Webinar: Evaluating Technology Vendors

In this digital age, higher education institutions are evaluating an increasing number of new technologies within online and hybrid learning environments. But are they doing all they can to ensure their technology partners are meeting security and privacy standards?

This webinar will guide you through what security really means in 2022 and how the confidentiality-integrity-availability (CIA) triad plays an important role in evaluating security. Additionally, you’ll learn how to assess your technology partners for secure practices and how to identify vendors that are actively fostering a security-first culture.

By the end of this entertaining and informative presentation, you will have the information you need to ensure that all of your third-party technology meets the highest security and privacy standards.


  • Formulate a clear picture of what security in the higher education space means
  • Develop a game plan for assessing technology vendors before implementing
  • Establish a set of guidelines to ensure the technology vendor shares the same security-first culture as your institution


Paul Morales

Paul MoralesSVP Information Security

Article & cheatsheet: How secure is online proctoring software?

The security of online proctoring software is crucial for institutions and test takers because they want to know that their data is protected and private. Read about online proctoring software and services security.

It’s important to remember that the online proctoring company you work with becomes your partner because their security becomes your security. 

One thing to remember is that there’s no magic wand when it comes to security. Furthermore, there’s no destination; it’s an ongoing effort that is constantly evolving. It requires organizations to improve both proactive and reactive defenses.

Honorlock believes that every online proctoring company needs to focus on privacy and security practices and that’s why we’re sharing these insights as we improve. 

This article covers:

  • The CIA Triad of security
  • Security best practices for online proctoring companies
  • Online proctoring services compared: what to look for when vetting companies
  • Security assessment for online proctoring service vendors
  • Privacy & security technologies for online proctoring companies services
  • Overview on privacy & security practices at Honorlock

We also provide you with a downloadable cheatsheet that includes example security questions you should ask online proctoring companies. Read the article & download the cheatsheet.

Webinar: How to Adopt DEI Best Practices in Online Learning

A recent survey of chief online officers published by Quality Matters predicted that by 2025, programs that blended on-campus and online learning will become the norm for students. As institutions rapidly adapt to meet these demands, they are met with a challenging question: how will they ensure that they are creating diverse, equitable, and inclusive learning environments for their students?

As universities adapt to meet the demands of students and navigate online learning environments, they are looking for ways to ensure their technology, including online proctoring, is meeting their DEI requirements. Hear from thought leaders on:

  • How to overcome the challenges of establishing and using DEI in online learning
  • Ways to use DEI in online courses to improve student engagement
  • How your institution can adopt a culture of diversity, equity, and inclusion


Jordan Adair

Jordan AdairVP of Product @Honorlock

Jordan Adair is a VP of Product that leads Honorlock’s product development initiatives. Jordan believes in delivering a solution that empowers instructors and improves the student experience. He began his career in education as an elementary and middle school teacher. Jordan has a Bachelor of Business Administration (B.B.A.), Entrepreneurial and Small Business Operations from Florida Atlantic University.

Vivian Springer

Vivian SpringerChief People Officer @Honorlock

Vivian Springer is the Chief People Officer at Honorlock and leads strategy, programs and initiatives with a “people-first” approach. Vivian believes in enhancing organizational value by inspiring and investing in people, processes, and organizational performance. She is a member of various professional organizations including the Human Resources Professional Association (HRPA), the International Society of Female Professionals (ISFP), and the Society of Human Resources Management (SHRM). Vivian received her Certified Human Resources Leader (CHRL) designation through the Human Resources Professional Association and has a Bachelor of Arts degree majoring in Sociology from York University in Toronto, Ontario Canada.

Webinar: How to Address Student Anxiety Stemming From Security and Data Privacy Concerns

The higher education landscape has undergone significant changes in response to the impact of the pandemic. As a result, institutions have had to adopt flexible assessment solutions to meet student demand to keep online learning. These new technology solutions can sometimes contribute to heightened student anxiety stemming from security and data privacy concerns.

Join Sara Rieder Bennett, Ph.D., Director of Testing and Licensed Psychologist at The University of Akron, and Paul Morales, VP of Information Security and Technology at Honorlock, where they will discuss:

  • The state of student anxiety in today’s academic climate
  • How the University of Akron implemented best practices to manage student test anxiety
  • How to vet technology partners that support student privacy and data security


Paul Morales

Paul MoralesSVP Information Security

Paul Morales leads Honorlock’s software and operations technology initiatives with a “security-first” approach. Paul believes that Information Security and Privacy are of the utmost importance in both professional and personal environments. Paul is a member of the South Florida CIO Council, Society for Information Management, Association of Test Publishers ATP, and NCTA/ATP technical working group (TWG) for the development of joint standards for the online proctoring of computer-based tests. Paul has held numerous certifications in the past including SSCP, CCNA, MCSE, Network +, Security + and has a Bachelor’s degree in Management information systems and Information security management.

Sara Rieder Bennett, Ph.D.

Sara Rieder Bennett, Ph.D.Director of Testing and Licensed Psychologist at University of Akron

Sara Rieder Bennett is the Director of Testing and a Licensed Psychologist at the University of Akron, where she has worked for the past 10 years. Dr. Rieder Bennett received her doctorate in Counseling Psychology from UA in 2009, and has worked in a variety of university and community agencies. In her current role at UA, she provides mental health services including psychological assessment for disability evaluations. She is grateful to work with some of the best testing professionals in her supervision of testing units at UA. She is Co-Chair of the Faculty Senate Accessibility Committee, and a member of the Placement Testing Committee at UA. Dr. Rieder Bennett is a member of NCTA and the Great Lakes College Testing Association. She has volunteered with both organizations in a number of capacities, including contributing to Proctoring Best Practices (Association of Test Publishers and NCTA, 2015), Co-Chairing the Proctor Certification Committee with Dr. Cindy James, and is the President-Elect of NCTA.

Building a Foundation of Accessibility in Online Learning

How can we ensure that online learning is inclusive for all students, regardless of disability or condition? It’s time we evaluate if our institution’s courses and degree programs support ease of access and align with student demands. During this webinar, you’ll hear from experts on how to support accessibility in online learning.

Join Elisabeth Greenwood, Instructional Technology Specialist and active member of the Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Justice group at the University of Central Florida, and Jordan Adair, Vice President of Product at Honorlock, for a deep dive into the importance of laying a foundation of accessibility for today’s students. We’ll discuss:

  • What accessibility means in higher education today
  • How Honorlock has been instrumental in supporting accessibility
  • The importance of designing & building online programs with accessibility at the forefront
  • How to conduct an accessibility audit of your online learning technology


Elisabeth Greenwood

Elisabeth Greenwood

Instructional Technology Specialist at University of Central Florida

Elisabeth Greenwood is an Instructional Technology Specialist at the Center for Distributed Learning, University of Central Florida. Joining UCF in 2006, she heads the technical support team for online courses at UCF and provides faculty consultation and training. Elisabeth works closely with Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Justice at UCF, with an emphasis on student accessibility and accommodations for online courses.

Jordan Adair

Jordan AdairVP of Product @Honorlock

Jordan Adair is the VP of Product at Honorlock that leads product development initiatives. Jordan believes in delivering a solution that empowers instructors and improves the student experience. He began his career in education as an elementary and middle school teacher. Jordan has a Bachelor of Business Administration (B.B.A.), Entrepreneurial and Small Business Operations from Florida Atlantic University.

Allison Laske

Allison LaskeAccount Executive at Honorlock

With more than 15 years of experience within Higher Education, Allison serves as the Account Executive for the Northeast region. In her role, Allison partners with institutions dedicated to improving student learning through their test-taking experience. Prior to Allison’s time in EdTech, she served students in roles as Learning Specialist and Academic Advisor from a large R1 University to a small private Jesuit campus. Throughout her on-campus experience, Allison supported students beginning with their incoming student journey all the way to graduation through Summer Bridge Programs, mentoring and tutoring programs, study skill success courses and countless workshops. Allison earned her Master of Science in Higher Education from Syracuse University and her Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from SUNY Buffalo.

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Humanizing and Securing the Remote Testing Experience

Maintaining humanity in the middle of remote testing experiences can be difficult. But there are techniques and technology that can ensure student success while securing your exams.

Join Peter Burrell, Associate Professor at the University of Cincinnati, to hear his successful journey from in-person to online learning and assessment.

Peter will discuss how he:

• Educates students on the importance of academic integrity
• Prepares students for success and reduces online test anxiety
• Uses online proctoring to support, scale, and secure online testing

Afterward, join Honorlock for a brief demo of how its unique online proctoring solution creates a better testing experience that supports faculty and students while protecting academic integrity.

Building Academic Integrity in Online Courses

The pandemic revealed many benefits of online learning, as well as the appetite for it among students. Drawn by the flexibility and convenience online learning provides, students are driving demand for greater online course offerings. As colleges consider expanding their online programs, how can they ensure academic integrity?

The Chronicle convenes a panel of experts to answer that question in the upcoming virtual forum, “Building Academic Integrity in Online Courses.” Join us as they look back on lessons learned so far and offer projections for online learning’s future.

  • What lessons did institutions learn during the pandemic pivot to virtual learning?
  • What’s the right role for learning technologies like AI proctoring software?
  • How do administrators and faculty members make sure those tools uphold student privacy and equitable education outcomes?


Paul Fisher from Seton Hall University

Paul Fisher

Associate CIO & Director TLT Center,
Seton Hall University

Alice has several years of marketing experience within healthcare and most recently in higher education focused on social media growth, tradeshow management, and communication. She is passionate about creatively navigating new challenges and discovering innovative ways to connect with educators.

Beyond the Pandemic: How to Implement and Use Online Proctoring

Students today are demanding to have either fully online courses or a combination of in-person and online learning. Join our panel of experts from Cleveland State University, Point Loma Nazarene University, and the University of Arizona as they discuss how they’ve accommodated student demand for more online learning post-pandemic.

During this webinar, our panel of higher education leaders will:

  • Provide insights into the challenges they faced with online learning post-pandemic
  • Discuss the challenges they foresee going forward
  • Demonstrate how implementing Honorlock’s online proctoring solution has helped them ensure academic integrity


Katie Jacobson

Director of Instructional Technology and Adjunct Faculty @Point Loma Nazarene University

Rebecca Cook

Director of Continuing & Professional Education @University of Arizona

Caryn Lanzo

Director, Center for eLearning
@Cleveland State University

Rick del Rosario

Rick del RosarioRegional Director @Honorlock

Webinar: 5 Ways Institutions Can Reduce Student Online Test Anxiety

In the ever-evolving world of online education, students are finding themselves testing under new circumstances that can add to their already existent test anxiety. Honorlock and the University of North Alabama partnered to conduct a detailed study on test anxiety and online proctoring. Learn about test anxiety drivers, how we can mitigate the impact of anxiety during exams, and help promote student success.

This webinar, hosted by EdSurge, will teach you how to:

  1. How the average student experiences test anxiety (even when they feel well prepared) and how to reduce test anxiety
  2. What role online proctoring has on your student’s emotions
  3. The vital role of the proctor and how they engage/interact with students
  4. The basic steps and information you can provide to students to help alleviate their worries.


Jordan Adair

VP of Product @Honorlock

Jordan began his career in education as an elementary and middle school teacher. After transitioning into educational technology he became focused on delivering products designed to empower instructors and improve the student experience.

Jill Simpson

Instructional Designer/Technologist,
University of North Alabama

Jill has over 15 years of teaching experience, with 10 years teaching in the online environment. She currently teaches for the College of Business at the University of North Alabama where she also researches available technologies to determine which will meet the needs of the school and its students, then trains faculty on how to use these technologies.

Jan Wilson

Organizational Development and
Learning Consultant

Jan has provided strategic planning, process alignment, change management, curriculum development, and planning, as well as learning solutions to a variety of clients. Jan earned a Bachelor of Business Administration with a concentration in information technology from Belmont University, as well as a Master of Education in Human Resource Development from Vanderbilt University, where she has served as adjunct faculty at Vanderbilt’s Peabody School

Jose Gonzalez

Sr. Director of Customer Services @Honorlock

Jose is responsible for leading both the Customer Success and Proctoring teams at Honorlock. He has 6+ years of experience in the higher education space and has a passion for supporting educators, as well as being an advocate for customers.

Host: Carl Hooker

Educational Consultant, Speaker,
Workshop Facilitator & Writer

Carl Hooker is an educational consultant and speaker from Austin, TX. He is a former teacher and administrator and has written 6 books on mobile learning as well as being a National Faculty Member for Future Ready Schools. He hosts two podcasts and has launched an online course called The Remote Learning Coach for schools and districts looking for assistance when it comes to remote and hybrid learning.

Webinar: How to Approach Tough Conversations in Higher Education

We dread — and often avoid — the difficult conversations we need to have. In higher education, the institutional and disciplinary culture often supports colleagues challenging the scholarship of others and the behavior of students, but we typically struggle to have the much-needed conversations about the communications and behaviors of colleagues that negatively impact our work, our departments, and our institution. We’ll discuss the key components of approaching difficult conversations in education and discuss how you can work to improve your ability to engage in productive conversations to yield more positive results, despite difficult subject matter.

In this webinar, you’ll learn:

  • Three components of tough conversations
  • Elements that shape our perspective
  • How to prepare for a difficult conversation in education
  • How to Respond vs. React and Listen vs. Hear
  • Understanding and being understood


Lynne A. Texter, Ph.D.

Associate Provost and Associate Professor in the Department of Communication at La Salle University in Philadelphia, PA.

An award-winning educator with over 25 years of teaching experience in the U.S., Czech Republic, Switzerland, and Greece, Lynne consults with a variety of organizations and specializes in a variety of areas, including persuasion and influence, workplace communication, and presentation skills. In addition to other administrative roles, Lynne has served as interim Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs, Interim Dean of the School of Arts & Sciences, and Special Assistant to the President for Strategic Initiatives. Lynne completed the Management Development Program at Harvard University, received her Ph.D. from the University at Buffalo, and earned her Master’s degree from the Newhouse School at Syracuse University.

Webinar: Reducing Student Test Anxiety During Online Proctored Assessments

In the ever-evolving world of online education, students are finding themselves testing under new circumstances that can add to their already existent test anxiety. Honorlock and the University of North Alabama partnered to conduct a detailed study on test anxiety and online proctoring. Learn about test anxiety drivers, how we can mitigate the impact of anxiety during exams, and help promote student success.

As you walk away from our webinar, you will have a clearer picture of:

  1. How the average student experiences test anxiety (even when they feel well prepared) and how to reduce test anxiety
  2. What role online proctoring has on your student’s emotions
  3. The vital role of the proctor and how they engage/interact with students
  4. The basic steps and information you can provide to students for test anxiety prevention and reduction.


Jordan Adair

VP of Product @Honorlock

Jordan began his career in education as an elementary and middle school teacher. After transitioning into educational technology he became focused on delivering products designed to empower instructors and improve the student experience.

Jill Simpson

Instructional Designer/Technologist,
University of North Alabama

Prior to her role as Instructional Designer/Technologist, Dr. Jill Simpson taught computer software courses for 15 years, with 10 of those years spent in the online environment. Now serving as the Instructional Designer/Technologist for the College of Business at the University of North Alabama (UNA), Dr. Simpson continues to teach online computer software classes for the BBA program, as well as an online foundational course for the MBA program. With an entirely online MBA program and many online BBA courses, the College of Business at UNA frequently strategizes how to optimize student learning and student satisfaction while maintaining the academic integrity of our online courses. Dr. Simpson’s role in this strategy is to research available technologies to determine which will meet our needs and then train faculty how to use it.

Jan Wilson

Organizational Development and
Learning Consultant

As an organizational development and learning consultant, Jan has provided strategic planning, process alignment, change management, curriculum development, and planning, as well as learning solutions to a variety of clients in pharma, healthcare, and state governments. Jan earned a Bachelor of Business Administration with a concentration in information technology from Belmont University in Nashville, Tennessee, as well as a Master of Education in Human Resource Development from Vanderbilt University, also in Nashville, Tennessee. Additionally, she has served as adjunct faculty at the Peabody School of Vanderbilt University.

What is Honorlock?

Honorlock provides easy to to use, secure online proctoring services to protect your exams and support students. 

We combine AI proctoring software and live test proctors to protect academic integrity with a human touch. 

Our online proctoring software monitors each student’s exam session for potential problems and alerts a live, US-based proctor to join the session in real-time to address possible dishonesty.

In addition to our blend of AI software and live test proctors, our proctoring software directly integrates with your LMS and provides additional features such as detecting cell phone use and voices, video proctoring, browser lockdown, no exam scheduling, ID verification, and 24/7 support.