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How to Prevent the Use of AI Tools During Exams



AI tools like ChatGPT and Transcript are changing the landscape of higher ed and professional education by helping learners generate high-quality content and answer exam questions without truly understanding the material. They’re evolving daily, and plagiarism detection tools can only hope to play catch-up someday.

AI tools aren’t just a trend. Educators need to be ready for what’s next. But how can you stop them from being used?

Here’s what you’ll learn:

How AI tools work & what makes them human

  • See how AI tools work & what they can do (hint: it’s a lot more than writing essays)
  • Where do they get their information? Do they plagiarize?
  • What makes ChatGPT so human?

Plagiarism checkers vs. ChatGPT

  • We put ChatGPT to the test against 10 commonly used plagiarism checkers 
  • See how small changes to the instructions given to ChatGPT significantly reduce the ability to detect plagiarism

Outsmarting AI: Exam tips & technology to beat AI tools

  • Practical tips for crafting exam questions that make AI tools less effective
  • Software that can prevent the use of ChatGPT, Transcript browser extension, and other AI tools during online exams and assignments

Webinar speakers

Jordan Adair

VP of Product – Honorlock