Ernst & Young’s $100 Million Fine for Cheating Could’ve Been Avoided

Ernst & Young fined 100 million dollars by the SEC after employees cheated on CPA exams and for misleading an investigation

Ernst & Young fined $100 million by the SEC after discovering the firm knew employees cheated on CPA exam sections and for misleading an investigation.

The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) released a statement that Ernst & Young will pay a $100 million fine after admitting that it knew of employees cheating on the ethics portion of CPA exams and for misleading an investigation.

This is the largest fine the SEC has imposed on an audit firm.

In addition to the fine, Ernst & Young agreed to undergo extensive measures to address and fix ethical issues raised in this investigation.

The SEC statement detailed that Ernst & Young employees cheated on the CPA exam’s ethics portion and other continuing education courses required for accounting professionals to maintain CPA licenses. An administrative order said that, “Over multiple years, a significant number of EY (Ernst & Young) audit professionals cheated on these exams by using answer keys and sharing them with their colleagues. From 2017 to 2021, 49 EY audit professionals sent and/or received answer keys to CPA ethics exams.“

During the SEC’s investigation, Ernst & Young initially submitted that they didn’t have issues with cheating, even though the firm was informed and aware of potential cheating on a CPA ethics exam. Surprisingly, Ernst & Young didn’t correct their submission after an internal investigation confirmed that cheating occurred on the CPA ethics exams.

While there are questionable ethics in this situation, there are ways for organizations to deter, prevent, and detect cheating on online exams.
Technology to deter, detect, and prevent cheating
With an online proctoring solution, organizations can protect their exams in many situations, such as:

With the right type of online proctoring, such as Honorlock’s platform, organizations can proctor exams that use common question types, such as multiple-choice and true-or-false, but they can also proctor non-traditional tests that may include employees using actual software.

To offer this range of flexibility, the proctoring solution combines AI monitoring software with human review.

Here’s how this type of online proctoring works

The AI monitors each employee’s online exam session and alerts a live, US-based proctor if any indicators of cheating are detected.

The proctor can then use an analysis window to review the situation before entering the exam session in real-time to address it.

What proctoring features can be used for online exams?

Employee ID verification

The proctoring software uses the webcam to capture a photo of the test-taker and their ID. In about 60 seconds, test-takers can begin their proctored online exam.

Test content protection

Honorlock’s online proctoring software searches the internet for leaked exam content (exam questions and answers) and works with instructors to request the removal of the material in a few easy steps.

Video monitoring
The test-taker’s webcam is used to monitor behavior during the exam and to scan the room for prohibited resources such as notes and books. The recordings also include timestamps of any potentially problematic behavior to review, such as moving off-screen or another person in the room.

Smart voice detection

Honorlock’s smart voice detection listens for specific keywords or phrases, such as “Hey Siri” or “OK Google,” to identify students who may be attempting to gain an unfair advantage. This smart voice detection is different from sound detection, which can be triggered by basically any sound, such as a dog barking or a cough. The oversensitivity of sound detection can lead to irrelevant flags to review for test administrators.

Browser lockdown

A browser lockdown prevents test-takers from accessing other browsers and applications during the exam and restricts certain keyboard functions, such as copying and pasting.

Detects cell phones

The AI can detect when test-takers attempt to use their cell phones or other devices to access test bank content during the exam.

Proctor instructions for exam customization

Test administrators can provide the proctors with instructions to customize the exams in many ways. For example, instructions can be given to allow test-takers to access Microsoft Excel during an accounting exam. They can also be given to provide accommodations for test-takers that may need to use assistive technology.

Other benefits of online proctoring

Convenience and flexibility for employees and test-takers

Whether it’s at the office or at home on the weekend, Honorlock’s online proctoring services provide employees with the flexibility to take proctored online exams 24/7/365.

24/7/365 support available

Honorlock’s online proctoring services include 24/7/365 US-based support for faculty and students at no additional cost.

No additional logins and passwords are not needed

Honorlock’s proctoring solution directly integrates with your learning platform, which means no extra logins or passwords are required.

Creating a culture of academic integrity

Online proctoring isn’t just a way to deter employees cheating on exams. It’s an integral part of establishing a strong culture of academic integrity at your organization. Our solution and proctors help create a supportive testing environment that levels the playing field and allows test-takers to focus on showing their knowledge.
Reach out to our team of experts to see how Honorlock can benefit your organization

U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. (2022, June 28). Ernst & Young to Pay $100 Million Penalty for Employees Cheating on CPA Ethics Exams and Misleading Investigation [Press release].

How to Proctor Online Performance Assessments

Organizations offer a variety of performance assessments and job skills tests to ensure that their current and future employees are competent and prepared.

But they aren’t just asking test-takers to complete traditional online test questions like multiple-choice or fill-in-the-blank anymore. Test-takers are now completing realistic online performance assessments.

What is a performance assessment?

A performance assessment measures how well a person can apply their knowledge and skills to a real job task. During a performance-based assessment, the person demonstrates their ability to complete various tasks they would encounter in the workplace.

But how can companies prevent cheating during performance assessments in an online environment?

The challenges of online performance assessment for companies
It’s easy for test-takers to use unauthorized resources during the assessment.
True performance assessments can be time consuming to review, evaluate, and score.
Designing rubrics for performance assessments and job skills tests can be tricky.

Consider the performance assessment examples we’ll address in this article:

Example 1: Current employees go through ongoing company compliance training and simulated phishing attacks on a security awareness platform before taking short-answer test questions on your learning platform.
Example 2: A sales rep needs to complete a mock presentation and demonstration of the product as the final step of their company training before meeting with prospects.
Example 3: As part of a pre-employment test, a potential accounting employee has to prepare a balance sheet in Excel and explain the steps they’re taking to complete the task.

How can you protect the integrity of the
performance assessment examples above?

The good news is that you can use online proctoring to cover all of these performance-based assessments, and we’ll show you how in this article.

This article assumes that your organization is using a proctoring solution that combines AI test monitoring software with live human proctors. This type of online proctored testing solution is preferred because of its flexible features and capabilities that cover basically any corporate testing needs and better user experience.

Example 1: Current employees go through ongoing corporate compliance training and simulated phishing attacks on a security awareness platform before taking short-answer test questions on your learning platform.

Imagine that your company’s security training test questions are leaked on the internet.
The wording and information in some questions could give away confidential information, which may get into the wrong hands.

Example question: When should employees use ABC Software to authenticate their credentials to access our cloud-based XYZ data warehouse?

Now, others know the authentication software used and how your data is stored. Not to mention, emails and phone numbers are pretty easy to find on the internet and are often associated with people’s passwords. Potentially disastrous, right?

Then, picture some employees taking the security training assessment as a group. Some of them may miss crucial information about phishing and malware, which could lead to future data breaches.

While company security training and testing usually isn’t the most exciting thing in the world, it’s incredibly important for every company, and you need to make sure your tests and content are protected.

Here’s how online proctoring can help protect your organization’s security training assessments in this situation:

Finding leaked test content on the internet

Use a proctoring service that provides advanced technology that searches the Internet to identify when test questions have been leaked. If it finds any leaked test questions, test administrators are given quick and simple steps to submit DMCA takedown requests in one click and change test questions.

Recording computer screens during the online assessment for review

The test takers’ screens can be recorded throughout the security training assessment and reviewed after. Test settings and proctor instructions can be given to monitor their screen during the training and the actual security test.

Preventing the use of other software and resources

You can prevent the person from accessing other software and browsers on their computer during the security training assessment.

Monitor employee behavior to prevent the use of other resources

Video monitoring allows your organization to review recordings of test-takers that are timestamped with any potentially problematic behaviors. This can include things such as talking on a cell phone or with other people in the room, searching the internet, leaving the webcam, asking Siri or Alexa questions, and more.

Example 2: A sales rep needs to complete a mock demonstration of the product as the final step of their corporate sales training before meeting with prospects.

At most companies, sales reps have to prove that they know the product inside and out before they’re allowed to demo it to potential customers. And if your sales reps are in different territories throughout the country, travel costs for in-person demonstrations can be expensive.

But sales leaders need to know that the reps can complete a demo without looking at their notes or reading from a script. So, how can you be sure that they aren’t doing that in a remote environment?

Here’s how online proctoring can help with this job performance assessment:

Scanning the room for other resources

Before the demonstration for the performance assessment begins, you can require the rep to use their webcam to complete a room scan. The room scan helps make sure that their desk area is clear of any notes and other resources.

Providing a transcript of what the person said during the demonstration

Test administrators and sales leaders can use smart voice detection to provide a full transcript of what the rep said during the demonstration. This is especially useful for lengthy demonstrations because the sales leaders can just scan the transcript for key topics instead of watching the entire demonstration.

Allowing specific resources while preventing others

In some situations, you may want to allow the rep to use their notes. Whether their notes are on the computer screen or printed out, you can pick and choose what’s allowed or not.

For example, you can use browser lockdown software to allow the sales rep to use specific company website URLs but still prevent access to other sites and software. Locking a browser only covers a small portion of assessment integrity, but it can be useful in specific situations such as this.

If you want to allow the rep to use their notes, you can give those instructions to the live test proctor.

Recording the presentation and demonstration

The online proctoring software records the entire product demonstration for the test administrator and sales leader to watch. The recording also includes timestamps of any potentially problematic behavior to review, such as moving off-screen or another person in the room.

Example 3: A potential accounting employee takes a pre-employment test where they’re asked to prepare a balance sheet in Excel and explain the steps they’re taking.

Let’s face it, the hiring process is tough. It’s an investment of time and resources, so you need to know that job applicants can actually do the task before you hire them.

Here’s how to use online proctoring for pre-employment tests:

Screens can be recorded throughout the test activity and reviewed after

This is especially helpful when reviewing a test-taker’s approach to completing the balance sheet. You can watch how they prepare the balance sheet and make sure that they’re doing everything correctly.

In addition to recording screens during the pre-employment assessment, you can also use voice detection to record what the person is saying. This way, you can watch a recording of the person completing the balance sheet while listening to their explanation of what they’re doing and why.

As described in the first example, voice detection also provides a transcript of what the person said during the test.

For this example, potential employees taking the pre-employment assessment can be blocked from accessing software other than Excel. This can also prevent them from copying and pasting formulas into the Excel document.

The webcam is used to verify the applicant’s identity in about a minute. This way, your organization can be certain that the person completing the job skills test is the person you’re potentially hiring.

Online proctoring for businesses

Whether you need to validate the critical competencies of employees or job candidates or protect the integrity of your certification exam, you can trust Honorlock with all your online proctoring needs. Click here to learn more about Honorlock’s corporate proctoring features.

Here’s how Honorlock online proctoring works

Validates company performance assessments

When you’re measuring employee competencies against job requirements, compliance training knowledge, or the skillsets of job applicants, you need to validate corporate assessment results. Honorlock’s online proctoring solution uses advanced features to deter, prevent, and detect cheating, which creates a level playing field.

Provides employees with testing flexibility and convenience

Your employees and potential future employees have busy schedules and they need the ability to take performance assessments and other corporate tests when and where they want. Whether it’s at work on their lunch break or at home on the weekend, Honorlock’s online proctoring solution and user support are available 24/7/365 – no scheduling needed.

Directly integrates with your corporate learning platform

Our proctoring software directly integrates with your corporate learning platform in about an hour. This direct integration also means that the test experience is basically the same. Test administrators will create tests in the learning platform just like they already do and then simply pick which proctoring features to use. And it’s just as easy for the test-taker because they’re taking the proctored exam on the same platform they’re already familiar with and can get support without leaving it.

Protects your company’s test content

Leaked test content can have serious consequences for your company’s reputation and security. But with Honorlock, you won’t have to worry about that. Our online proctoring software identifies leaked test content and gives you the ability to take action by quickly sending takedown requests and changing your questions.
Verifies the test-taker’s ID in about a minute

Honorlock makes ID verification quick and easy by capturing a picture of the test-taker along with their photo ID. In about a minute, test-takers can begin their proctored performance assessment.

Combines AI with human proctors

Honorlock combines the benefits of AI test monitoring with those of live remote proctors. Our AI software monitors each assessment and alerts a live, US-based proctor if any potential issues are detected.

This approach helps reduce test anxiety, provides support, and upholds the integrity of corporate performance tests and skills assessments.

Affordably scales online testing

Expand your corporate training programs and certification programs by reaching online learners across the globe. With Honorlock’s online proctoring platform, you eliminate the need for a testing center, and learners can take your proctored assessment entirely online at their convenience.

Detects voices instead of sounds

Our online proctoring software listens for specific keywords or phrases, such as “Hey Siri” or “OK Google,” to identify test-takers who may be attempting to get answers to test questions. It then alerts a live proctor to review the situation and intervene if needed. Voice detection saves review time because it won’t trigger a false flag for things like a dog barking or a person coughing.

Whether your corporate training involves employee job competency assessments, pre-employment testing, or online certification exams, Honorlock’s online proctoring software and services have got you covered.

Want to see how Honorlock can benefit your organization? Click here to set up a conversation with Honorlock to see how we can help your institution make online proctoring simple, easy, and human.

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How Can Diversity & Inclusion Improve Business Performance?

How DEI improves business performance for businesses

More companies are investing time and effort into improving diversity, equity, and inclusion in the workplace because of the impact it has on the employee experience and the tangible performance improvements it creates.

“The business case is glaring. Diverse companies with inclusive cultures outperform more homogenous companies. Revenue, market share, smarter teams, retention – there’s just no lack of evidence.” – Miriam Lewis, Chief Inclusion Officer for Principal.

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How diversity and inclusion efforts impact a company’s performance

According to a six-year study completed in 2020 by McKinsey, diverse companies are 36% more profitable than less diverse companies.

Diversity and inclusion (D&I), when done the right way, create a domino effect of improvements for businesses.

D&I is linked with employee engagement, which is a foundational element of productivity and employee retention. Both employee productivity and retention can directly impact financial performance.

To show you what we mean by this web of improvements, the graphic below shows how the benefits of D&I intersect in various areas.

How to improve diversity and inclusion in the workplace

Understand the difference between diversity and inclusion

As organizations begin planning, it’s important to understand the difference between diversity and inclusion, which are sometimes used interchangeably or even as a joint term.

“Diversity is the mix of individuals. Inclusion is how you make that mix work.” – Jameel Rush, PHR, SHRM-CP, Vice President for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at The Philadelphia Inquirer, Adjunct professor at Villanova University


Focus on first creating inclusion and THEN building diversity in the workplace

Many organizations’ knee-jerk reaction to diversity and inclusion efforts is to hire for diversity.

The problem is that you can hire for diversity, but it can still be a poor experience for the employee if they’re entering a workplace that isn’t inclusive. It isn’t enough to set up occasional employee training and hire a few diverse employees as a way to check the box.

So, before you hire, focus on creating an inclusive culture that’s genuine and ongoing.

“Adding diversity to a team isn’t what drives better outcomes. It’s adding diversity and making sure you can leverage the different points of view and different perspectives to work toward a stronger solution. That’s what adds to the better business results.” – Jameel Rush


Be transparent and create awareness

Be transparent about D&I efforts and create awareness about the impact and importance.

Leadership can’t shy away from communicating the organization’s efforts and goals around D&I. They need to be transparent and open about the organization’s short-term and long-term goals and what efforts will be made to get there.

Leaders need to create awareness about how a diverse and inclusive work culture benefits each employee in the organization and everyone around them on a day-to-day basis.

Set expectations about behavior and accountability

Ultimately, every employee at every level needs to know what their role is in creating an inclusive culture. This means that employees need to understand what’s expected of them and what they can expect from organizational leaders and the organization as a whole.

Explain exactly what’s expected from each employee and what behaviors won’t be tolerated. Likewise, they need to know what to expect from leaders and the organization in return. Detail what to expect from measuring and communicating progress, anticipated timelines, and how leadership will be held accountable for progress towards D&I efforts.


Educate employees and assess their knowledge

Conduct frequent diversity and inclusion education programs in the workplace and use assessments to track progress and gather feedback. Set specific timelines to conduct employee D&I educational opportunities and stick to the plan. Whether it’s once per quarter or twice a year, make sure that you educate employees and get their feedback.

Once employees have completed the educational requirements, it’s important to test their knowledge. You can use a variety of question types, such as multiple-choice, written responses, and true or false.

As part of the employee education and assessment process, gather feedback within the assessment or offer a separate low-stakes assessment where employees can provide anonymous feedback through polls, written responses, and other surveys.

Create a diversity and inclusion statement for the workplace

Create a diversity and inclusion statement for your team and/or company that describes your commitment to creating an inclusive and diverse workplace and how it impacts everyone in the organization.

Employees need to know that it’s a true effort and that they’re welcome regardless of race, ethnicity, age, gender, sexual orientation, and socioeconomic background.

What is a diversity and inclusion statement?

A diversity and inclusion statement explains:

  • The individual/team/company’s commitment to diversity and inclusion
  • How D&I impacts the workplace
  • What employees can expect from the leader/company
  • What the leader/company expects from employees

How to write a diversity and inclusion statement for the workplace

Describe your commitment to DEI and why it’s important

This is where you set the tone for the rest of the statement, provide context, and begin building trust.


Explain how D&I impacts each employee’s experience

The goal is to explain exactly how D&I benefits the workplace experience for each employee and their coworkers. Create an understanding that regardless of race, gender, ethnicity, age, or condition, each employee is welcome and included in the company.


Describe what employees can expect from the company and its leaders

At a high level, explain what efforts will be made to create and maintain a diverse and inclusive workplace, what success looks like, and how employees can hold the company and its leaders accountable. Acknowledge challenges and describe what will be done to overcome them.


Be clear about what’s expected of each employee

Employees at all levels need to know exactly what is expected of them and how they play a role in creating an inclusive work environment.

Be direct about what behavior is expected
Explain that derogatory and offensive language won’t be tolerated and the consequences that will be enforced.

Explain why their words are significant
Speak about the importance of using inclusive language and how it can help create a sense of belonging for other employees.

Example diversity and inclusion statement for companies to use

[company name] is committed to creating a diverse, equitable, and inclusive workplace because it’s these differences that drive innovation, encourage creativity, and build a respectful and safe work environment for every employee. Regardless of any differences, whether race, gender, ethnicity, age, or condition, you are an important part of this organization and community.

As [company name] works toward improving DEI, expect us to provide frequent and transparent updates regarding our progress, challenges, and plans moving forward.

Your role in creating a diverse and inclusive work environment is equally important because you can make an impact on others. You’ll treat each employee with respect and understand that your words and actions influence everyone around you. [Company name] will not tolerate any derogatory or offensive words or actions. It’s your duty, just like ours, to stay aware, informed, and proactive.

Remember that we all play an equal part in an ongoing effort to create a diverse, fair, and inclusive workplace that welcomes all employees, encourages open and respectful communication, and supports each of you throughout your career and life.


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How to Find Leaked Test Questions and Take Action

No matter how much time is spent creating test questions, test takers can quickly find and share them online.

To help overcome the issue, some exam administrators completely rewrite their exams and even use different question formats. But what happens if those are leaked too?

If the right technology isn’t in place, you’re just reacting and guessing instead of identifying the issue and taking action.


How do test takers find and share your test content?

Home work help sites

Homework help sites like Chegg and Quizlet make it simple to find and share test content.

Most of these sites were originally created to provide learners with access to more educational resources, but they’re easy to exploit for an unfair advantage.

It only takes a few minutes to find answers to test questions

Within minutes, learners can create an account and then find and share test questions and answers.

Even more concerning, exam administrators may even find that their test questions are copied and pasted on these sites in chronological order.

Most homework help sites have SMEs ready and waiting

Homework help sites can have a swarm of subject matter experts (SMEs) that are readily available to help learners get answers to questions, including your test questions.

Even though most of these sites have “integrity policies,” the SMEs are there to help learners, not to enforce academic integrity on the exam admins’s behalf.

How to find leaked test questions on the Internet

To find leaked test questions, exam admins basically have two options:

  1. Manually searching for all of their test questions on the Internet

  2. Automatically searching for all of their leaked test questions with technology

Obviously, manually searching for leaked test questions can be an overwhelming and time-consuming.

But Honorlock’s proctoring platform has technology that can automate this for you. Let’s explore.

What to know about Honorlock’s Search & Destroy™

Honorlock’s Search & Destroy™ technology searches the Internet for all questions used on the exam in a matter of minutes. If it finds leaked exam questions, exam administrators are given simple steps to take control of the situation.

How does Honorlock’s Search & Destroy™ work during proctored online exams?

1. Searches the Internet automatically
Search and Destroy is triggered as soon as Honorlock is enabled for a proctored online exam. In a few minutes, the technology searches the Internet to identify test questions that have been shared online.

2. Admins can review the search results

After the search is complete, admins can review the search results, which show the test questions that are at risk.

3. Take action

With one click, Honorlock’s Search & Destroy provides the ability to send takedown requests (per the Digital Millennium Copyright Act) to the sites displaying their copyrighted test questions. This also gives admins the ability to use these findings to update exam questions as needed.

Other ways to protect your online exams

Honorlock’s Search & Destroy technology is one layer of our advanced online proctoring solution.

Our proctoring software and services combine AI with live proctors to protect online tests while supporting test takers .

Our online proctoring software monitors each test taker for potential academic dishonesty and alerts a live proctor if it detects and potentially dishonest behavior. Then, the proctor can review the situation to determine whether to intervene or not. This approach to online proctoring can provide a less intimidating and non-invasive proctored testing experience for the test taker because they aren’t constantly being watched.

In addition to our blend of AI and live proctors, Honorlock’s online proctoring service and software can:

Our Search & Destroy feature, along with other advanced proctoring features, allows exam admins to take control of online exam integrity and provide test takers with a fair and equitable online test environment.

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Online Proctoring for Corporate Certifications

woman on laptop completing certification exam

What are corporate certifications?

Corporate certifications are a designation earned by passing a certification test that verifies the person has knowledge, expertise, and training in a specialized topic or industry. 

Corporate certifications are relevant for virtually all industries, companies, and professional associations that offer certificates. Some of the most popular certifications include AWS, PMP, Six Sigma, Google Analytics, and a variety of HR and IT-related programs.

What are the benefits of corporate certifications?

Corporate certifications complement the person’s professional work experience and education and help professionals advance in their careers by distinguishing them from their uncertified coworkers or peers. Certifications also benefit businesses because they ensure that employees are trained.

Benefits of corporate certifications for employees:

  • Complements work experience, education, and training
  • Helps professionals advance in their career by distinguishing them from their uncertified coworkers or peers
  • Improves a resume and can help increase earnings
  • Can help meet requirements for continuing education and certification renewal 

Benefits of corporate certifications for businesses:

  • Ensures that employees are up-to-date on current industry standards, best practices, and training
  • Employees that are highly trained in specialized areas can boost productivity and efficiency
  • Businesses that ensure their employees are continuing their education and earning professional certifications can potentially help earn new business because it demonstrates dedication to having highly training employees that are experts
  • Organizations that help cover the cost of earning a certification can help with employee recruitment because it’s a benefit that can differentiate the company and positively influence those seeking a job opportunity

What is online proctoring?

Online proctoring uses a variety of software and services to monitor test-takers during an online test to:

  • Protect academic integrity and certification reputation
  • Deter and prevent test-takers from cheating 
  • Help and support test-takers complete their online certification test

5 online proctoring features that are commonly used:

  • Authentication to ensure the person taking the certification test is the same as the person awarded your certification
  • Video and audio monitoring that secures the exam room by making sure that no other people are in the room and other materials such as notes, apps, and books
  • Browser lockdown software to prevent test-takers from accessing other browsers, tabs, and software on the device
  • Cell phone detection to identify test-takers that attempted to use a cell phone or other secondary device to look up test information
  • Advanced reporting from the certification test session is provided to instructors

Why use online proctoring for corporate certification testing?

The rapid shift to remote work from home has been challenging for many companies that offer certification exams and other continuing education opportunities for customers and employees. As more people take certification testing online, the need for proctored testing has significantly increased – and for good reason. 

Proctoring certification exams helps to protect reputation and credibility

Reputation is everything when it comes to corporate certification exams. If test-takers can cheat, the certification can lose its credibility and become insignificant among professionals and businesses. Online proctoring services play a critical role in protecting the integrity and reputation of corporate certification exams as well as ensuring a fair testing environment for all test takers.

Online proctoring is a resource for test-takers, not just a way to catch cheating

Online proctoring isn’t simply to catch cheaters. Aside from creating a fair testing environment and preserving the reputation of the certification exams, proctored testing is also a beneficial resource for test-takers. Online proctoring helps support test-takers and can assist with completing proctored exams. With access to 24/7/365 support, test-takers know they can get help anytime they need it.

“Having access to customer support 24/7/365 is huge. Especially during times like this when test-takers may be taking exams at any time of day. You want them to have access to someone who can troubleshoot with them.” 

Spend more time teaching and less time proctoring

The features and benefits of blended online proctoring services, such as Honorlock, are designed to save time, protect exams, and support test-takers. This means that your company can spend more time teaching and less time proctoring certification exams. You set the guidelines for the certification test and we handle the proctoring.

Online proctoring provides convenience without sacrificing academic integrity

Honorlock’s online proctoring services can help your company grow its online certification testing by offering it to a larger base of potential online users because they can schedule to take their certification test anytime, anywhere – not just at a designated testing center or within a proctor’s schedule.

How to use Honorlock proctoring for online certification testing

Online proctoring services, like Honorlock, make it quick and easy to protect certification exams.

Step 1: Create the certification test

  • Create the test in the Learning Management System as you normally would
  • Choose which online proctoring features to use 
  • Provide accommodations and customizations for test-takers, such as allowing bathroom breaks, additional time, and specific assistive technology

Step 2: Test-takers verify ID and begin the proctored certification exam

  • ID verification takes about 60-seconds
  • 24/7/265 support for test-takers and instructors
  • The proctored certification test is monitored AI and live human proctors

Step 3: Review certification exam results

  • Our remote proctors review the exam sessions and send in-depth reports to the instructor

Online proctoring is a strategic advantage for organizations that offer online certification

Online proctoring is a game-changer for organizations and test-takers. You need an online proctoring service you can rely on to protect the integrity of certification tests without scheduling headaches, you need technology you can depend on, and you need a way to support test-takers while ensuring that they aren’t gaming the system. 

If your organization hasn’t previously used online proctoring for certification exams or if you’re evaluating new online proctoring services, now is the perfect time to discover why so many others chose Honorlock to grow their online certification programs.

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Schedule time to explore Honorlock

Speak to a representative who will walk you through the ways Honorlock’s online proctoring services can benefit your company and test-takers.

Intellum & Honorlock Certification Proctoring Solution for Customer and Partner Education

Combined, AI-driven proctoring and the industry’s leading learning platform protect the integrity of high-value professional certifications.

ATLANTA, Ga., and BOCA RATON, Fla., May 11, 2021Intellum, the leading customer education platform, and Honorlock, the leading online exam proctoring solution, today announced the first fully-integrated certification solution designed for corporate training and education programs. Organizations that certify an individual’s level of knowledge or proficiency in an industry or profession are now able to leverage Honorlock’s AI-based online exam proctoring and cheating mitigation software to further ensure the integrity of the certification programs that are designed and delivered on the Intellum Platform. 

Intellum provides clients with an all-in-one solution for authoring, presenting, managing, tracking, and continuously improving customer, partner, and employee learning initiatives at scale, which often include high-stakes, legally defensible certifications. Honorlock’s proprietary in-browser technology leverages AI to monitor user behavior through head movement, mobile-device engagement, and voice detection. If Honorlock detects potential cheating, a live proctor is alerted to intervene in real-time to ensure the integrity of the certification exam.

With e-learning expected to grow by $247 billion from 2020 to 2024, enterprises are increasingly offering a tuned-in, remote professional audience with certification programs      designed to help improve proficiency with the tools or services they offer. In a growing number of industries, these certifications are employment prerequisites.

“When structured and delivered correctly, certification programs can make a big impact on an organization’s ability to drive business outcomes through education. But scaling high-value certifications that require some form of proctoring can be extremely challenging, especially during a global pandemic and a work-from-home scenario,” said Chip Ramsey, CEO of Intellum. “The Honorlock and Intellum integration now gives organizations a more modern and secure alternative for certifying customers, partners, employees, members, individuals working in a specific industry, or the general public.”

As a result of the deep integration with Honorlock, Intellum clients get all of the benefits of executing a live “brick-and-mortar” proctored exam without the cost or logistics associated with scheduling in-person testing on the national or global level. Honorlock’s unique browser-based approach ensures that there is no disruption to the user experience in the Intellum Platform, which further supports the ability for clients to offer and promote on-demand certifications that learners can complete at any time, from anywhere. 

“Digital certification programs are ubiquitous in industries that need to support skill-building in cloud technologies, data and analytics platforms, digital marketing, and other areas,” said Michael Hemlepp, CEO, Honorlock. “Organizations offering training and exams must protect the integrity of the programs and process while opening them up to users across the globe. By combining the strengths of Honorlock and Intellum, we make that possible.”     

Click here to learn more about Intellum and Honorlock’s integrated solution, as well as to register for a co-hosted webinar on Thursday, May 13, from 1-2pm ET, featuring presentations from Honorlock and Intellum’s certifications experts. 

About Intellum

Intellum provides the customer education platform that large brands and fast-moving companies rely on to improve product utilization, customer retention, and revenue. Intellum’s scientific, data-driven approach is based on 20 years of industry experience and the Intellum Platform includes all of the tools an organization needs to create, deploy, manage, track, and continuously improve highly personalized, engaging educational experiences. To learn more, visit

About Honorlock

Honorlock provides exam proctoring services for certification and licensure exams and to higher education institutions of all sizes. 

Honorlock combines AI proctoring software with live proctors to protect exam integrity while creating a less invasive test environment.

Learn more about Honorlock’s exam proctoring services.

5 Ways Proctoring Improves Certification Testing

Online proctoring benefits

As more people seeking out certifications, the need to proctor those exams is growing–and for good reason: remotely proctoring certification and licensing exams isn’t just a way to catch cheaters; it can help deliver secure assessments and a better testing experience overall.

Here are 5 ways that remote proctoring improves certification testing

1. Protects program credibility and reputation

When it comes to professional certifications and licensing exams, reputation and credibility are everything. The exams need to be objective, measurable, and fair for all participants, and remote proctoring offers a number of ways to do so.

A simple browser lock won’t cut it anymore because test-takers can simply use their cell phone to look up answers or ask a friend. But some virtual proctoring software can detect cell phones, verify test-taker ID, and block AI tools to protect your reputation.

It also combines the benefits of automated proctoring with live remote proctors. This means that the exams are recorded and monitored by AI and then reviewed by live remote proctors to make sure that all guidelines set by the company and association are followed. This hybrid proctoring approach keeps the human touch—because all AI  needs human oversight—and it’s far less distracting than live proctoring alone. AI monitors the test-taker for potential problems, and, if it detects any, a live virtual proctor is alerted to review the situation in an analysis window and they’ll only join in real-time.

2. Offers flexibility and convenience to test-takers

Life’s hectic and the work environment has drastically changed. Using remote proctoring and other assessment tools shouldn’t be a pain for your test-takers. They deserve the flexibility and convenience of taking their certification and licensure exams at a time that works for them and without going through scheduling hassles.

In addition, organizations using remote proctoring save test-takers valuable time and gas money by eliminating the need for them to travel to physical testing centers. All of these can help remove obstacles and grow your professional certification programs.

3. Meets accessibility compliance standards

Just like buildings have ramps for wheelchairs, braille signs, and elevators, think of your professional education exams the same way: all participants should be able to access and take online exams. There are many web accessibility compliance standards to consider with your online proctoring software such as ADA, WCAG, and Section 508.

4. Protects data security and privacy

Many test-takers and companies offering certificate and certification testing services are attentive and conscientious about data security and privacy. Online proctoring should protect data security and privacy in a number of ways such as following compliance standards, software, standard business practices, and storage.

5. Provides valuable insights on test-taker behavior

Remote proctoring platforms that provide reporting can help understand how test-takers are approaching and engaging with your online exams. 

Honorlock’s proctoring services offer 24/7/365 live chat support, providing participants with the convenience of technical help without the need to leave the test session if they run into a problem.

Honorlock remote proctoring for certification and licensure exams

If your organization is offering licensing exams and professional certifications  you need a convenient way to validate the online learning experience while ensuring the integrity of your programs. With Honorlock’s remote proctoring services, organization can confidently grow their programs to a larger base of potential online participants that can take their exams anywhere, not just a designated testing center.

See how Honorlock can secure your licensing and certification exams?

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