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Online Proctoring for Higher Education

Online exam proctoring that protects academic integrity and supports students and faculty.

Simple, Secure & Scalable Online Proctoring

Honorlock’s online exam proctoring benefits colleges and universities and their students.

We improve the online assessment experience by protecting academic integrity and your reputation, supporting students, and reducing test anxiety.

Remote Proctoring Trusted by Over 300 Colleges & Universities of All Sizes

Seton Hall proctoring testimonial with Paul Fisher
“The implementation of Honorlock was one of the easiest implementations of technology I’ve ever done. Honorlock gave faculty more freedom and the ability to do more and that’s the best part for them.”
Paul Fisher
Associate CIO & Director of the Teaching & Learning Technology Center, Seton Hall University

Benefits of Online Exam Proctoring With Honorlock

Direct LMS Integration

Honorlock’s remote proctoring platform directly integrates with Blackboard, Canvas, Moodle, D2L, and Intellum.

This direct integration creates a familiar testing experience for both students and instructors with no additional logins or passwords.

Instructors will create exams the same way they already do and students will take the exam within the LMS they’re accustomed to.

24/7/365 Live Support for Faculty & Students

Just like our remote exam proctoring, support is available at any time for faculty and students via phone, live chat, and email – and you’ll connect with a real person.

We’re dedicated to a better testing experience for students

Student survey to better understand test anxiety

Honorlock and the University of North Alabama conducted a survey to learn about the causes student test anxiety and how Honorlock’s approach to online exam proctoring can help reduce it.

“The proctor popping in was different than I expected – in a positive way. I imagined them being more strict. I felt that the proctor was helpful and a lot less intimidating than I thought.”
– Student quote in a post-exam interview

Remote proctors who are trained to support students

Honorlock’s full-time remote proctoring team received training by a nationally certified counselor and educator on support during moments of assessment frustration and anxiety to assist students and help them feel supported in their test-taking environment.

Our people, practices, and proctoring platform help students gain confidence and simple tools, such as chat, build bridges for open communication.

Easy to Use Online Proctoring Software

Powerful online proctoring tools that are

easy to use and quick to set up.

Combine AI & Live Remote Proctors

Detect Cell Phones & Other Devices

Verify Student ID in 60-seconds

Quickly Receive Exam Recordings & In-depth Reports

Reduce Illicit Exam Content on Homework Sites

Proctor Third-party Exams

Implement Online Proctoring in a Few Days, Not Weeks

Honorlock helps higher education institutions implement online exam proctoring in as little as two days at no additional cost.

Our implementation is streamlined, project managed, and fully supported during and after to ensure a complete onboarding that sets your faculty and institution up to confidently proctor remote exams.

We take a relationship approach with our institution partners – each has a designated customer success manager. No matter how big we grow, our personal touch will remain.

“[Honorlock] was able to get us up and running for the Fall finals right away. All of the faculty were able to adapt within the two days; all were able to use it and review the tests. We did it quick!”
Christopher Harvey
Executive Director of Academic Technology, St. Petersburg College
“In addition to its unmatched technology and ease of use, the option to pay by the student and not by the exam gave us the ability to proctor a large number of students at an affordable cost.”
Ken Craver
Director of Distance Education, Tyler Junior College

Flat-rate Proctoring Costs Protect Your Budget

When online proctoring companies charge per hour, you may pay twice as much for longer exams.

Honorlock provides a flat rate cost per online exam or per student to protect your bottom line and help you accurately estimate online testing costs.

Implementation, training, and 24/7/365 support is included at no additional cost.

Seton Hall proctoring testimonial with Paul Fisher

“Honorlock has become a part of our basic toolset, and the need is obvious to our technology professionals, instructors, and students. What sets Honorlock apart is the ability to customize online exams to meet the differing needs of our faculty, and other solutions were not scalable from a cost perspective.”

Paul Fisher
Associate CIO & Director of the Teaching & Learning Technology Center, Seton Hall University

Remote Proctoring Services Protect Your Reputation

Your reputation is the foundation of growing your online education programs and your audience is watching. Prospective students, accrediting bodies, and candidate employers want to know if your institution and programs are academically sound.

Honorlock’s remote proctoring services plays a critical role in protecting your reputation and online exams. We prioritize academic integrity and continually innovate to deter and prevent cheating while improving the testing experience for students and faculty.

See Honorlock's Online Proctoring Platform & Services In Action

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“Having access to customer support 24/7/365 is huge. Especially during times like this when students may be taking exams at any time of day. You want them to have access to someone who can troubleshoot with them.”
Daphnee St. Val
Senior Instructional Designer, Broward College
“The faculty loved it because it did what we wanted it to do and it was super easy to use. Even students said they liked Honorlock best.”
Jill Simpson, PhD
University of North Alabama
“It was evident by the end of the process that Honorlock was the proctoring platform that met almost every one of our needs based on the feedback the university received from faculty and students."
Paula Rodriguez
Former Director of the University Testing Center