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Protecting Integrity & Improving Student Outcomes

Ever get the feeling that students’ exam scores are too good to be true… but you don’t have proof they’re cheating? You aren’t alone.

But you won’t know for sure unless you have the right data and tools.

Without those, bell curves can start to look like ski slopes, which is what an R1 university professor experienced before using Honorlock’s online proctoring platform. He knew cheating was probably happening, but he didn’t have proof… yet. So, he took action and began using Honorlock’s online proctoring software on the next two assessments.

And guess what? No more ski slopes. Grades immediately normalized because academic integrity was protected throughout Now at the start of each semester, he informs students that exams will be proctored by Honorlock to establish a healthy learning environment. When you create a fair testing environment that improves student outcomes and protects integrity, everyone wins.

Want to learn more about Honorlock?

See our proctoring software features & how they work

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