As more universities and colleges are using remote learning and online exams, the need for online proctoring is increasingly important. But what are the key benefits of online proctoring and why is it important to institutions, faculty, and students?
Top 10 benefits of online proctoring
- Verifies student ID
- Online proctored exams are easy to set up and customize
- Proctored testing features prevent and deter cheating
- Proctoring creates a fair online test environment for students
- Detailed reporting provides insight into learner behavior and patterns
- Online proctoring works for a variety of exam types
- Proctoring software is accessible and allows accommodations
- Proctored testing removes administrative burden on test centers
- Students can schedule online exams 24/7/365
- Affordably scales to your institution’s needs
A deeper look into the top benefits of online exam proctoring
1. Online proctoring software verifies student ID
Did you know that some educational programs are required by law to verify student ID?
While some are required by law, it’s safe to say that all institutions want to ensure that the student taking the online exam is the same student enrolled in the course. To verify their ID, students simply launch the online exam and the online proctoring solution will capture the content on the student’s ID along with their photo, so you can be sure that the student taking the remote exam is the student getting credit.
2. Proctored exams are easy to set up and customize
Setting up a proctored exam can be quick and simple for instructors. With a complete online proctoring solution, instructors can enable online proctoring in three steps:
- Create the exam in the LMS as you normally would
- Enable online proctoring and choose the features you’d like to use
- Review the results
Customizing the proctored exam features is easy because the proctoring solution should integrate with your existing remote learning platform. This allows you to pick and choose which remote proctoring features you’d like to use, such as webcam, disable printing, record screen, browser lock, room scan, and more.
3. Proctored testing features prevent and deter cheating
One of the benefits of online proctoring is that these services tackle academic dishonesty in a variety of ways using common features and select features that are more advanced.
Common proctored testing features to prevent cheating
- ID verification
- Video monitoring and sound detection
- Browser lockdown software
- Allowed URL sites and applications
Some online proctoring services go beyond common online proctoring methods with advanced features such as:
- Cell phone detection: Nearly all students have access to a cell phone or secondary device. This proctoring technology can detect the attempted use of cell phones and other devices.
- Live Pop-In: This proctoring feature combines the benefits of AI proctoring and live human proctoring. Live Pop-In uses AI proctoring software to monitor students during the online exam and prompts a live remote proctor to join a student’s exam session in real-time if it detects potential academic dishonesty. Combining AI proctoring and live human proctoring aims to provide a less intimidating and non-invasive testing experience for students.
- Exam content protection: It’s frustrating for instructors to find their test questions on unauthorized websites, such as Chegg and Quizlet. This proctoring feature searches the internet for unauthorized sharing of test questions. Some proctoring solutions will also submit a DMCA takedown notice on your behalf to request that the test content be removed.
- Meaningful voice detection: Sound detection and monitoring is a common test proctoring feature, but often results in an abundance of false flags. Meaningful voice detection listens for specific keywords or phrases, such as “Hey Siri” or “OK Google,” to identify students who may be attempting academic dishonesty and alerts a live remote proctor in real-time to pop into the online test session to intervene and help redirect the student. This feature can save instructors time by reducing the number of false flags to review and allows students to read questions out loud without being inappropriately flagged.
4. Proctoring online exams creates a fair testing environment for all students
The proctored online exam benefits and features mentioned above are meant to create a fair testing environment for all students. By preventing and deterring academic dishonesty, students know that the value of their education will remain strong and institutions protect their reputation.
5. Detailed reporting helps faculty understand student test-taking behavior
In-depth reporting provided by proctoring solutions can give instructors a wealth of information about test-taking behavior by identifying patterns and understanding how students engage with online exams. This data can be used to improve online exams and drive toward better student outcomes.
“Honorlock was more than a tool to guard or block students from using inappropriate information. It was also a means to detect and determine many different ways that students approach the exams. Because of access to the wealth of data/information through Honorlock, I became better able to utilize it.”
Download a free customizable RFP template for online proctoring6. Online proctoring works for a variety of exam types
Exams come in many forms such as in-person, online, and paper-based. Online proctoring can be used for each.
As an example, how can you successfully proctor an online, paper-based STEM exam? The good news is that with a few simple steps, paper-based exams can be proctored much like a “regular” online exam through the LMS or other testing platform.
Tips for online proctoring paper-based exams:
- Provide the remote proctor with specific instructions and expectations for student behavior
- Specify resources and objects that students can use, such as pens, paper, and designated textbooks.
- Prepare a list of exam settings
- Develop a comprehensive list of online exam settings to use or share with other faculty members. This removes any confusion and ensures the proctoring tool is used to its fullest capacity.
- Offer reasonable exam time limits
- Students should have ample time to complete the proctored online exam but it’s recommended that instructors don’t release exam results until all students have completed the exam to prevent knowledge sharing or exam content.
7. Proctoring software is accessible and allows accommodations
Any technology used in education should be accessible; whether it’s online proctoring or laptops and keyboards. The online proctoring solution should be accessible for all students and integrate with your existing LMS. Additionally, the proctoring solution should provide instructors with the ability to provide accommodations. Accommodations in an online test can mean extending time limits and adjusting due dates or allowing bathroom breaks.
8. Proctored testing removes administrative burden on test centers
Campus testing centers are adopting online proctoring services because of the significant benefits it provides. Online proctoring provides all the benefits of in-person proctoring and more. By combining AI proctoring and live proctoring, testing centers can eliminate the need for in-person proctors which makes scheduling easier and can reduce costs.
9. Online proctoring software provides flexible exam scheduling
One of the biggest benefits of online proctoring is that it removes many of the scheduling hassles associated with online exams. With proctoring services that combine automated proctoring and live proctoring, students can schedule their online exam at a time that works for their busy schedules, 24/7/365.
10. Remote proctoring affordably scales to your institution’s needs
Universities and colleges face a major challenge with expanding education programs without sacrificing academic integrity. Online proctoring services need to be easy to use and flexible for students and instructors, secure and reliable for administrators, and provide cost-effective scalability for decision-makers.
As you grow your online programs, you need cost-effective online test proctoring. Online proctoring services that charge a flat rate per online exam or per student protect your bottom line and help you accurately estimate testing costs.
Online proctoring is a resource for student and institutional success
Online proctoring isn’t simply a way to catch cheaters – it’s a resource for students, faculty, and institutions. Proctored testing features ultimately drive toward the goal of providing a fair testing environment to improve student outcomes.
Read our 5-Part guide to comparing online proctoring services, which provides information on functionality, implementation, support, cost structure, and specific questions you should ask proctoring companies as you evaluate.
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