5 Questions to Consider if You Aren’t Proctoring Online Exams

Top questions to consider if you aren't proctoring online exams

If you aren’t using online proctoring (or just not using the right kind), you may be giving an unfair advantage to some test-takers and missing out on opportunities to test knowledge in nontraditional formats – even in a remote environment.

While most approach their online exams with integrity, some take advantage of unauthorized resources that are available in a remote testing environment, gaining an unfair advantage over others – maybe even unknowingly or innocently. 

These unauthorized resources can include things like: notes and textbooks, or using cell phones and searching the internet during exams, which puts the academic integrity of your online exams at risk.

Consider these questions if you:
  • Do not use any online proctoring services or services
  • Only use browser lockdown software
  • Only use automated proctoring software (no human proctors) or live proctoring services (one proctor watching multiple test-takers at once)

How would you know if a test taker uses a cell phone to look up answers?

Without online proctoring software, test takers can use cell phones and other devices to look up answers during the test.

Browser lockdown software can’t detect cell phones, and some remote proctoring companies rely on live proctors seeing the cell phone to “detect” it. 

Does it really work? Eh, not always. It’s pretty easy for a proctor to miss the cell phone because they may be watching a dozen test takers at once and the phone may be used out of view of the webcam.

So, how can proctored exams detect phones?

Unless you want to rely on a busy proctor seeing a phone, consider using Honorlock’s online proctoring platform to detect cell phone use.

How can Honorlock detect phones?

Honorlock’s online proctoring software can detect when test takers attempt to use cell phones or other devices to access test bank content during the test.

If it detects cell phone use, it alerts a test proctor to enter the test session and address the situation. It also flags the behavior for the instructor to review in a report after the proctored exam.

See how Honorlock can detect cell phones

How would you know the person taking the test is the same person getting credit for the class?

If you can’t verify the test-taker’s identity, you may be giving credit where credit is not due.

Without proctoring tools for online exams, your options are limited.

  • The good news: most online proctor companies offer ways to authenticate ID.
  • The bad news: it can be a complicated, time-consuming process that may put your data at risk.

Be sure that the online proctor companies you evaluate offer a quick, easy, and secure way to authenticate ID.

How does Honorlock’s proctoring platform authenticate ID?

In about a minute, the online proctoring platform captures a picture of the test-taker along with their photo ID to authenticate identity.

That covers the quick and easy parts, but what about security?

From our technology for remote proctoring to ongoing employee training, Honorlock takes a security-first approach in everything we do, including ID authentication.

Our remote proctoring software does not use face recognition or other biometric technologies (e.g., fingerprints or voiceprints) to identify test takers, and it doesn’t identify individual faces, store facial elements, or match faces to a database.

Learn about ID authentication with Honorlock

Are any of your test questions leaked online?

Have you ever found your test questions leaked on the internet? It’s pretty annoying, right?

Online forums (e.g., Reddit & Quora) and homework help sites (e.g., Chegg & Quizlet) have made it all too easy to find and share your test content.

How can you find leaked test content?

You basically have three options to find leaked test content:

  1. Copying and pasting each test question into the search engine, one-by-one, and reviewing tons of results

  2. Using basic proctor software to manually select questions you want it to search for

  3. Searching the internet automatically for all of your leaked test questions in a few minutes with Honorlock’s Search & Destroy technology for remote proctoring

Here’s how Honorlock’s Search & Destroy proctoring technology works

After enabling Honorlock’s online proctor software, Search & Destroy automatically scours the internet for all of your test questions in a few minutes. A simple report shows if leaked content is found and then you can send takedown requests with one click.

See how Search & Destroy works

What if you could remotely proctor hands-on assessments in an online environment?

Whether traditional questions (multiple-choice, etc.) or non-traditional formats (see below), Honorlock helps you customize the proctoring tools and settings needed to protect nearly any assessment activity.

Non-traditional activities that can be remotely proctored using Honorlock:

Open-book questions

Test takers have access to specific physical resources (e.g., textbooks) and/or digital resources (e.g., online research journals) during the exam, while all other resources are prohibited.
See how to proctor open-book exams with Honorlock

Handwritten math problems & essays

Test takers complete handwritten math problems and essay responses using pen and paper.
How to proctor handwritten math problems & essays

Using software to complete tasks

Software like Microsoft Excel and Quickbooks can be used to complete real-world tasks during online exams.
Learn how Honorlock remotely proctors software use during an exam

Online presentations & demonstrations

Using the webcam to conduct presentations and demonstrations in a remote environment.
See how to proctor online presentations & demonstrations

What if you could reduce test anxiety with remote proctoring software?

Test anxiety is common, especially in an online environment. A university survey showed that 64% of test takers agreed that “taking an online test makes me nervous.”

But the good news is that the same survey showed that Honorlock’s blended proctoring solution, which combines AI and human review, reduced test anxiety.

Test anxiety survey results summary after taking online proctored exams using Honorlock:

  • 6% decrease in test anxiety between their first & second proctored exams
  • 15% decrease in anxiety associated with the statement, “Thoughts about the proctor interfered with my concentration.”
  • 100% felt less anxious after interacting with an Honorlock proctor

Download the full anxiety survey eBook here

Online proctoring FAQ

What is online proctoring?

Online proctoring means monitoring test taker behavior with software and/or services to create a fair and equitable test environment that protects exam integrity.

Common online proctoring tools include: video monitoring, browser lockdown, audio monitoring, and ID verification. 

Some online proctor companies, like Honorlock, offer advanced tools that:

  • Detect cell phones and voices
  • Find leaked test content automatically
  • Combine software with human review
  • Proctor exams online with live US-based support 24/7/365

Why should you proctor exams online?

Most assume that online exam proctoring is just to catch cheating, but it does much more. 

In addition to preventing cheating, online proctoring is a strategic advantage and fundamental piece of distance learning that helps:

  • Instructors customize exams
  • Support test takers and reduce test anxiety
  • Assess knowledge with different question formats
  • Protect reputation and scale online testing
  • Provide flexibility to take proctored exams 24/7/365

What industries use online exam proctoring?

Online exam proctoring is often used in higher education and by organizations offering professional education programs.

Online proctoring in higher education

Universities and colleges use online proctoring services and software for: 

  • General testing needs for online courses
  • High-stakes exams, like midterms and finals
  • On-campus testing centers
  • Entrance exams

Online proctoring for corporate and professional education

Organizations of all sizes typically use proctored exam platforms and services for: 

How does online proctoring work with Honorlock?

Honorlock’s blended online proctoring solution combines AI software with human review. 

Here’s how it works:

  • Honorlock’s proctoring platform integrates directly with the LMS, which means:
  • Instructors create exams like they already do, then select the remote proctoring tools and settings they want to use.
  • Test takers log into the LMS like they normally do (no extra logins or passwords), verify ID, launch the proctored exam, and get live support 24/7/365.
  • The online proctoring software monitors exams and alerts a proctor if it detects potentially problematic behavior.
  • Once alerted, they can review the situation in an analysis window to determine whether or not to intervene and address the situation.
  • After the proctored exams are completed, instructors can access reports with timestamped recordings within the LMS.

Honorlock provides the best way to proctor exams online for a few reasons:

  • Our remote proctoring platform integrates directly with the LMS, which makes it easy to use because it’s basically the same test environment
  • AI with human review protects academic integrity with a human touch
  • Proctored exams with live support can be taken 24/7/365
  • It reduces test anxiety because there are fewer distractions and test takers aren’t being watched the entire time

Why is Honorlock the best online proctoring software?

According to peer-to-peer review site, G2, Honorlock is the best online proctoring software because it’s easy to use, simple to set up, and live, US-based support is available 24/7/365.

Our online proctoring services and software create a better test environment that brings integrity, humanity, and confidence to online testing without sacrificing security or academic integrity.

Ready to proctor exams online with Honorlock?
Fill out the form to see how Honorlock’s test proctoring software & services work

13 Features of the Best Online Proctoring Companies

Compare platform software and services of the best online proctoring companies

Comparing proctoring services and software?

Finding the best online proctoring company is difficult because each offers different platforms, features, and services. We’re here to help.
Click to jump to that section.

Here are the online proctoring platforms and services we’ll refer to:

Browser lockdown: entry-level exam monitoring software prevents use of other browsers and applications.

Live human proctoring: a proctor simultaneously monitors multiple test-takers in real-time.

Automated proctoring (AI proctoring): only uses AI software to monitor behavior.

Automated (AI) + live proctoring: AI software monitors behavior and alerts a human proctor if it detects potential academic dishonesty

13 things to look for in the best online proctoring services and software

1. Combines AI and humans to improve accuracy and the user experience

When you create a document in Microsoft Word, do you accept every grammar suggestion without reviewing it first? Hopefully not.

And after you proofread and make some suggested changes, you may use assistive writing software, like Grammarly, to double-check your work.

Why do we do this? Because even though AI is powerful, it isn’t perfect, and humans make mistakes. We use AI in many ways but still review it because there are nuances that need human oversight. This everyday example highlights the value of AI and humans working together.

It’s the same situation for online exam proctoring. AI exam monitoring software and human proctors are independently good at certain things, but they’re more effective when combined.

Consider this scenario: You’re a remote proctor responsible for monitoring a dozen test-takers at once. It’d be easy to miss things, right?

But what if the AI monitors test takers’ behavior and alerts a proctor if it detects any problems? And then they can review the situation one-to-one instead of one-to-a dozen before intervening?

The best online proctoring service does that. This approach creates a better testing environment with fewer distractions and improves proctoring accuracy.

2. Detects cell phones and other devices

Most people have cellphones or other devices, which is why you need to find online proctoring that can detect when they’re being used to look up answers.

In addition to detecting cell phones, the online proctoring software should detect device sharing apps like Apple Handoff.

3. Blocks ChatGPT and other AI tools

If you’re looking to stop AI tools like ChatGPT and Transcript browser extension, you’ll need a lot more than browser lockdown software and a plagiarism checker.

A browser lock is a good start, but what if a test taker has a cell phone? And plagiarism checkers are ineffective at detecting AI generated content.

To stop ChatGPT and other AI, you need a comprehensive proctoring solution with a variety of tools such as: cell phone detection, video monitoring, voice detection (not sound detection), and a blend of AI with live proctoring.

4. Flat-rate pricing helps avoid variable costs

Variable costs can add up quickly depending on the proctoring company’s pricing model.

Consider this scenario: You’re using an online proctoring company that charges per hour.

You budgeted for 500 hours of exam proctoring, but the exams take longer than expected, and you’re billed for 650 hours.

How much extra would that cost you? Whether it’s $10 or $10,000, it’s too much.

To help protect your bottom line and estimate testing costs, find an online proctoring company with a flat rate cost per exam or test-taker.

5. The proctored exam software is easy to use and does everything you need

If you invest in online proctored exam software, make sure it gets used. Clunky software can create a bad user experience that ultimately decreases adoption and requires more time for training.

Ease of use doesn’t mean less functionality. The best test proctoring software makes it easy to use advanced, customizable proctoring features in just a few clicks – even for the least tech-savvy people.

6. Automatically identifies leaked test questions

Unfortunately, it’s common to find leaked test questions on the internet. It’s a frustrating aspect of online learning that puts your tests and reputation at risk.

“If all of our quizzes are out there on the internet where anyone can look up the answers, what kind of quality is that degree?”– Cody Moyer, Director of Learning Technology, Polk State College

But you have a few options to search for your leaked test content:

Option 1: Individually entering your test questions into an internet search tool and reviewing all of the results.

Option 2: Manually selecting each test question to be searched for by the proctoring software and sending individual takedown requests if any are found.

Option 3: Enabling the online proctoring platform to automatically search the internet for all of your test questions and sending takedown requests with a single click.

Which option sounds best? Option 3 because it’s efficient and effective.
That’s the difference between using the best proctoring software to find leaked test content versus software that checks the box.

7. Proctored exams and support are available 24/7/365

People have busy lives and need the flexibility to take exams and get live support 24/7/365.

“Having access to customer support 24/7/365 is huge. Especially when students may be taking exams at any time of day. You want them to have access to someone who can troubleshoot with them.” – Daphnee St. Val, Senior Instructional Designer, Broward College
Read about Daphnee’s experience with proctoring

Support questions to ask online proctoring companies:

8. Proctoring settings are customizable

With some remote proctoring platforms, you’re stuck with out-of-the-box settings, whether you want to use them or not.

The inability to disable specific features of the proctored exam platform limits customization and can negatively impact the exam experience. The best proctoring platforms allow test admins to pick and choose which features to enable or disable in a few clicks.

“Instructors like how they can set different parameters in the exams. It’s a better experience for the students because instructors can be very specific.” – Paula Rodriguez, Former Director of the University Testing Center, Colorado State University.
Read about Paula’s experience with proctoring

The best proctoring services also allow admins to give instructions that provide accommodations, such as bathroom breaks, extended exam times, alternative assessment activities, and assistive devices.

9. Protects various assessment formats

Most remote proctoring companies offer at least one way to protect traditional test questions, like multiple-choice and true-or-false. But what about proctoring alternative assessment activities, sometimes called authentic assessments, like live virtual presentations or preparing balance sheets in Excel?

Browser lockdown software isn’t nearly enough. AI-only won’t cut it, and live proctoring-only could be a scheduling disaster and lead to variable costs. The most effective way to protect alternative assessments is to combine customizable remote proctoring software with live human review.

Test admins should be able to choose which proctoring features to use and provide the live proctor with detailed instructions and test rules for further customization that cover the many nuances of alternative assessments.

How to use remote proctoring tools in online alternative assessments:

Example alternative assessment activity: giving virtual presentations

  • Video: scans the room for additional people and unauthorized resources, verifies identity, and records the presentation.
  • Voice detection: detects when the person speaks and provides a transcript of what they say.
  • Accommodations: if a person has a speech impairment, for example, proctor instructions can offer alternative ways to complete the presentation, like using text-to-speech assistive technology.

Example alternative assessment activity: completing a balance sheet in Excel

  • BrowserGuard: allows the use of Excel but restricts other software, records screens, and prevents keyboard shortcuts.
  • Video: verifies ID and ensures prohibited resources, like notes, aren’t in the test room.
  • Accommodations: if the person has a physical condition that impairs the ability to type or use a mouse, proctor instructions can allow them to use an assistive keyboard and mouse.

10. The platform directly integrates with your LMS

A proctoring platform that directly integrates with your learning management system can speed up implementation, improve ease of use, secure data, and it usually means that no extra passwords or logins are required.

“You want an integrated system. You don’t want faculty and students to have separate sign-ons. That was important for us.” – Steven Daniello, Director of Assessment Services, Indian River State College
Read about Steven’s experience with proctoring

11. Uses voice detection instead of sound detection

The terms “voice detection” and “sound detection” are interchangeably used, but they’re significantly different.

Which do you think is more likely to create a false flag? While voice detection is a powerful tool, the best remote proctoring service takes it a step further by creating a transcript of what’s said by the test-taker.

12. Reports and recordings give actionable insights and help streamline the review process

The solution should provide exam reports with timestamped recordings within the LMS to help speed up review and give admins better test performance insights.

“I felt that I couldn’t trust my test scores… The analytics that come with the flags and real-time recording helped me to understand how students were approaching the course and what strategies they were using to pass the test. Honorlock helped me make sense of what was going on.” – Ryan P. Mears, PhD, Lecturer, University of Florida
Read about Ryan’s experience with proctoring

13. Online proctoring companies should take a security-first approach

From security software and technologies to ongoing training and employee onboarding, thoroughly vet the security practices of online proctoring companies because their security becomes your security.

Ask these questions about security of the proctoring platform and company itself:

Security testing and employee training

  • Does the company perform regular security testing of the proctoring platform?
  • Is ongoing employee security training required?
  • If so, how often is it conducted and what does the training entail?
  • Does the proctoring company have an incident response plan?
  • If so, how often do they practice the plan?
  • Do they have a Disaster Recovery Plan and Business Continuity Plan?

Data security and privacy

Tip: Review the proctoring company’s privacy policy, which should be publicly available

What’s the best proctoring software and service?

Honorlock is the highest-rated online proctoring software on the peer-to-peer review site, G2. Honorlock earned this score thanks to its ease of use, quality of support, and simple setup.

What is Honorlock?

Honorlock offers a hybrid proctoring solution combines advanced software and services to protect the integrity of online exams for higher education and professional education.

Direct quotes from Honorlock reviews on G2, a peer-to-peer software evaluation site.

Get in touch to see how Honorlock works

How to Write an RFP for Online Proctoring Services

Download the online proctoring services RFP template to save time and find the right solution.

Creating a Request for Proposal (RFP) for online proctoring services can be daunting. Where do you start? Who’s involved? What questions should you ask? How do you create scoring criteria?

But don’t worry, this article details how to write an RFP for online proctoring services and you can save time by downloading a prewritten, customizable plug-and-play RFP template as a Word Doc or PDF.

How does the template work? It’s a fully customizable, plug-and-play template. We show you where to plugin your information (important deadlines, school name, number of students, etc.) and you can add, remove, and edit any questions and sections within the RFP.

Click the buttons below to skip ahead to each section
What is an RFP?
A Request for Proposal (RFP) is a document used to gather formal responses from vendors that offer specific products and services. RFPs provide the responding vendors with the project’s scope and goals, mandatory requirements, evaluation criteria, contract terms, and timeline.

Planning your online proctoring RFP

Better planning can help get the best responses

Determine who should be involved in the RFP process

Some institutions involve many different departmental stakeholders throughout the online proctoring RFP process, while others only include a few individuals. Determine who needs to be involved and what their expertise brings to the RFP creation and evaluation process.

When it comes to procuring online proctoring services, individual stakeholders may include instructors, directors of online learning, instructional designers, LMS administrators, testing center staff, IT, and security.

Decide what your make-or-break proctoring requirements are

With any RFP, you’ll have features, functionalities, and services that are mandatory, while others are nice to have. This will help save time during the creation process and will hopefully eliminate responses from online proctoring companies that don’t meet your requirements.

For example:

Create a comprehensive list of requirements and questions

This is where the bulk of the work begins for those involved. Your team will create a full list of requirements and questions for the online proctoring companies.

Organize the requirements and questions into specific sections

Once your team compiles a list of all the requirements and questions, break them into specific sections such as proctoring features and functionality, data security, support services, implementation, references, and pricing.

Create scoring criteria for the RFP

Explain how your team will evaluate responses and select a winner.

Scoring may be subjective, such as the team reading written responses and grading them on a scale of 1 – 10. Scoring can also be very objective, such as using a list of requirements with yes or no answers and simply adding up the scores in each column.

Some use weighted scoring where each category is worth a percentage of the total score. For example:

Regardless of your approach, make sure the online proctoring vendors have a clear idea of your scoring process.

Develop a timeline

Create a realistic timeline that accounts for every step of the evaluation process. Your timeline should provide proctoring companies and your institution with adequate time to review, ask questions, and develop appropriate responses.

Provide the dates and times for:

Creating an RFP introduction

This is where you need to consider what information the responding vendors need to provide the best responses. Explains the expectations and goals of implementing online proctoring software and what type of information you want in the RFP responses.

Provide important information to the proctoring vendors

Create detailed response instructions

Having uniform RFP responses makes it easier to review, so give exact details of how you want responses provided. This can include things like:

Vendor information

This section can be as concise or in-depth as you’d like. But the main goal is to get any information you need up front. This section can help vendors set the tone for what the institution can expect in the remainder of the RFP for proctoring services.

This can include things like an overview of features and benefits, security posture, key differentiators, recent achievements, similar customer institutions, and company history and information.

Be sure to include your own MSA or request the standard MSA from the proctoring vendor. You should also ask if and how redlining should be provided.

Online proctoring features and functionality requirements

Types of online proctoring

What type of online proctoring does the vendor offer?

Determine which type of online proctoring software and services your institution needs.

comparison chart of different types of online proctoring

How will the online proctoring solution be used?

Each online proctoring solution has pros and cons, so it’s important to consider the number of students and assessments as well as the types of assessments.

For example, if your instructors plan to offer online authentic assessments, you’ll probably lean toward a solution that blends AI and live proctoring to cover all the nuances. In contrast, if instructors only want to prevent students from opening tabs, browser lockdown software is an option.

LMS integration

The LMS integration impacts virtually every aspect of the online proctoring experience. It’s the difference between a quick and easy implementation, or a clunky, frustrating experience.

Sound or voice detection

Make sure to differentiate smart voice detection from sound detection.

Generally speaking, each and every sound detected will be flagged by the proctoring software. In other words, unless the student is in a completely silent environment, any sound that’s detected can create a false flag, which creates a lengthy and frustrating review process for instructors.
That’s why it’s important to implement proctoring software with the voice detection described above rather than sounds. Ask the following questions:

Test content protection

Homework help sites make it easy for students to find and share test questions and answers. The proctoring technology should be able to identify when the instructors’ test questions are leaked on the internet.

A bonus is if the software allows the instructor to actually take action by removing the content and/or updating their test questions.

Third-party test proctoring

Make sure that the proctoring software can proctor exams on third-party testing platforms such as McGraw-Hill, MyMathLab, and Pearson.

Ask how the proctoring software works with the third-party platforms to make sure that it isn’t a clunky experience for instructors and students.

Some proctoring software makes it simple to proctor third-party exams; it’s just like proctoring within the LMS, just a step or two more). In a few clicks, instructors can set up proctoring and students can launch the exam.

Cell phone detection

This is especially important because most students have a cell phone or another device that they can potentially use during the exam to look up test answers.

ID verification process

The ID verification process can seem straightforward, but you need to understand how they’re verifying it, what personal information is collected, and how it’s stored. This is especially important to understand because some proctoring services don’t perform any AI checks against IDs; they only capture ID for review by a proctor or instructor, which means an even longer review process.

What’s the ID verification process like for students?

During the verification process, does the software use face recognition or face detection?

These terms are often used interchangeably, but they’re vastly different.

Browser guard

A browser guard, sometimes called browser lockdown software, is a pretty standard proctoring feature, but you should still ask how it works and what its limitations are. Keep in mind that browser lockdown software only protects one small aspect of potential academic misconduct.

Reports and recordings

You want to make sure that reports and recordings are easy to understand and quick to review.

Ask what student behavior is flagged and included in the reports and how instructors will actually access the reports. Ideally, instructors can review reports and export them without leaving the LMS.

You should also ask if the recordings are timestamped. Timestamps of important student activities are crucial for streamlining the video review process for instructors.


There’s a lot to consider with the accessibility of any software, and it’s the difference between having the ability to learn or being left out. Each aspect, no matter how small, makes a huge difference that can make or break the learning experience for some.

While web accessibility is a massive undertaking, we’ll provide key points to consider in this section and a full list of questions in the downloadable RFP template.

Accessibility standards

The proctoring software should be fully ADA accessible, compliant with Section 508, and developed to conform to WCAG 2.0 level AA guidelines.

Development process and testing tools

Look for an online proctoring service that accounts for accessibility in their design process from start to finish. And be sure to ask what accessibility testing tools they use as part of this process.

Support and integration with other assistive technologies

What assistive technologies does it work with? e.g., screen readers, alternative keyboards, graphic organizers, etc.

Accommodations for students

Does the proctoring service allow instructors to provide accommodations for specific students, such as bathroom breaks, specific assistive devices, and extended time limits? Accommodations like these are crucial for some students to successfully complete their online exams.


Ask for the Voluntary Product Accessibility Template, which provides a standardized reporting format for product accessibility conformance.

Data security RFP information

Data security is one of the most important aspects for instructors, institutions, and students using online proctoring software and services. Keep in mind that their security becomes your security.

There’s a lot of information to cover in this section, but we’ll summarize it here and you can a full list of online proctoring security questions in the RFP template that you can download.

Data security and privacy

Data security software and technologies
Disaster planning and response

Security maturity and employee training

Proctoring services for support, implementation, and training

Features and functionality of proctoring software are great, but support, implementation, and training are equally important to your overall success.


Customer success


Implementation and training

Ultimately, you need to ensure that implementation is quick and easy and that your faculty are trained and confident.


If possible, you’ll want to ask for customer references that are similar to your institution’s type, size, and offerings.

Online proctoring pricing

Look for an appropriate pricing model that fits your needs so that you can accurately predict and anticipate testing costs. Does the company provide flat rate pricing? If not, consider the variable costs associates for different services.

Ask for comprehensive pricing options based on the proctoring service’s various offerings and ask for anticipated additional fees based on your RFP requirements.

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