See the surprising ways online proctoring improves testing

Best features and benefits of online proctoring software

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1. Blocks AI tools like ChatGPT

ChatGPT and other similar AI tools can answer test questions and write in-depth responses in a matter of seconds. And it’s even more concerning that tools for AI detection and plagiarism can’t really detect AI-generated content.

But with remote proctoring software, you can prevent these tools from being used during online exams. But you’ll need a lot more than browser lockdown software because a test taker can just use their cell phone to beat it.

Your proctoring platform also needs these features to block AI:

Cell phone detection: detects when test takers try to look up answers on their cell phones as well as device-sharing applications.

Extension Detection Technology: browser extensions, like Transcript, can make it easy to cheat by automatically answering test questions. They’re easily accessible and very common, but with extension detection technology, you’ll know when test takers attempt to use them.

Smart Voice Detection: listens for keywords and phrases like “Hey Siri,” which could be used in addition to voice dictation to operate ChatGPT on another device.

Video monitoring: the webcam monitors and records behavior and checks the room for cell phones, notes, and even other people.

2. Proctors hands-on alternative assessments that create real-world situations

Traditional questions, like multiple choice, are staples in assessments, but it’s just as important to assess knowledge with alternative assessments that recreate real-world situations, sometimes referred to as authentic assessments.

“If they aren’t going through those kinds of things, they may not be prepared for the next level or applying it in a real situation,” Paul Fisher, Associate CIO & Director of the TLT Center at Seton Hall University.

But the issue is that most online proctoring platforms have rigid settings that limit the types of questions that can be proctored.

However, some have flexible settings that can proctor activities that recreate real-world situations, such as:

Fisher gave examples of how Seton Hall uses online proctoring for alternative assessments: “The accounting programs use Honorlock to proctor tests where they’re using software to fix balance sheets and other similar documents, while other programs use it for short answer and essay questions.”

3. Detects cell phones and browser extensions

Did you know that over 70% of exam violations are caused by test takers using cell phones or another device?

With that in mind, it’s easy to see why online proctoring software with cell phone detection is so important to protecting exam integrity. This software can detect device-sharing applications, like Apple Handoff, and when test takers try to look up answers on their cell phones.

4. Finds leaked test content on the internet

Unfortunately, it’s pretty common for instructors to find leaked test content on sites like Chegg and Quizlet. That’s why you need Search and Destroy™ technology, which automatically searches the internet for your leaked test content and gives you the ability to send one-click takedown requests.

5. Reduces testing costs

Physical testing centers’ overhead costs, such as utilities and maintenance, staff wages, and hardware and software, can be expensive. Online proctoring can help save money by reducing (or even eliminating) the need for physical testing centers.

6. Gives more time to teach instead of administer tests

How many hours of your course hours are spent administering tests?

“The time savings reaped by faculty is an estimated 8.5 hours per semester, per course… That’s nearly three weeks worth of class time returned to the faculty member.” Brian Marchman, Assistant Provost & Director of Distance Learning & Continuing Education, University of Florida

How much more value could you give to learners if you had those hours back? Honorlock’s on-demand remote proctoring can give you those hours back because tests can be taken outside of class hours and live support is available 24/7/365.

7. Increases access & improves accessibility

According to the US Department of Education, 1 in 5 college students have a disability, and more than 40% of students paying tuition independently are in or near poverty. With that in mind:

Honorlock’s proctoring software is compliant with web accessibility standards and allows instructors to provide accommodations, like taking a proctored assessment without a webcam. And if a test taker has slow internet speed, our software has failsafes in place that work when internet speeds drop below streaming video thresholds. And with Honorlock’s 24/7 proctoring and live support, test takers with busy schedules can take proctored tests at a time and place that works for them.

“Honorlock helps us get to the core of our mission here at Warrington: being able to offer an MBA to just about anybody. Having a proctoring service focused on diversity, equity, and inclusion made choosing Honorlock an easy fit for us.” – Naz Erenguc, University of Florida, Director of Admissions at the Warrington College of Business

8. Helps reduce test anxiety

Tests are stressful, but did you know that taking a test in a different room or even in a different seat can negatively impact performance? And with online exams, there’s added stress because test takers have technology concerns.

But in a student survey, 100% of students who interacted with a live remote proctor from Honorlock indicated that it reduced their test anxiety. 

Honorlock’s combination of AI with human proctors means test takers won’t be watched constantly during tests. Our AI monitors behavior and alerts a live proctor to review the situation if it detects any issues to determine whether to intervene or not. This way, test takers won’t be interrupted unless it’s necessary. Honorlock’s full-time remote proctoring team received training by a nationally certified counselor and educator to better support test takers during moments of assessment frustration and anxiety.

“The proctor popping in was different than I expected – in a positive way. I imagined them being more strict. I felt that the proctor was helpful and a lot less intimidating than I thought.” – Student survey quote in a post-exam interview

9. Detects voices, not sounds

If the proctoring software uses sound detection, instructors could be left reviewing flags for irrelevant sounds…

Dog barking – flag to review.

Coughing – flag to review.

Tapping pencil – flag to review.

As mentioned earlier, Honorlock’s Smart Voice Detection listens for keywords and phrases, like “OK Google” and “Hey Siri,” so you’ll only have to review what’s important.

But what if a test taker talks to themselves during the test and says a phrase that the Smart Voice Detection listens for, such as ‘ OK Google’?

This phrase would trigger Honorlock’s Smart Voice Detection, but it would also notify a live proctor to review the situation, where they would see that cheating didn’t occur, so there’s no need to intervene.

Honorlock’s online proctoring software is different by design

Our approach to proctoring is different because we know that it’s more than just catching cheating. 

Honorlock’s flexible platform positively reshapes the way tests are administered by improving the entire assessment experience, ensuring equity and access, and effectively protecting academic integrity. 

For institutions looking ahead, investing in Honorlock’s proctoring services and software is a step towards a smarter future with more opportunities to improve education.

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Prewritten AI Policy Statement

AI tools can help improve teaching and learning, but instructors have concerns about how they’re used. Use our prewritten AI Policy Statement to set expectations for acceptable use of AI tools in your courses.

What goes into an AI policy statement?

Some AI policy statements resemble extensive legal documents, while others are just a few bullet points. Regardless of format, make it clear and easy to understand for learners in your course.

PART 1: Introduction & purpose

Briefly (and clearly) state your stance on AI & key takeaways

If learners only read this part, what are the must-know takeaways?

PART 2: What are AI tools?

Explicitly define what you consider to be AI tools.

To some, AI only means tools like ChatGPT. To others, it may mean using AI writing tools like Grammarly. So, be clear about the AI you’re referring to.

Group them by type (chatbots, writing assistants, browser extensions, apps, voice assistants, etc.) and name a few examples for each group, but emphasize that just because a tool isn’t named doesn’t mean it’s allowed to be used.

PART 3: Acceptable AI use

Be clear about when and how they can or cannot be used.

This will be short if you want to block AI entirely. But if you want to allow it at certain times, discuss when and how and use a few specific examples.

PART 4: The negative impact of using AI tools

AI puts data privacy, academic integrity, and reputation at risk.
Discuss how taking AI shortcuts devalues their education and the program’s reputation, which ultimately impacts their investment. And discuss other items, like data privacy.

PART 5: AI Policy enforcement

How you’ll enforce this policy, penalties, and revisions.

Example AI policy statement for your courses

Note: The primary example assumes an instructor is only allowing AI use in a few specific instances but blocking it otherwise. You’ll see expandable boxes in some sections that contain alternative language for an instructor that wants to block AI in all cases.

Introduction & purpose

I recognize the importance and benefits of using Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools, which is why my position is to embrace and integrate them into certain course activities, like interactive projects, with full transparency about their use. However, using any AI tools during an exam or quiz is never permitted. The information and guidelines in this policy ensure that AI is effectively and ethically used in this course.

The remainder of this document provides important information to understand as a participant in this course.

Alternative text for blocking Al (click to expand)

I recognize the power and potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools in shaping the educational landscape and even our lives in general. However, I want to make it clear that we will not be integrating or permitting the use of any AI tools in this course. The remainder of this document provides important information to understand as a participant in this course.

What are AI tools?

AI tools mean something different to each person, especially related to education, so I’ve grouped them into categories and named a few tools for each. Please note that countless AI tools exist, and the omission of a specific tool doesn’t mean its use is permitted. If you have questions about a certain tool, do not use it until we’ve discussed it and I indicate that its use is allowed.

Alternative introduction text for blocking AI (click to expand)

AI tools mean something different to each person, especially related to education, so I’ve grouped them into categories and named a few tools for each. Please note that countless AI tools exist, and the omission of a specific tool doesn’t mean its use is permitted.


What they do
Example tools
Generates written responses, answers questions, & checks work
ChatGPT (and GPT-4), Google Bard, Bing AI, Jasper AI
AI writing assistants
Edits, rephrases, & rewrites text to improve writing
Grammarly, QuillBot, Hemingway Editor
Answers questions & completes numerous “homework help” tasks
Course Hero, Photomath, Wolfram Alpha, Socratic
Voice assistants
Takes voice commands to provide answers to questions & operate portions of devices.
Siri, Alexa, Google Assistant, Cortana

Acceptable use of AI tools

We’ll use AI in this course to enrich your learning experience with interactive activities and as a way for you to gain practical experience with important technologies.

Key takeaways for AI use in this course:

Do not use any AI tools during any exams or quizzes.

Do not use AI tools during any assignments or activities without specific permission and instructions.

Credit and cite any time you use AI.

Except during exams and quizzes, you may use writing assistants to check your written work for grammar and punctuation.

Writing assistants and other AI should not be used to write, paraphrase, or change the style and composition of your writing.

Using AI as a supplement is permitted. Examples include using browser extensions or apps to check your answers to practice questions.

Never enter any personally identifiable information or other relevant information into AI tools

Alternative text for blocking AI (click to expand)

Use of AI tools is not permitted in any aspect of this course, including exams, quizzes, projects, or any activities.


The negatives of using AI tools

Integrating AI into course activities helps create interactive and engaging learning experiences. However, it’s crucial that you adhere to the guidelines about the use of AI tools because it impacts the entire learning experience and your data privacy.

Inappropriate or unauthorized use of AI tools to gain an unfair advantage and any other forms of academic dishonesty not only devalue your education but also jeopardize the integrity and reputation of the entire course and program you and others have invested in. That said, I ask that each of you fully, honestly, and ethically commit to using AI only as instructed.

Data privacy

I trust that you’re careful with personally identifiable information, but it can be mistakenly shared, such as when you’re checking your written work in ChatGPT. Let’s assume the assignment allows you to use ChatGPT, and you copy all of the text from the document and paste it into ChatGPT, including your information at the top of the page:
First & last name
ID number
Date & time
Course name
Instructor name

While not likely, others could receive any or all of that information, which could be enough information to determine who you are, your institution or organization, and your location. So, please do not use any personally identifiable information or other relevant information about yourself or others in any AI tools.

Alternative text for blocking AI (click to expand)

While some courses integrate AI tools, my decision to prohibit them doesn’t mean I won’t leverage technologies for different aspects of this course. These technologies will be used to create an enriched and interactive educational experience that drives creativity and collaboration.

But to give you more context on my decision, I believe that AI tools currently pose challenges related to academic dishonesty and data privacy. Many AI tools quickly answer test questions and even generate in-depth written responses that can be rephrased to go undetected by plagiarism detection tools.

Equally important, it puts your data privacy at risk. For example, did you know that everything you type into ChatGPT is saved and could be given as a response to other users? Imagine if you accidentally provided personally identifiable information and other relevant information if you used it to check your work and you copied and pasted all the text in your document, which included your first and last name, institution or organization, course name, date and time, and instructor. Just that information alone is enough for someone to know who you are and where you may be at a specific time.


AI Policy enforcement

I take academic integrity very seriously, and I will address any violations of this policy and follow [institution’s name] disciplinary policies and procedures. If you have any questions about the information, policies, and guidelines in this statement, I urge you to contact me to discuss them.

This policy goes into effect on the first day of this course, [insert day, month, and year].

I trust that each of you will make ethical decisions about the use of AI tools in this course and I’m looking forward to a rewarding experience for everyone, including myself.

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Making Sense of G2 Ratings for Online Proctoring

G2's ratings of the best online proctoring in 2023

G2 is the largest and most trusted peer-to-peer software review site with about 80 million people each year and over 2.2 million authentic reviews. 

Two important words to remember from above: authentic reviews

Companies can’t buy their way to the top. Reviews can’t be influenced or manipulated. They have serious review validation processes to make sure of it. G2 is the go-to for real reviews that compare online proctoring software and services. The reviews include ratings of more generalized topics, like ease of use and meeting requirements, and they cover specific proctoring features and functionality. This article will give you context about the specific features and functionality and why they’re so important if you’re comparing proctoring software and services. See a breakdown of the ratings here.

ID verification

Verifies that the person taking the proctored exam is the person getting credit.

Obviously, you want to know that the person taking the proctored exam is the person getting credit for it. While most online proctoring platforms have ID verification, they aren’t the same. Some are quick and simple. Others are time-consuming and invasive.

Consider these questions as you’re comparing online proctoring software:

Honorlock’s ID verification captures a picture of the test-taker and their photo ID and ensures the name on the ID matches the name in the LMS in about a minute. No facial recognition. That’s it.

ID verification ratings

Browser lockdown

Blocks access to other browsers and software.

If you’re only using browser lockdown software to proctor online exams, you’re essentially just locking your windows but leaving your doors wide open. 

Meaning that only locking the browser won’t really prevent cheating. If a test taker has a cell phone, they can get around it.

But a browser lock is still an important part of a larger solution. And instructors may even want to allow access to certain sites while blocking all others. For example, allowing access to course notes or an online study, while blocking all other sites. Some allow that, some don’t. Make sure the solution’s browser locking is customizable.

Honorlock’s Browser Guard, which is just one component of a comprehensive proctoring solution, is customizable to block all sites and software or allow the ones you want, and it prevents keyboard shortcuts like copying and pasting. 

Browser lockdown software ratings

Video recording

Records test takers’ behavior during the proctored exam session.

Video recording is a staple of proctoring, but it’s important to understand how it’s done and how it’s used.

Do you only want behavior recorded to watch later? Or do you want AI to monitor behavior during the exam, record it, and you’ll just watch the important behaviors that need your attention?

Honorlock’s AI uses the webcam to monitor and record behavior. If the AI detects suspicious behavior during the exam, it alerts a live proctor to review and intervene if necessary. After the exam is over, instructors and admins get a report with proctor-verified violations and can access time-stamped video recordings in full HD quality (many proctoring services only provide SD).

Video recording ratings

Automatic behavior flagging

Uses AI or algorithms to automatically flag test takers’ behavior.

This is one part of online proctoring that separates the best from the rest. 

From cell phone detection and video monitoring to sound detection and room scans, there are many AI proctoring tools to consider that impact the entire experience for all users.

Some AI proctoring software will flag almost anything.

Sneezing – flag.

Talking to themselves – flag.

Looking away from the screen while thinking – flag.

These distract test takers and create more work for administrators during exam reviews. But Honorlock’s approach avoids distractions and extra work. Powerful AI monitors behavior and alerts a live proctor if it detects suspicious behavior. The proctor can review the behavior and decide whether to intervene or not. If the behavior isn’t problematic, the proctor won’t intervene and administrators can skip it when they review. 

AI behavior flagging ratings

Live proctors

A live human proctor is available for an exam session.
Which option would you prefer?

Option 1: There’s a box on your screen of a proctor watching you take an exam

Option 2: No box with a stranger watching you take your exam, and you’ll only interact with a proctor via chat if there’s any behavior that needs to be addressed

Most would choose Option 2 because it isn’t creepy and distracting… And that’s the approach Honorlock uses. You’ll also want to consider what the interactions are like between test takers and proctors. Honorlock’s full-time online proctoring team received training from a nationally certified counselor and educator on providing help and support during moments of test anxiety and frustration. This helps create a better test environment that reduces anxiety and allows test takers to focus.

Live proctoring ratings

Test session reports

Reports containing details about test taker behaviors and suspicious activities.

Test reports can save admins a lot of time… or waste a lot of time.

If you want to save time, make sure that the reports are:

Honorlock’s exam reports save time and make the review process simple. After proctored exams are complete, instructors/admins can access in-depth reports with time-stamped recordings within the LMS dashboard. Reports include test taker violations and notable or suspicious behaviors/activities. In addition, proctors will send a detailed email to test administrators about suspicious behavior observed.

Proctored exam reports ratings

Online proctoring dashboard

A dashboard to view exam trends and overall usage.

How can you monitor proctoring utilization across the institution? How do you determine if the online proctoring platform is actually effective?

In 2023, Honorlock plans to release the most robust analytics reporting available in the online proctoring space. 

The analytics dashboard will allow institutions to:

Honorlock’s dashboard will provide powerful, on-demand analytics empowering institutions to uphold equity, integrity, and exam security by understanding usage trends.

Proctoring dashboard ratings

LMS integrations

The proctoring platform’s integration with Learning Management Systems.

The integration between the online proctoring platform and the LMS impacts the entire experience for every user. It’s the difference between a secure proctoring platform that’s easy to use and a frustrating experience that puts security at risk.


Honorlock’s direct LMS integration means that:

Honorlock’s proctoring platform integrates with Blackboard Learn, Instructure Canvas, Moodle, D2L Brightspace, and Intellum. We also offer custom LMS integrations.

Proctoring LMS integration ratings

Other things to look for to find the best online proctoring service and software

Cell phone detection

Some online proctoring services claim to have cell phone detection, but Honorlock has the most robust cell phone detection available. 

Honorlock’s AI proctoring software can detect when students attempt to use their cell phones to access test bank content during the tests, and we’re the only online proctoring company detecting device sharing apps like Apple Handoff.

Technology that finds leaked test content

Honorlock’s Search & Destroy technology scours the internet to find leaked exam questions. If leaked exam questions are found, instructors are given simple steps to take control of their exams’ integrity.

Unlike the technologies at proctoring companies, instructors using Search and Destroy typically won’t have to deal with the hassle of manually selecting which questions they would like to search for. In just a few minutes, Search and Destroy searches all questions included in the exam.

Live US-based support 24/7/365

If proctored exams are available 24/7/365, support should be available at all times too. The quality of support matters too. Ask proctoring services about support satisfaction and support response times. 

Honorlock offers 24/7/365 live human support at no extra cost. Our support response time is less than five seconds, and we have the highest support satisfaction rating (93%) on G2 for online proctoring companies.


Flat-rate cost

Variable prices can add up quickly. Find an online proctoring service, like Honorlock, that offers online proctoring at a flat rate cost per user or exam. Including implementation and 24/7/365 live human support.

While there are many online proctoring companies offering different software and services, make sure that you’re choosing the right one for your needs. We encourage you to dig into G2’s reviews for online proctoring because we know that you’ll come to the same conclusion that many others have: Honorlock is the leader in online proctoring and a true partner in academic integrity.

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7 reasons online proctoring works for any course format

Can in-person classes and blended courses benefit from online proctoring?

Teaching in-person classes means testing during class, right? Nope.

We’ll show you seven benefits of online proctoring for in-person, hybrid/blended, and fully remote courses.

1. Proctoring tests outside of class = more time to teach

If an instructor teaches a one hour class in person three times per week, that’s about 45 class hours during a 15-week semester.

Administering just five tests during classroom hours that semester is over 11% of classroom time (approximately 5 hours).

What else could you teach students with those five hours?

2. Online test proctoring is proven to reduce cheating

Whether students take tests in class, at a testing center, or at home, precautions should be taken to prevent cheating.

Many believe online testing amplifies cheating

A survey showed that 3 out of 4 instructors believe more students cheat during online exams, and almost 60% of students said it’s easier to cheat online.1

But it’s worth noting that the same survey found that 70% of students said they’re less likely to cheat if online exam proctoring is used.

Online proctoring significantly reduces cheating and test scores are much different

Three studies showed that cheating is reduced and grades are vastly different when online proctoring is used. 

Proctoring deters and reduces cheating

Study 1: 70% of students made cheating attempts during unproctored tests, compared to just 15% during proctored tests.2

Test scores significantly change when online proctoring is used

Study 2: Proctored test scores were 17 points lower than unproctored tests.3

Study 3: Test scores decreased by 10 to 20 percentage points when proctoring was used.4

These studies also considered variables that can impact students’ test performance, like test anxiety, the types of questions, subjects, etc. While student test anxiety is often associated with online proctoring, students didn’t give any feedback that online proctoring increased their anxiety. Simply put, online proctoring didn’t create any stress that impacted test scores.

3. Reduces testing center costs

Physical testing centers have significant overhead costs for things like hardware and software, utilities, and proctors’ wages. Online proctoring can help save money by reducing the need for physical testing centers and proctors because the exams are remotely proctored, which saves time and money for the institution and its students. Additionally, online proctoring easily scales to accommodate times when a large number of students are taking exams at once, like around midterms and finals, without the need for additional physical testing facilities or staff.

4. Students prefer online testing, and proctoring extends the benefits

It’s pretty easy to understand why students prefer taking tests online instead of in person:

Online proctoring software helps assess students with realistic job tasks

78% of students believe online tests are similar to a real environment 5 and create an authentic experience.6

Whether working from home or in the office, students know they’ll use different technologies, like Zoom and Excel, to some extent. With online proctoring, instructors can have students complete realistic job tasks during an online authentic assessment without concerns of cheating, such as:

Using software like Excel, Word, & text editors

Presentations & demonstrations on Zoom

Handwritten activities using pen and paper

“The accounting programs use Honorlock to proctor tests where students are using software to fix balance sheets and other similar documents, while other programs use it for short answer and essay questions.” – Paul Fisher, Associate CIO & Director of the Teaching & Learning Technology Center at Seton Hall University

Most students trust automated scoring more than hand grading

78% of students trust online exam scoring over hand grading.7

Most online exams are automatically graded, which reduces human error and provides grades and feedback instantly.

Online proctoring solutions provide an additional layer of confidence that exam students can’t gain an unfair advantage and that the entire exam process is protected from start to finish.

Online test proctoring offers more flexibility in time and location

Did you know that even taking a test in a different room or just sitting in a different seat can negatively affect test performance?8

While online testing gives students the flexibility to test when they’re ready from a comfortable location, if online proctoring isn’t in place, there’s really no way to stop students from cheating. 

However, if a blended proctoring solution like Honorlock is used, students can take tests 24/7/365 (and get live support from a person), and instructors won’t have to worry about academic dishonesty.

“Honorlock definitely makes test taking a lot more flexible and convenient. I don’t like having to take a test at a certain time and place when I can take it in the comfort of my own home.” – Madi Kuokos, University of Florida graduate

5. Protects institutional reputation & degree value

As a student, which institution would you rather earn your degree from?

Institution 1: A reputable, well-respected institution known for a high-quality education that prioritizes academic rigor

Institution 2: An institution that’s seen as an easy route to a degree because students can cheat their way through

You’d probably pick Institution 1, right? 

Now imagine if the institution you earned a degree from gets exposed in a cheating scandal. How much would that devalue your degree? Online proctoring helps colleges and universities further establish their reputation and position themselves as the best choice for students who are serious about their education.

6. Online proctoring can improve accessibility & increase access

According to the US Department of Education, 1 in 5 college students have a disability and that more than 40% of students paying tuition independently are in or near poverty.

With those statistics in mind, consider these questions:

Honorlock’s online proctoring solution increases access and accessibility

Honorlock’s online proctoring software is compliant with web accessibility standards and allows instructors to provide specific accommodations, like using assistive technologies, completing a proctored exam without a webcam, and alternative options to complete assessment activities.

Additionally, Honorlock has failsafes in place if a student’s internet speed drops below thresholds for streaming video. Students can also take online proctored assessments 24/7/365, which helps students with busy schedules and households.

“Honorlock helps us get to the core of our mission here at Warrington: being able to offer an MBA to just about anybody. Having a proctoring service focused on diversity, equity, and inclusion made choosing Honorlock an easy fit for us.” – Naz Erenguc, University of Florida, Director of Admissions at the Warrington College of Business

7. Online proctoring helps institutions maintain accreditation compliance

Many colleges and universities participating in remote learning, whether fully remote or hybrid/blended, are required to meet rigorous standards set by accrediting bodies for assessment and academic integrity. This is especially important for institutions that receive Title IV funding because they must have specific technology in place to verify the identity of online exam-takers to ensure they are enrolled students. One way to meet this identity verification requirement is to use online proctoring.

Honorlock’s online proctoring solution isn’t just for online courses

Regardless of the modality of your classes, Honorlock’s blended proctoring solution, which uses AI and human proctors, creates a dynamic and non-invasive test environment that gives students the flexibility and convenience they need, while instructors gain confidence that academic integrity is protected and have more time to teach instead of test. Additionally, Honorlock’s proctoring software prevents ChatGPTdetects cell phones, finds leaked test content, and more. 

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1 Wiley, (2022). New Insights into Academic Integrity 2022 Update.

2 Pleasants, J., Pleasants, J. M., & Pleasants B. P. (2021). Cheating on unproctored online exams: Prevalence, mitigation measures, and effects on exam performance.

3 Alessio, H. M.; Malay, N.; Maurer, K.; Bailer, A. J.; & Rubin, B. (2017). Examining the Effect of Proctoring on Online Test Scores.

4 Dendir, S., & Stockton Maxwell, R. (2020). Cheating in online courses: Evidence from online proctoring

5Attia M. 2014. Postgraduate students’ perceptions toward online assessment.

6Matthíasdóttir Á., Arnalds H. 2016. e-assessment: students’ point of view; pp. 369–374.

7Williams J.B., Wong A. 2009. The efficacy of final examinations: A comparative study of closed‐book, invigilated exams and open‐book, open‐web exams.

8Van Der Wege, M., & Barry, L. A. (2008). Potential perils of changing environmental context on examination scores.

Hint: Plagiarism detection can ‘t really detect AI

How ChatGPT beats plagiarism checkers

Can plagiarism checkers catch ChatGPT?

Some plagiarism checkers are pretty good, but can they catch ChatGPT? Ehhh… not really. But you still have options to stop ChatGPT from being used. 

This article will show you:
– A simple analogy of how ChatGPT works with real examples

– How plagiarism checkers work & why they can’t catch ChatGPT

– Proctoring software that can prevent the use of ChatGPT during written activities

How does plagiarism detection software work?

It compares written text submissions to its database of content. Some plagiarism checkers only find exact matches, but others can identify paraphrasing.

Does ChatGPT plagiarize?

ChatGPT does not plagiarize.

How does ChatGPT work if it doesn’t copy internet content?

ChatGPT was trained WITH internet resources, but it doesn’t copy content FROM the internet.

Here’s a quick analogy of how it works:

– You learn from articles, textbooks, research, instructors, lectures, etc.

– But you don’t regurgitate that information word-for word.

– You understand what you learned, make connections, and apply it in different ways.

That’s basically how ChatGPT works. It learns, makes connections, and writes tailored responses based on the prompts it’s given. ChatGPT writes like a person because it receives human feedback that refines its responses.

Are there plagiarism checkers made specifically for ChatGPT?

Yes, some plagiarism checkers only check for ChatGPT plagiarism. Sounds good, but they basically just group responses to really general prompts.

These won’t catch ChatGPT because detailed prompts produce tailored responses that won’t be detected by plagiarism detection software. To show you what we mean, here are some of ChatGPT’s responses that change based on the details in the prompts. While the “General Prompt” may eventually be grouped, the others won’t be.

Prompts can be more detailed, and you can even have them written from a specific person’s perspective, like the example below.

Where does ChatGPT get its information?

ChatGPT gets its information from the 300 billion words it was trained on from internet resources, like articles, research, websites, etc.*

Can online proctoring stop ChatGPT?
Prevents copying and pasting

Example: If participants have an idea of the topic they’ll need to write about during the written assignment/exam, they could copy and paste a written response from ChatGPT.

Honorlock’s proctoring software prevents participants from copying and pasting, and it flags the action.

Blocks websites, browsers, and applications

Example: Participants try to open a different browser tab to use ChatGPT.

Honorlock’s BrowserGuard prevents participants from opening other browsers and applications. It also allows you to give access to specific sites while still blocking others. For example, participants can access a research study, but can’t still access ChatGPT.

Listens for specific keywords/phrases to use voice assistants like Siri and Alexa

Example: Participants can use voice commands and dictation on their phones to have Alexa or Siri open ChatGPT, ask specific prompts, and read the responses aloud.

Honorlock’s smart Voice Detection listens for specific things like “Hey Siri,” “Alexa,” and “OK Google.” It also records and transcribes what’s said and alerts a live proctor.

Checks the room for other resources like cell phones

Example: A participant uses ChatGPT on a cell phone that’s out of view of the webcam.

With Honorlock, instructors have the option to require participants to complete a roomscan that checks for unauthorized resources that could be used to access ChatGPT and even other people.

Records participants’ screens while they’re writing

Honorlock records the participants’ desktops during the written activity and/or exam and requires them to disconnect secondary monitors. Instructors can watch time-stamped exam recordings and review in-depth reports.

Other ways Honorlock’s online proctoring software prevents cheating on exams
Detects cell phone use

Honorlock can detect if a participant attempts to access test bank content using a cell phone or other devices during the written activity.

Verifies identity in about a minute

Our ID verification process is quick and simple. It captures a picture of the test-taker along with their photo ID in about 60 seconds.

Finds leaked test questions

Have you ever found your test content leaked on sites like Quizlet, Chegg, or Reddit? Honorlock can help.

Our Search and Destroy™ technology scours the internet for your leaked test content and gives you the ability to send takedown requests with one click.

Get in touch with our experts to see how Honorlock can help your institution stay ahead of the technology curve by preventing the use of AI chatbots like ChatGPT.

Point Loma Nazarene University Online Proctoring Testimonial

Sign that says "Point Loma Nazarene University"

Katie Jacobson

Director of Instructional Technology and Adjunct Faculty

Embracing online proctoring for in-person, online, & blended learning at PLNU

Point Loma Nazarene University (PLNU) is a Christian liberal arts college located in San Diego, California. It has approximately 2,700 undergraduate students who primarily learn in-person, nearly 500 adult learners, and 1,100 graduate students in online and hybrid programs.

In 2018, Katie Jacobson, Director of Instructional Technology and Adjunct Faculty at PLNU, received a number of requests to look into online proctoring solutions. After a successful pilot with Honorlock, some instructors started proctoring exams online, but others maintained their “tried and true” methods of using pencil and paper tests in the classroom. Instructors either hand-graded the tests or used an ancient Scantron machine in an attempt to speed things up.

When the pandemic hit, PLNU administrators were glad the institution already had a proctoring solution in place that could support the nearly overnight shift to remote testing. They quickly added the pop-in proctoring service, which was simply a per-test cost above their existing contract.

PLNU uses Canvas as their LMS for in-person, hybrid, and online learning. Jacobson quickly discovered how easy it was to integrate Canvas with Honorlock’s online proctoring platform, which helps create a more seamless instructor and student experience.

Even with the new online learning tools, most administrators and instructors assumed they would only need to use online proctoring for the year they had purchased, and then they would go back to paper and pencil tests as the pandemic subsided.

But Jacobson had a hunch. “I was fairly certain that once instructors got their classes and exams set up and became familiar with the ease of access, security, and academic integrity safeguards that the combination of Canvas and Honorlock provide, that there would be no going back to the old ways. They would finally recognize how much better it could be!” 

And her hunch was correct. The majority of instructors kept their tests in Canvas and continued using online proctoring and she was able to make an institution-wide purchase of Honorlock. This purchase gave PLNU access to all of Honorlock’s proctoring features and functions, including on-demand automated proctoring software and live proctor support.

Online proctoring different course formats: in-person, fully online, and blended courses

PLNU instructors use Honorlock’s online proctoring solution for tests in the classroom, fully online courses, and blended courses. Regardless of the format, instructors have full confidence that their tests are secure and protected while still providing students with a fair and equitable experience. 

Online proctoring for in-person testing

It’s often assumed that online proctoring is just for remote exams, but it works just as well for tests taken in-person, and it’s surprisingly simple to set up. 

To do so, PLNU instructors simply build their exams in the LMS like they normally do and then choose the proctoring tools they want to use. After that, students can take the proctored test right there in the classroom.

All of Honorlock’s online proctoring tools are available for in-person tests, like video monitoring and detection of cell phone use, but there are two that are important to highlight: BrowserGuard and ID authentication. Honorlock’s BrowserGuard prevents access to restricted websites and applications and it disables copy and paste keyboard shortcuts and printing. Honorlock also makes it quick and easy to authenticate the students’ identities. While PLNU has relatively smaller class sizes, ID verification is especially important for institutions conducting tests in-person for a large number of students. This way, instructors have confidence that the person taking the test is the person getting credit in the course.

The Honorlock Canvas integration allows tests to be automatically graded, which saves instructors significant amounts of time. “We have the ability to automate the proctoring and instructors don’t need to review video to check for any behaviors flagged by the automated monitoring, which also saves them time.”

Proctoring exams for hybrid and fully online courses

Instructors of fully online or hybrid courses also have Honorlock’s blended proctoring tools at their disposal. 

Instructors of fully online or hybrid courses can use Honorlock’s proctoring tools and Canvas’ settings to fully customize the testing experience for students without sacrificing academic integrity. This also saves instructors time because grading can be automated with Canvas and they’ll have access to in-depth exam reports with timestamped recordings within Canvas.

Putting students first

Point Loma Nazarene University strives to shape critical, thoughtful, and engaged individuals. Along with its vibrant and diverse community of instructors, faculty, and staff, part of what makes PLNU’s reputation for academic excellence so exceptional is its curriculum, which strikes the perfect balance of theory and real-world practice.

PLNU is dedicated to creating learning experiences that foster vigorous and rewarding academic opportunities. One component of this effort is the use of online proctoring, which serves as an extension of PLNU’s commitment to academic rigor and an investment in their people and programs.

Regardless of the test environment, many students need accommodations. These could be alternative ways to complete the test or flexible scheduling. Between the customizable settings and the option to provide proctors with instructions for the entire class or even just one student, Honorlock offers the flexibility needed to accommodate student needs.

Additionally, students can take proctored online exams anytime, day or night, without scheduling, and get live support if they need it. This removes scheduling issues for teachers and students; they don’t need to coordinate times to come to the classroom or find time to take make-up tests.

Online proctoring that passes the test

According to Jacobson, Honorlock has been extremely easy for faculty to understand and use. “I find that our instructors really enjoy trying it out on their own to practice how it can be used,” she said. “I recommend about 30 minutes of instruction to get them started out in the right direction. But we have not needed any extensive training.”

After the initial training, Jacobson then recommends a few as-needed training sessions. For example, the first time an instructor does a fully online exam, they walk through any notifications together and review video of any flagged behaviors. That way, she can help the instructor through their preferred process and answer questions along the way. 

This collaborative training also helps Jacobson define roles and set expectations for faculty. “I really try to impress upon our faculty that it is up to them to make decisions on any flags that the proctoring platform raises – we are here to uphold academic integrity and support the success of our students. The platform is just one tool and is not the only indicator of how we should make decisions on student behavior,” she added.

Reassuring students

Jacobson says that she also spends time reassuring students that online proctoring is secure and protects their personal data, working to help them succeed. “I think it’s really important to break down those myths,” she said. “There is a lot of inaccurate information on the web regarding how proctoring platforms work and I aim to make students feel comfortable with the reality of how proctoring benefits the entire testing process. This goes a long way in elevating student confidence and gaining acceptance.”

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Katie Jacobson, Director of Instructional Technology and Adjunct Faculty at Point Loma Nazarene University

Katie Jacobson came to PLNU in 2008 with instructional design experience from an array of industries including software development, US defense, healthcare, and retail.  As an instructional designer, she has designed and developed a variety of soft skills training programs on topics such as team building, listening, conflict resolution, sexual harassment, customer service, change management, leadership styles, and other organizational development topics. Ms. Jacobson began her career at PLNU by leading a team of instructional designers in the Office of Instructional Technology (OIT). Over the years, she expanded the services that OIT provides to PLNU faculty and students. This broadened scope of services includes faculty development opportunities, administration and support of Canvas (the campus LMS), and support for a variety of other instructional technologies such as Turnitin, Honorlock, Pronto, and Canvas Studio. She believes the best training opportunities also allow participants to get “real work” done while learning! She also oversees the Student Technology Assistance Resource (STAR) program which employs technology-savvy students to assist faculty in the use of technology. In 2015 Ms. Jacobson also began serving as adjunct faculty in the Organizational Management program and Communication Studies department.

  • M.A. Educational Technology
  • California Multiple Subject Teaching Credential
  • B.A. Developmental Psychology

University of Florida Student Testimonial

Honorlock Video Student Testimonial from the University of Florida

Madi Kuokos, University of Florida graduate

“Honorlock was a lot less invasive and less glitchy. It felt way more seamless and creates an easier testing experience. It just lets you take your test without any interruptions.”

Recent University of Florida graduate, Madi Kuokos, used several online proctoring platforms during her education and encountered similar issues that ultimately increased her test anxiety:

  1. Clunky software that was difficult to use
  2. Distractions and an invasive experience
  3. Support wasn’t readily available when she needed it most

When UF went fully remote in 2020, Madi used Honorlock’s online proctoring platform for the first time, and she realized quickly that Honorlock wasn’t like the others. “I’ve grown to like using Honorlock as a proctoring tool. We’ve really come to appreciate it now because it’s a lot less invasive than other proctoring platforms.”

Online proctoring doesn’t have to be invasive

“Honorlock was less invasive than other proctoring software. I didn’t have a live proctor hounding me before the test, which would heighten my anxiety… It just lets you take your test without any interruptions,” Madi said.

While many online proctoring companies just aim to catch cheating, Honorlock does more. Honorlock is proof that preventing cheating and creating a better testing experience aren’t mutually exclusive efforts.

With Honorlock, students won’t be hounded by a proctor. In fact, a live proctor will only intervene if absolutely necessary. That’s because the AI monitors exams and alerts a live proctor if it detects potential cheating. The proctor can review the situation before deciding whether to intervene or not. Otherwise, students won’t be interrupted.

Now, Madi prefers online testing over in-person, “Honorlock is my favorite proctoring platform… It allows me to perform my best and has definitely improved the online testing experience to the point where I now enjoy online exams more so than in-person ones.”

Easy-to-use online proctoring software means one less thing to worry about

Exams can cause anxiety, especially when different technologies are used, like online proctoring software. Now, students are concerned about their performance and how to use the proctoring software. “Other online proctoring systems felt really invasive and super glitchy to the point where they would affect the performance of my computer. But fortunately, Honorlock never did anything like that, which I was really appreciative of,” Madi said.

While other systems performed poorly, Madi noted that Honorlock’s proctoring platform created a seamless experience for her, “Honorlock being way less glitchy has helped decrease my test anxiety. It just feels really easy and integrates with the online testing platform.”

Honorlock’s proctoring platform integrates directly with the LMS directly, which means that students don’t have to download bulky software, extra logins and passwords aren’t needed, and it’s pretty much the same test experience they’re already comfortable with.

To take a proctored exam with Honorlock, students simply:

  • Log into the LMS like they already do 
  • Authenticate their identity
  • Launch the exam from the LMS

On-demand exams & live support offer flexibility & convenience

Like many other students, Madi had a busy schedule and needed the ability to take online exams at a time that worked for her. With Honorlock, Madi could take proctored exams and get live support from a person when she needed it — 24/7/365. “Honorlock definitely makes test taking a lot more flexible and convenient. I personally think that students enjoy the flexibility. I know I do. I don’t like having to take a test at a certain time and place when I can take it in the comfort of my own home.”

She also noted that getting support was just as easy as using Honorlock’s proctoring platform: “Honorlock support was super easy to contact. All I had to do was click the little chat bubble, and within five minutes I was on my way to retaking the exam.”

Honorlock’s value is clear

“I think it’s important for the University of Florida to uphold academic integrity because we’re a top-five institution and we value the caliber of education. And honest students will turn out good leaders, educators, and people of tomorrow.”

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ChatGPT vs. Honorlock Online Proctoring

Using online proctoring services to stop students from cheating with ChatGPT

Many are nervous about the arrival of ChatGPT, the AI chatbot that can write about anything. ChatGPT can write essays, solve math problems, make original jokes, and even write code. 

But it doesn’t write like a typical AI tool, which is repetitive and awkward. ChatGPT writes just like a human, and it writes well. VERY well. 

In fact, ChatGPT recently passed some pretty tough exams:

Can plagiarism tools catch ChatGPT?

Plagiarism tools can’t really catch ChatGPT. At least not yet. That’s because ChatGPT was trained with about 300 billion words from internet resources, like research, articles, websites, and more. But it doesn’t get its information from the internet.

Sounds confusing, but here’s an analogy for how ChatGPT works:

During your education, you learned from different textbooks, articles, and instructors. But you don’t just regurgitate that information. You understand it, and you can make complex connections to use in different ways. 

That’s basically how ChatGPT works. It doesn’t just copy different pieces of content from the internet. ChatGPT really “comes to life” because it receives feedback and review from experts, which refines its responses to sound more human. All of this is why plagiarism tools won’t catch it anytime soon.

How can Honorlock’s online proctoring software prevent the use of ChatGPT for written assignments?

To show you how it works, we’ll use a realistic scenario where an instructor wants participants in class to complete a 500 word essay by 11:59 p.m. on Friday.

Set the amount of time they have to write the essay once they begin

Instructors can create rules that specify a certain number of hours participants have to complete the written assignment once they begin. Honorlock’s proctoring software and services are available 24/7/365, so they can write their essays anytime they’re ready within your set time frame, and you’ll know it’s being proctored.

Lock the browser

With Honorlock’s BrowserGuard, instructors could do the following:

  1. Prevent access to all other websites, browsers, and applications.
  2. Allow access to specific websites and applications while blocking all others, including ChatGPT.

This is important because you may want to give participants access to certain internet articles or lectures in PowerPoint as a supplement while they’re writing their essay, but you want to make sure that they can’t access ChatGPT or other AI writing tools. With Honorlock, you can do just that.

Honorlock’s BrowserGuard also records the participants’ desktops and prevents keyboard shortcuts, like copying and pasting. If copy/paste is attempted, the participant receives a notification that it isn’t allowed and the AI marks it as a medium flag.

If you’re only using browser lockdown software, how would you know if: 

Use smart voice detection

If your online proctoring platform doesn’t have smart voice detection, a participant could use a voice assistant, like Siri or Alexa, to:

Honorlock’s Smart Voice Detection listens for specific keywords or phrases, like “Hey Siri” or “OK Google,” and it records and transcribes audio while the exam is in progress. If it detects potentially dishonest behavior, a live proctor is alerted to review the situation and intervene if necessary.

Use the webcam to check the room and record behavior

Honorlock’s online proctoring platform makes it quick to check the room for unauthorized resources, like cell phones, notes, and even other people. And our proctoring software monitors and records behavior throughout the exam as well.

This way, you’ll know that test takers aren’t accessing ChatGPT from other devices or asking friends in the room to do it for them while they’re writing their essay. 

Other online proctoring tools from Honorlock
Blends AI with human proctors

Honorlock upholds academic integrity with online exam proctoring that’s monitored by AI and reviewed by humans. Our AI proctoring software monitors exams for potentially dishonest behavior and alerts a live proctor to review (and intervene if necessary) if it detects any issues. Our blended proctoring solution delivers a less intimidating and non-invasive experience for participants.

Detects the use of cell phones and other devices

Honorlock’s online proctoring software can also detect when a test taker attempts to access test bank content using a cell phone or other devices during the proctored assessment activity. 

Finds leaked test content on the internet

Honorlock’s Search and Destroy™ technology scours the internet automatically for leaked test content and gives instructors the ability to send takedown requests with one click. This way, you’ll know your test content isn’t available on sites like Quizlet, Chegg, Reddit, and Quora.

Verifies test takers’ identity

You need to know that the person taking the proctored exam is the same person getting credit in the class. Honorlock’s ID verification takes about 60 seconds. It captures a picture of the test-taker along with their photo ID.

ChatGPT is a powerful AI tool, but there are many other tools and different ways for test takers to gain an unfair advantage. Stay ahead of the curve with Honorlock’s blended proctoring solution.


Online proctoring improves the testing experience

Using online proctoring to improve the online assessment experience

Online exams can be stressful for. And online proctoring can amplify that stress if it isn’t used correctly. Instead of focusing on the exam itself, the wrong approach to proctoring can lead to more questions and concerns that can negatively impact their performance.

Catching cheating vs improving the test-taking experience

Online proctoring is just a way to catch cheating, right? It shouldn’t be. 

Catching cheating is the focus for many online proctoring companies, but Honorlock goes far beyond that. Honorlock takes a different approach to online proctoring that focuses on improving the testing experience while still protecting academic integrity. 

Simply put, Honorlock makes things easy for test takers and it just works. 

How does Honorlock improve the testing experience?

Quick summary of how Honorlock works:

  • Honorlock’s blended proctoring solution combines AI with human proctors.
  • AI monitors exams and alerts a human proctor if it detects potentially problematic behavior.
  • The proctor can review test taker’s behavior in an analysis window and decide whether to intervene and redirect the them or not.

Quick summary of how Honorlock works:

Honorlock allows proctored exams to be taken 24/7/365 and there’s no fee for canceling the exam or for exams that take longer to complete. 

Unfortunately, some companies charge exam takers if they cancel an exam within a certain time frame before it starts. Even worse, in some cases, exam takers have to pay for exams by the hour. This means paying more money for longer exams.

No online proctoring software to download

Honorlock’s online proctoring software is browser-based, which means there’s no software to download to take the exam. 

Easy to set up & no extra logins or passwords required

Honorlock’s online proctoring platform integrates directly with your LMS, such as Blackboard (and Blackboard Ultra), Canvas, and D2L, which is important because test takers won’t have to create extra profiles that require extra logins and passwords, and they can get support with without leaving the exam window

Some online proctoring platforms have clunky LMS integrations, which creates a poor experience and they’ll probably have to create additional profiles on different platforms.

Works with poor internet connection

Test takers won’t need to worry about their internet connection during a proctored exam with Honorlock. If the internet connection is slow or if there’s an outage, our software works normally except it captures still images of the webcam and the screen instead of a video recording. 

On the other hand, some other proctoring services charge a fee if a test taker has an issue with their internet connection, 

Detects voices instead of unimportant sounds

The terms “sound detection” and “voice detection” are often used interchangeably, but they’re different.

Sound detection triggers for basically any sounds during an exam, like sneezing or a doorbell ringing. 

Honorlock’s Voice Detection listens for specific keywords and phrases, such as “Hey Siri” or “OK Google.” This helps reduce the number of false flags that exam administrators have to review, and test takers won’t be interrupted for sneezing or talking.

Provides accommodations

Accommodations can mean many different things, but here are some that are commonly used:

Honorlock proctors are trained to provide support during times of stress

A nationally certified counselor and educator trained Honorlock’s online proctoring team to identify signs of stress and provide support during those moments.

This human-centric communication helps test takers gain confidence in the process and with our test proctors.

Honorlock is proven to reduce test anxiety

The University of North Alabama and Honorlock conducted a test anxiety survey to better understand the causes of test anxiety and how online proctoring impacts it.

The test takers were surveyed before and after taking assessments proctored by Honorlock. The survey found that every test taker who interacted with an Honorlock proctor had a significant decrease in anxiety for future exams. 

“The proctor popping in was different than I expected – in a positive way. I imagined them being more strict. I felt that the proctor was helpful and a lot less intimidating than I thought.” – quote from a post-exam survey interview

Honorlock is proof that when online proctoring is done the right way, it’s a resource that supports test takers, promotes academic integrity, and protects the reputation of your programs.

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The causes of test anxiety may surprise you

Understanding the causes of student test anxiety and how online proctoring can help reduce it

As online learning continues to grow, so has testing anxiety. Learners have concerns about the technology, the process and the presence of live proctors.

But online proctoring doesn’t need to add to the stress of test-taking. When institutions create the proper environment and prepare test takers for online assessments, they report that having a live proctor can actually reduce anxiety. Further, effective proctor training can build confidence.

To learn more about test anxiety during a proctored online exam, Honorlock conducted a survey. Jordan Adair, VP of Product at Honorlock, recently sat down with Tests and the Rest podcast to share the survey results and discuss how remote proctors can help reduce test anxiety.

What is test anxiety?

Test anxiety is any physical and emotional reaction that negatively impacts a test takers ability to perform well on a test. 

5 key learnings from the test anxiety survey:

1. How do test takers react to proctored online exams?

Regardless of how well-prepared the test taker is, many still feel a sense of anxiety.

In the online proctoring space, this is often increased, as test takers may be unfamiliar with the online proctoring system or the method of proctoring that will be used on a particular exam. The findings indicated that even well-prepared test takers are likely to feel anxious heading into a proctored assessment, with 64% agreeing or strongly agreeing with the statement “taking an online test makes me nervous.”

2. Does the environment affect test anxiety?

Test takers experience testing anxiety both in-person and online, so it isn’t just the environment. The increase in online assessments has heightened anxiety due to concerns about the technology, the testing process, and the presence of live test proctors.

3. What causes test anxiety?

It mostly stems from not understanding how online proctoring works and not knowing what to expect.

3 main causes of test anxiety

Technology concerns and how to use the proctoring software

Test takers often worry about their device work with the online proctoring software and other issues, such as internet connection.

Unaware of what behaviors may be flagged

They may not understand what behaviors are acceptable and what may be flagged by the proctoring solution or live proctor.

Unfamiliar with how interactions with a proctor will go

Potentially interacting with a proctor can be nerve-racking, especially if the test taker hasn’t never experienced it before.

4. What can help reduce test anxiety?

When you create a proper test environment and prepare learners beforehand, they report that a live proctor can actually reduce anxiety.

Describe how online proctoring works

A basic understanding of how online proctoring works goes a long way. Give learners a high-level overview of how the online proctoring software works and what they can expect before, during, and after the exam.

Explain what behaviors may trigger flags from the proctoring platform

Test takers need to know what behaviors are appropriate compared to those that can trigger a flag. 

For example, here are the things test takers think might get flagged (none of these actually cause flags in Honorlock):

Offer practice exams

After they understand the basics of how online proctoring works and what behavior is acceptable, let them use it.

Practice exams provide learners with the opportunity to get comfortable with using the online proctoring platform, making sure their technology works, and interacting with a live proctor.

Show them where to find support

Make sure test takers know where to find support if they need it. Ideally, live support will be available 24/7 without having to leave the exam window. 

5. How does remote proctor training help with test anxiety?

How proctors are trained is crucial for helping reduce test anxiety. They need the ability to identify symptoms of test anxiety and stress and how to positively interact with test takers during the proctored tests.

Identifying symptoms of test anxiety and signs of stress

Proctors should be trained to spot physical behaviors and signs of stress. Test anxiety symptoms can include things such as lip licking, excessive throat clearing, propping the head up, and touching or rubbing the face. 

Positive interactions

Once physical signs of stress and anxiety are identified, proctors need to understand how to best interact with a test taker. This includes approaching a them in a helpful manner and then having the correct training and tools to help alleviate any stressful situation while decreasing the risk of confrontation. 

Honorlock’s remote proctoring team received training from a nationally certified counselor to learn how to de-escalate test takers who are stressed or anxious and reduce anxiety so that they can continue taking the exam.

Positive interactions with a proctor can have a lasting impact on reducing test anxiety. In fact, a test anxiety survey found that 100% of test takers who interacted with an Honorlock proctor responded “Yes” to the interview question, “Did the proctor make you less anxious?”

Applying these key learnings can help build confidence and prepare learners to perform their best on exams.

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