it?

Do you only want to detect that it happened or prevent it from happening altogether? Detecting cheating is a very different experience than preventing it altogether. 

For example, using tools to detect AI plagiarism in essays can be challenging. While those detection tools were moderately effective in the past, AI tools like ChatGPT don’t plagiarize and can be instructed to write just like humans, leading to false positives and overall accuracy issues.

And if those detection tools indicate that portions of an essay were AI-generated, what’s the threshold to take action? Should they take action when 1% of the essay is AI-generated? 25%? 50%? Regardless of percentage, if AI and plagiarism detection tools aren’t accurate and they’re easy to beat, you’ll have an uphill battle.

So, why try to detect that contract cheating happened when you can prevent it from happening at all?

The rest of this article shows you how to use online proctoring software to stop contract cheating (and other types of cheating).

Here’s how to prevent different types of contract cheating:

1. Paying a test-taking service that uses remote access software to take the test for the person getting credit

Have you ever had an issue on your computer and a support technician remotely accessed your computer to fix it? That’s basically how this form of contract cheating happens.

The person getting credit pays a proxy test-taking service to have a subject matter expert remotely access their desktop and take the test for them.

This type of cheating can be difficult to catch because the person getting credit is still on camera while the subject matter expert has control of their desktop and completes the test for them. Because the person getting credit stays on screen, ID verification methods won’t be able to stop this form of contract cheating.

Here’s how Honorlock’s online exam proctoring software beats this form of cheating:

Displaying countries of test: Honorlock’s platform shows the countries where tests were taken based on IP address. If there’s a trend of tests taken in countries with no known test takers, it might indicate the use of proxy test-taking services, prompting further investigation.

Blocking applications: Certain settings within Honorlock’s proctoring platform can be used to block remote access applications.

Requiring keyboard commands before starting the test while recording the screen: Instructions, or even the first test question, can require test takers to use keyboard commands, such as Ctrl+Alt+Del (Windows) or Cmd+Opt+Esc (Mac), to display the applications and processes running on the device. Honorlock’s software also records desktops, allowing exam administrators to review the recording if there’s any suspicion that someone else took the test on the test taker’s behalf.

2. Using AI tools like ChatGPT

Using AI tools like ChatGPT without permission is considered contract cheating because it still involves the use of a third party and isn’t the person’s original work.

ChatGPT generates written responses and answers questions about basically any topic. With the right prompts, it can write just like a person, and AI or plagiarism detection software can’t really catch them.

Here’s how Honorlock’s remote proctoring software helps block and control AI tools:

Detects cell phones and browser extensions: Honorlock’s proctoring software can detect when test takers try to look up answers on their cell phonesas well as device-sharing applications like Apple Handoff.

Listens for voices (not just sounds) to ensure there’s no help from Siri or other voice assistants: Honorlock’s Smart Voice Detection listens for keywords and phrases like “Hey Siri” and “Alexa,” which could be used in addition to voice dictation to operate ChatGPT on another device.

Blocks access to other sites and disables keyboard shortcuts: With Honorlock’s BrowserGuard™, learners won’t be able to access sites like ChatGPT or copy text beforehand and paste it as their own. 

Uses the webcam to monitor behavior and check the room for unauthorized devices and resources

3. Paying someone else to write their essay

To prevent this form of contract cheating, have learners write their essays while online proctoring is monitoring behavior.

Here’s how Honorlock can stop this form of contract cheating:

Verifies ID: Honorlock makes ID verification easy by capturing a picture of the test-taker and their photo ID in about 60 seconds.

Locks the browser while still allowing access to certain sites: This is important because there may be instances where you want the learner to have access to certain resources while they’re writing, like an online research journal, but still want to block all other sites.

Prevents copying and pasting: Honorlock’s BrowserGuard™ prevents keyboard shortcuts, which means they can’t copy text before they start the essay and paste it into their response.

Uses video to monitor behavior and check for unauthorized resources

In addition to the features mentioned earlier in this article, Honorlock also provides:

LMS integrations: Canvas, Blackboard, Moodle, D2L Brightspace, and Intellum directly integrate with Honorlock’s online proctoring platform. We also provide a developer toolkit for custom integrations, giving you the power to create a tailored integration that meets your specific needs.

24/7/365 online exam proctoring with live support: Honorlock’s proctoring services and support are on-demand, which means exams can be taken anytime, day or night, and live support is available.

Test content protection: Search & Destroy™ finds leaked test content on the internet and gives exam admins the option to send one-click content takedown requests.

Third-party test proctoring: Allows seamless test proctoring on third-party platforms such as MyMathLab, Pearson, and more.

As contract cheating evolves and unfortunately grows, so should your strategies and technologies to beat it. Honorlock’s online proctoring software and services put you in control and keep you one step ahead of whatever comes next.

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1Half of College Students Say Using AI on Schoolwork Is Cheating or Plagiarism. (2023, March). BestColleges. Retrieved March 29, 2023, from https://www.bestcolleges.com/research/college-students-ai-tools-survey/