The higher education landscape has undergone significant changes in response to the impact of the pandemic. As a result, institutions have had to adopt flexible assessment solutions to meet student demand to keep online learning. These new technology solutions can sometimes contribute to heightened student anxiety stemming from security and data privacy concerns.
Join Sara Rieder Bennett, Ph.D., Director of Testing and Licensed Psychologist at The University of Akron, and Paul Morales, VP of Information Security and Technology at Honorlock, where they will discuss:
- The state of student anxiety in today’s academic climate
- How the University of Akron implemented best practices to manage student test anxiety
- How to vet technology partners that support student privacy and data security

Paul Morales
Paul MoralesSVP Information Security
Paul Morales leads Honorlock’s software and operations technology initiatives with a “security-first” approach. Paul believes that Information Security and Privacy are of the utmost importance in both professional and personal environments. Paul is a member of the South Florida CIO Council, Society for Information Management, Association of Test Publishers ATP, and NCTA/ATP technical working group (TWG) for the development of joint standards for the online proctoring of computer-based tests. Paul has held numerous certifications in the past including SSCP, CCNA, MCSE, Network +, Security + and has a Bachelor’s degree in Management information systems and Information security management.

Sara Rieder Bennett, Ph.D.
Sara Rieder Bennett, Ph.D.Director of Testing and Licensed Psychologist at University of Akron
Sara Rieder Bennett is the Director of Testing and a Licensed Psychologist at the University of Akron, where she has worked for the past 10 years. Dr. Rieder Bennett received her doctorate in Counseling Psychology from UA in 2009, and has worked in a variety of university and community agencies. In her current role at UA, she provides mental health services including psychological assessment for disability evaluations. She is grateful to work with some of the best testing professionals in her supervision of testing units at UA. She is Co-Chair of the Faculty Senate Accessibility Committee, and a member of the Placement Testing Committee at UA. Dr. Rieder Bennett is a member of NCTA and the Great Lakes College Testing Association. She has volunteered with both organizations in a number of capacities, including contributing to Proctoring Best Practices (Association of Test Publishers and NCTA, 2015), Co-Chairing the Proctor Certification Committee with Dr. Cindy James, and is the President-Elect of NCTA.